النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 2:
Steps to get rid of boredom Stsepk Balandhash; for simplicity and ease of application, and all I will do these steps that bring you closer to understand the goal that created for him: «worship God, and reconstruction of the earth».
1. Find out why you feel bored, if the reason is you have to work himself repeatedly , add to it some new things, or do differently.
- For example, domestic work being done by the housewife can be fun if I listened to him during their performance to some audio tapes that carry interesting information, or carried out by a sports movements; it becomes the goal is doing household chores, in addition to maintaining body fitness.
- If boredom because of laziness, it becomes the proficiency of sleep, and live a healthy organization's life.
- If boredom because of the fear of doing a number of the many backlog, do divide the business into simple steps and objectives.
- If boredom because there is not what you do, Fmars some sports first; it will help you to think properly, and you'll find what you are doing, or speaking with a close friend about what is bothering you, mere talk could open the front doors closed.
2. Do not stray from the social life , Integration with the outside world is important, and will not feel its importance only when they displace about you cover, dressed and go to meet a friend or up kin, or sit with the elderly .. tried to learn from all, and find out what may fill your life fun and wisdom.
3 Entertainment is important; but it is entertainment to the satisfaction of God of change and travel and banter and laughter, and all these things God has permitted us to help us to obey him; appetite is bright Almstbhrh be able to choose from the world over from disheartened and brings out, according to the most benefit, and find pleasure in achievement, and provide assistance to others.
4. properly deal with time; for this you first need to feel its importance; but God and praise for this blessing, which she knew exploited properly won in this world and the hereafter.
5. meditation in the universe, when integrate ourselves with the world around us we discover What makes us pleasure and inspiration, and show us the opportunities that we did not know it already exists, and put our hands on citizen creativity within us.
6. is your thoughts change your life, Ideas control the behavior .. Set yourself targets make you feel alive, it is impossible to get bored and you seek to build your life and achieve your goals.
7. Use your imagination properly, try to paint a picture of yourself in the future be landmarks are aspiring to be it, The nice thing about fiction is that you can not put all your terms, and try all what you love experience.
8. Use Movement to combat boredom .. do some walking .. Write ten things you can do, and never in practice to overcome the feelings of surrender in you.
9. sparked curiosity inside you, the curiosity of knowledge and discovery, Ogz this curiosity reading and watching programs that reveal you to cover a lot of facts Scientific amazing, and traveled across time and across distances with trips and history programs, and make sure that the world is still by many who did not know or discover after.
10. discovered the teachings of your religion, as I tried to discover the world around you, and mastered Ebadatk; in this much debt, which did not study it in schools, and did not discover after, and then discovered the miracles in your creation, and participated around you as I discovered what I have learned.
11. learn modern technology, and offer you the services, and continued development of devices, Valle imaging may Trek a lot of the beauty of nature around you, and secrets It has not been discovered yet.
12. Think about what you love to do, and not as do not like .. mastered hobby or activity - especially those activities that need to be hand skills - and if mastered your hobby Flmha others, and encouraged them to get rid of boredom.
13. Avoid people Almji and who view the world through dark glasses .. tried to take into their own hands if you estimated; if you need to extend you a helping hand Stay away quietly, and deal with yourself first, then helped others.
14. March collective and individual sports, and I feel proud of your accomplishments .
15. Look for a second job temporarily increase your income, and take advantage of this additional income for the study of a new science, or buy what helps you to discover the world around you, or exercised by new hobbies.
16. enter the kitchen and make new meal for the family may mean a lot to you and to them , and with the progress of science and technology of cooking it became a note in itself, especially if taken in the search for healthy and beneficial food.
17. Contact old friends, tried to gather them a regular meeting Find out what they have accomplished, and spoke about the achievements.
18. Do not resort to eat to escape from boredom , although it has to be handled vegetables and fruits.
19. Always remember that boredom question who we cultivate in our minds, and we also can get rid of them, do not try to get rid of the boredom greater than the problem, Vnevsk if not operated by the right Cgletk vanities, do not wait for that something specific to happen, or that a particular person appears to take you back to life; but never in your practice of your life now, and fought boredom.>
most of us over the desire to get out of court life to sit on the runway, not with the fans, but with viewers who are watching the players without having any desire to Participation in the events of the pitch, this desire comes when one feels that he does not want to do what he has to do.
and how to deal with this feeling and this desire is that divide between successful people and others.
some points remind, which is proven from the other, and reported frequently in finding Motivation to do homework, even though starting to lose the desire for that:
1. If you feel no desire to do any activity listen to the call of your body; it may be in dire need of comfort, do not skimp him that comfort; even picking up, and eager to do what it do its activity.
2. If I felt no desire to work not suddenly leave it for a long time; instead of doing the work as a whole then a simple part of it; it makes you connected to work, and ring you from not wanting to work.
3. If you feel no desire to work Vamnh yourself a reward if you've done, and reward shape varies depending on your circumstances, you may be just a walk, or visit old friends.
4. If I felt no desire to work Farbt this work pleasure and not pain, for example, if I felt no desire to exercise or go to the doctor Periodic examination of this work Vaghern improvement in health or live properly; and not pain or practice examination.
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