مرحبا هذه الرساله الى الفيس بوك اتوسل اليكم اتوسل اليكم اغلقو هذا الكر ترجمة - مرحبا هذه الرساله الى الفيس بوك اتوسل اليكم اتوسل اليكم اغلقو هذا الكر الإنجليزية كيف أقول

مرحبا هذه الرساله الى الفيس بوك اتو

مرحبا هذه الرساله الى الفيس بوك اتوسل اليكم اتوسل اليكم اغلقو هذا الكروب فهذا الكروب يقومون بنشر صور اباحيه وبعد ذالك يقومون بمسح الصور وهم يقومون بنشر روابط جنسية اباحية وبعد ذالك يقومون بمسح الصور والروابط. اتوسل الى شركه الفيس بوك قومو باغلاق هذا الكروب. اصحاب الكروب اشرار وهم هاكرز محترفين وقد قامو بسرقة 156 بطاقة ائتمانية بطاقات بنكية. وقد قامو باختراق 468 حساب فيس بوك وقد قامو باختراق مواقع خاصة برجال اعمال .هذا الكروب يضم اشخاص من الدولة الاسلامية داعش وهم ينشرون صور قتل وذبح واختصاب .ارجوكم اتوسل اليكم كثيرأ قومو بغلق هذا الكروب اتوسل اليكم اتوسل اليكم كثيرأ الامر خطير جدأ انا اقسم انا لا اكذب .بعض الاشخاص حاولو اغلاق هذا الكروب لكن لم يستطيعو. هناك هاكرز حاولو اغلاق هذا الكروب الخطير ولم ينجح احد في ذالك اني اتوسل الف مره ارجوكم قومو بغلق هذا الكروب الشرير جدأ.وشكرأ لشركه الفيس بوك
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Hi this message to Facebook beg beg aghalko this stress, this stress who posted pornographic pictures and after that they erase the pictures they posted pornographic links and after that they scan the images and links. I beg to Facebook Inc. • close this stress. The vineyards owners villains and their professional hacker has bought stolen credit card bank cards, 156. Having bought penetrate 468 Facebook has bought hacked sites especially businessmen. the vines featuring people from Islamic State daash, they publish photos of killing and slaughtering wakhtsab. Please I beg you very much extraditing this MPA beg beg you very much a very dangerous command I swear I don't lie. "some people were trying to close this pain but no ysttiao. There is a hacker trying to close this serious pain and one did not succeed in this I beg a thousand times please extraditing this MPA villain too. and thanks to Facebook, Inc.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Hello this message to Facebook beg you, I beg you Aglqo this anguish, this anguish they publish pornographic images and after the piece they are doing scans images they publish links to pornographic sexual and after the piece they scan images and links. I beg to a company Facebook Qomo the closure of this cherub. They are the owners of the cherub evil hackers stealing professionals has been downloaded 156 credit card bank cards. The downloaded broke the 468 Facebook account has downloaded the breach of private business leaders sites. This cherub includes people from the Islamic state Daash They spread pictures were killed and slaughtered and Achtsab .arjokm I beg you very much Qomo to close this cherub, I beg you, I beg you so much it's very dangerous, I swear I do not lie. Some people Haolo close this cherub but not Asttiao. There Haolo hackers shut down this dangerous cherub, and no one succeeds in the piece, I beg a thousand times Qomo please, shut down this evil cherub Jdo.ohkuro Facebook for company
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Hello message to Facebook, I beg you to beg you to block off this anguish anguish is to spread their pornographic images and then they scan the photo they spread their links. Erotic, pornographic, and then they scanned the images and links.I beg to Yahoo and Facebook do to this crop. The owners of this group. They are professional hackers may have stolen the 156 credit cards, bank cards. They broke 468 Facebook account may have broke the men of business sites.This group includes people of the Islamic state Dash spreading picture was massacred Wakhtsab. Please, I beg you very much. - shut down this anguish I beg you please you very much. It's dangerous. I swear I do not lie.Some people tried to close down this anguish, but they can't control. There are hackers tried to close down this one serious distress did not succeed in that. I beg of thousand times please do close this bad croup company Wshkra Facebook too.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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