Lymphoblastic (lymphocytic leukemia) the cancerous change takes place  ترجمة - Lymphoblastic (lymphocytic leukemia) the cancerous change takes place  الإنجليزية كيف أقول

Lymphoblastic (lymphocytic leukemia

Lymphoblastic (lymphocytic leukemia)
the cancerous change takes place in a type of marrow cell that normally goes on to form lymphocytes.
Myeloid or myelojenous leukemia
the cancerous change takes place in a type of marrow cell that normally goes on to form red blood cells, some other types of white cells, and platelets.
-Patient become bruised bleed excessively, or develop pinprick bleeds (petechiae) due to lack of platelets.
-The patient’s immune system is unable to fight off a simple infection or start attacking other body cells as WBCs are suppressed or dysfunctional.
-Frequent infection, ranging from infected tonsils, sores in the mouth, or diarrhea to life-threatening pneumonia or oppontunistic infections.
-Finally, the red blood cell deficiency leads to anemia, which may cause dyspnea and pallor.
-Felling sick, such as having fevers, chills, night sweats and other flu- like symptoms, or feeling fatigued.
-Nausea or a feeling of fullness due to an enlarged liver and spleen; this can result in unintentional weight loss.
-Pain in the bones or joints
-Swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck or armpit.
- If the leukemic cells invads the central nervous system, then neurological symptoms (notably headaches) can occur.
*A1l symptoms associated with leukemia can be attributed to other diseases. So, leukemia is always diagnosed through medical tests
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
lymphoblastic (lymphocytic leukemia)
the cancerous change takes place in a type of marrow cell that normally goes on to form lymphocytes.
Myeloid or myelojenous leukemia
the cancerous change takes place in a type of marrow cell that normally goes on to form red blood cells, some other types of white cells, and platelets.
-patient become bruised bleed excessively,or develop pinprick bleeds (petechiae) due to lack of platelets.
-The patient's immune system is unable to fight off a simple infection or start attacking other body cells as wbcs are suppressed or dysfunctional.
-Frequent infection, ranging from infected tonsils, sores in the mouth, or diarrhea to life-threatening pneumonia or oppontunistic infections.
-Finally,the red blood cell deficiency leads to anemia, which may cause dyspnea and pallor.
-Felling sick, such as having fevers, chills, night sweats and other flu-like symptoms, or feeling fatigued.
-Nausea or a feeling of fullness due to an enlarged liver and spleen; this can result in unintentional weight loss.
-Pain in the bones or joints
-swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck or armpit.
- If the leukemic cells invads the central nervous system, then neurological symptoms (notably headaches) can occur.
* A1l symptoms associated with leukemia can be attributed to other diseases. so, leukemia is always diagnosed through medical tests
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Lymphoblastic (lymphocytic leukemia)
the cancerous change takes place in a type of marrow cell that normally goes on to form lymphocytes.
Myeloid or myelojenous leukemia
the cancerous change takes place in a type of marrow cell that normally goes on to form red blood cells, some other types of white cells, and platelets.
-Patient become bruised bleed excessively, or develop pinprick bleeds (petechiae) due to lack of platelets.
-The patient's immune system is unable to fight off a simple infection or start attacking other body cells as WBCs are suppressed or dysfunctional.
-Frequent infection, ranging from infected tonsils, sores in the mouth, or diarrhea to life-threatening pneumonia or oppontunistic infections.
-Finally, the red blood cell deficiency leads to anemia, which may cause dyspnea and pallor.
-Felling sick, such as having fevers, chills, night sweats and other flu- like symptoms, or feeling fatigued.
-Nausea or a feeling of fullness due to an enlarged liver and spleen; this can result in unintentional weight loss.
-Pain in the bones or joints
-Swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck or armpit.
- If the leukemic cells invads the central nervous system, then neurological symptoms (notably headaches) can occur.
*A1l symptoms associated with leukemia can be attributed to other diseases. So, leukemia is always diagnosed through medical tests
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
lymphoblastic (lymphocytic leukemia)
The cancerous change takes place in a type of marrow cell that normally goes on to form lymphocytes.
myeloid leukemia or myelojenous
The cancerous change takes place in a type of marrow cell that normally goes on to form red blood cells, some other types of white cells, and platelets.
-patient become bruised bleed excessively.or develop pinprick bleeds (petechiae) due to lack of platelets.
-the patient's immune system is unable to fight off a simple infection or start attacking other body cells as wbcs are suppressed or dysfunctional.
-frequent infection, ranging from infected tonsils, sores in the mouth, or diarrhea to life-threatening pneumonia or oppontunistic transmitted infection.
-Finally,The red blood cell deficiency leads to anemia, which may cause dyspnea and pallor.
-felling sick, such as having fevers, chills, night sweats and other flu symptoms.'s homes with increased resort, or feeling fatigued.
-nausea or a feeling of fullness due to an enlarged liver and spleen; this can standard length which in unintentional weight loss.
-pain in the bones or joints
-swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck area or armpit.
- if the leukemic cells invads the central nervous system, THENs neurological symptoms (notably headaches) can occur.
* A1L symptoms UNTV with leukemia can be attributed to other WHO online. So, leukemia is always diagnosed through medical tests
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