الشباب هم عماد كل أمة وسبيل نهضتها، وهم القوة البناءة في سِلْمِها، ووق ترجمة - الشباب هم عماد كل أمة وسبيل نهضتها، وهم القوة البناءة في سِلْمِها، ووق الإنجليزية كيف أقول

الشباب هم عماد كل أمة وسبيل نهضتها،

الشباب هم عماد كل أمة وسبيل نهضتها، وهم القوة البناءة في سِلْمِها، ووقود دفاعها عن نفسها، وهم الأمل كذلك. وفي مقابل ذلك هم الهدف الذي يصوِّب الأعداء سهام مكرهم للنيل منها. وأسلحتهم في ذلك ووسائلهم متعددة، وأهمها وأخطرها الإعلام، الذي تطور في هذا العصر بخطوات متسارعة مذهلة، وغدت وسائله - من صحافة وإذاعة وتلفاز وكتاب ومجلة ومسرح، وأخيراً "الإنترنت" - هي القوة المهيمنة على عقول وأفكار الناس عموماً، والشباب على وجه الخصوص.

ولم يكن الحديث عن "الإنترنت" لسنوات مضت بالقوة التي هو عليها اليوم. فقد بدا للكثيرين في حينه أن الأمر لا يعدو كونه ثورة سريعة، سرعان ما تخمد جذوتها، لتعود الحياة إلى مسارها الطبيعي المعتمد على الورقة والقلم.

وكانت فئة الشباب هي أكثر الفئات التي تفاعلت وتأثرت مع هذه الوسيلة الإعلامية الجديدة. فقد انتشرت شبكات "الإنترنت" في جميع بلدان العالم، بما فيها بلدان العالمين العربي والإسلامي.

والمتأمل في هذه الثورة المعلوماتية يجد أنه على الرغم مما حملته معها هذه الثورة من منافع ومصالح، حملت معها في الوقت نفسه مقداراً من المفاسد الاجتماعية والخُلقية والدينية، وخاصة على شريحة الشباب، وتحديداً الشباب العربي.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Young people are the mainstay of every nation and for its revival, and constructive force surrendered, and defending themselves, and they hope as well. In return they target that Siham their cunning enemies aiming to discredit them. Weapons and multiple means, notably the most serious media, which evolved in this era of rapid strides, and means-of the press, radio, tv, book and magazine, theater, and finally the Internet-is the dominant force on the minds and thoughts of people in General and young people in particular. And don't talk about "the Internet" for years by the force that it is today. It seemed to many at the time that it is only a quick revolution, quickly extinguished the fire, life returns to normal on pencil and paper.And they were young were more classes that interact with those affected by the new media. Spread Internet networks in all countries of the world, including the Arab and Islamic worlds.And the meditator in this information revolution finds that despite his campaign with this revolution of the benefits and interests, carry with it at the same time a social and moral evils of religious, especially on young people, particularly young people.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Young people are the backbone of every nation and for its renaissance, and are delivered in constructive, and fuel self-defense, and they hope as well as power. In return, they are the target of enemies arrows pointing a plot to discredit them. And their weapons in that multiple and their means, the most important and most dangerous of the media, which has evolved in this day and age at an accelerated pace amazing, and became its means - from the press, radio, television, book and magazine and theater, and finally the "Internet" - is dominant on the minds and thoughts of people generally force, and young people in particular. Did not not to talk about "the Internet" to force years ago, which is it today. It seemed to many at the time that it is nothing more than a quick revolution, soon subsided Jdhutha, to return life to normal track-based paper and pen. The young people are more groups that interacted with and affected by these new media outlet. "Internet" networks have spread in all countries of the world, including the Arab and Islamic worlds countries. Anyone who studies in this information revolution finds that, despite his campaign with this revolution of the benefits and interests, carried with it at the same time amount of social, moral and religious evil, especially on young people, specifically young Arabs.

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Young people are the backbone of every nation and of its development, and constructive force in Selmeha, and defending themselves, they hope to further. In return, they Yswaeb target enemies MLM arrows to get them.And their weapons in multiple ways, the most important and the most dangerous information, developed in this era have accelerated dramatically and the means of journalism, radio and television, book and magazine. And, finally, the Internet is the dominant force on the minds and thoughts of people.Young people in particular.

but not talk about "Internet" for years by force it is today. It seemed to many at the time that it was nothing more than a quick revolution, soon put out the fire, only to return back to normal life as pen and paper.

The young people are the groups most influenced which interacted with this new medium. The spread of Internet networks in all countries of the world, including the Arab and Muslim worlds.

Reflection in the informatics revolution finds that, despite his campaign with the interests and benefits, at the same time brought with it some social evils of morality religious, particularly among young people, particularly young people.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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