13) Lu & Tzeng (2002)[Lu & Tzeng 2002] tried to develop a scientific f ترجمة - 13) Lu & Tzeng (2002)[Lu & Tzeng 2002] tried to develop a scientific f الإنجليزية كيف أقول

13) Lu & Tzeng (2002)[Lu & Tzeng 20

13) Lu & Tzeng (2002)
[Lu & Tzeng 2002] tried to develop a scientific framework and computer-based decision support system for the risk assessment of construction projects
by proposing a multi-criteria framework for risk assessment. To deal with the
qualitative attributes in subjective judgment, the research employed Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine the weights of risk factors. Then, the
Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) approach was adopted
to synthesize the degree of risk of eachactivity. The research argued that the
proposed process enables decision makersto formalize and effectively solve
the complicated, multi-criteria and fuzzy/vague perception problem of project
risk assessment, and that it assists the project managersin making critical
decisions during the phase of project contracting and construction [p.7].
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
13) Lu & Tzeng (2002)[Lu & Tzeng 2002] tried to develop a scientific framework and computer-based decision support system for the risk assessment of construction projects by proposing a multi-criteria framework for risk assessment. To deal with the qualitative attributes in subjective judgment, the research employed Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine the weights of risk factors. Then, the Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) approach was adopted to synthesize the degree of risk of eachactivity. The research argued that the proposed process enables decision makersto formalize and effectively solve the complicated, multi-criteria and fuzzy/vague perception problem of project risk assessment, and that it assists the project managersin making critical decisions during the phase of project contracting and construction [p.7].
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
13) Lu & Tzeng (2002)
[Lu & Tzeng 2002] tried to Develop a scientific framework and computer-based versions Decision support system for the risk assessment of construction projects
by vBulletin® a proposing a multi-criteria framework for risk assessment. With the Ask Question To
qualitative attributes in Subjective judgment, the research employed Analytic
Hierarchy the Process (AHP) to Determine the weights of risk Factors. Then, the
Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) has adopted approach was
to synthesize the degree of risk of Eachactivity. The research Argued That the
Proposed process enables Decision Makersto Formalize and Effectively Solve
the complicated, a multi-criteria and fuzzy / vague perception problem of project
risk assessment, and That it Assists the project Managersin making Critical
decisions During the phase of project contracting and construction [ p.7].
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
13) Lu & Tzeng (2002)Lu & Tzeng [2002] tried to develop a scientific framework and computer-based decision support system for the risk assessment of construction projectsBy proposing a multi-criteria framework for risk assessment. To deal with theQualitative attributes in subjective judgment, the research employed AnalyticHierarchy Process (AHP) to determine the weights of risk factors. Then, theFuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) approach was adoptedTo synthesize the degree of risk of eachactivity. The research argued that theProposed process enables decision makersto formalize and effectively solveThe complicated, multi-criteria and Fuzzy / vague perception problem of projectRisk assessment, and that it assists the project managersin making criticalDecisions during the phase of project contracting and construction p.7].
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
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