الكثير من الناس يسعون فى انقاص الوزن للحصول على قوام ممشوق ورفيع والكث ترجمة - الكثير من الناس يسعون فى انقاص الوزن للحصول على قوام ممشوق ورفيع والكث الإنجليزية كيف أقول

الكثير من الناس يسعون فى انقاص الوز

الكثير من الناس يسعون فى انقاص الوزن للحصول على قوام ممشوق ورفيع والكثير ايضا يفشلون فى اتباع نظام غذائى ولكن لتكونى اكثر اقتناعاُ لانقاص الوزن عليك اتباع نظام غذائي صحى ومن تلك الاسباب لتتمسكين بإنقاص الوزن :
1- الوقايه من الامراض : فهناك علاقه بين انقاص الوزن وبين المشاكل الصحيه فكلما زاد الوزن وزادت نسبه الدهون زادت نسبه الاصابه بالامراض كالاصابه بامراض كالقلب والسرطان وامراض الشيخوخه  فعليك دائما التفكير فى التخلص من الوزن الزائد سريعا لحماية القلب من اى امراض ويجب ايضا البدء فى ذلك عن طريق تناول الخطروات والفواكه . كما ان هناك علاقه متوازيه بين زيادة الوزن والاصابه بامراض السرطان ، وذلك لأنه كلما كان جسمك يعاني من تراكم الدهون به، قام بإنتاج الاستروجين وهو الهرمون المسئول  بشكل مباشر بتكون الخلايا السرطانية في الثدي.وكما أن كلما حافظت على اتباع النظام الصحى كلما قلت نسبة الاصابه بامراض الشخوخه كالزهايمر والخرف وحتى تتجنب ذلك يجب المحافظه على انقاص الوزن الزائد .
2- توفير الكثير من الاموال : ربما يكون الحرص على تناول الاطعمه السريعه سواء اذا كانت التكلفه الا انها هناك ،نسبة الاصابه بزياده الوزن كبيره جدا كما ان تدفعين الكثير من الاموال !
وذلك من خلال حساب المصاريف المدفوعة في تناول الوجبات السريعة والأطعمة ذات السعرات الحرارية ودفع فواتير الأطباء والأدوية، مقابل ما تدفعينه لشراء الأطعمة العضوية سوف تجدين بالفعل أن المقارنة في صالح الطعام الصحي.
لهذا استثمري في ذاتك وابدئي في تناول الأطعمة بدون اى مواد حافظه .
3- المزاج : فان هناك دراسات علميه ان اكثر النساء معرضين للاكتئاب بسبب زيادة الوزن ،
فممارسة التمارين الرياضية بشكل منتظم وأيضا اتباع نظام غذائي لإنقاص الوزن الزائد، يساعدان بشكل أكيد في تحسن الحالة المزاجية وتقليل فرص الإصابة بالاكتئاب.
4- الاستمتاع بالرياضه : من اهم الأسباب التي تحفز على خسارة الوزن الزائد دون تردد، او الاستمتاع بممارسة التمارين الرياضية، فالاستمتاع وليس مجرد ممارسة الرياضية حتى خسارة الوزن الزائد أو لشد الترهلات ومن ثم التوقف عن المواظبة.
تكمن الفكرة في أنك عندما تمارسين التمارين الرياضية وأنت تعانين من وزن زائد، تشعرين غالبا بالتعب سريعا والملل وبأن أداء تلك المهمة ما هو إلا لفترة محددة تنتهي بمجرد حصولك على الوزن المثالي، في حين ما لا تدركينه أنك بالفعل عندما تمارسين التمارين الرياضية وتخسرين وزنك الزائد، مع استمرارية الممارسة مع الوزن المثالي يضمن لك الشعور بمتعة من نوع خاص.
عليك أيضا أن تنتبهي جيدا لنظامك الغذائي المتبع، فعليك المواظبة على تناول النظام الغذائي الصحي حتى بعد خسارة الوزن الزائد، لا تجعلي اتباع الطرق السليمة التي ترتقي بصحتك مجرد وسيلة لخسارة الوزن سوف تتخلي عنها مع حصولك على الوزن الزائد، فالهدف هو التعود على أسلوب حياة صحي وليس خسارة الوزن بمفهومها القاصر فقط
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Many people seek in weight for strength is lean and thin, many also fail at dieting but to be more convinced to lose weight you have to eat a healthy diet and those reasons will uphold the weight:1. Prevention of diseases: there is a relationship between weight and health problems, the greater the weight and percentage of fat increased incidence of diseases kalasabh diseases such as heart disease and cancer and Geriatrics, you always think of getting rid of excess weight quickly to protect the heart from any diseases and you must also start by eating fruit and alkhtroat. There is also a parallel relationship between overweight and cancer, so that whenever your body suffering from fat accumulation, the production of estrogen, a hormone responsible directly to be cancer cells in the breast. and whenever they kept pursuing the health system the lower the incidence of diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia alshkhokhh and so it must maintain weight overload.2. save a lot of money: perhaps ensure fast foods whether cost but it is there, the incidence of overweight is too large as that with a lot of money!Through expense paid to eat fast food calorie foods and medicines and doctors bills, versus what you push him to buy organic foods will find that comparison in favour of healthy eating.This invest in yourself and start eating foods without any preservatives.3. mood: there are scientific studies that more women vulnerable to depression because of the weight gain,They exercise regularly and also diet to lose weight, help decisively improve mood and reduce the chances of depression.4. enjoy sports: one of the most important reasons that induce weight loss without hesitation, or enjoy a workout, you can enjoy not just the practice of sports, even lose weight or tightening contouring and then stop attending.The idea is that when you live a aerobics and you suffer from overweight, often feel tired and bored quickly and to perform that task is only for a specific period ends once you get the ideal weight, while what you perceive him not you already live exercise and lose weight, with the continuity of practice with the ideal weight you are guaranteed a sense of fun.You should also pay attention carefully to your diet, you should always eat a healthy diet even after losing weight, don't let sound methods that promote your health just means losing weight will give them with the extra weight, the goal is to get a healthy lifestyle rather than weight loss with only minor concept
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
A lot of people are trying to lose weight for strength svelte and thin and many also fail in dieting but you be more convinced to lose weight you have to follow a healthy diet and that the reasons for Taatmiskin weight loss:
1. disease prevention: There is a relationship between weight loss and the problems Health The more weight, the proportion of fat increased morbidity Kasabh such as the heart disease, cancer and geriatrics you always thinking of disposing of excess weight quickly to protect the heart from any diseases and should also start by eating Ktroat and fruits. There is also a parallel connection between overweight and diseases of cancer, because it is the more your body suffers from the accumulation of fat by, the production of estrogen, a hormone responsible directly to the formation of cancer cells in Ida.okma that whenever maintained to follow the health system, the less diseases rate Alchkhokhh such as Alzheimer's, dementia and even avoids it must be maintained excess weight loss.
2. Provide a lot of money: You may care to eat foods Food whether if cost, but it's there, the incidence of weight gain is very large as that Tdfien a lot of money!
and so During expenses paid account in eating junk food and calorie foods and pay doctors and medicine bills, compared to what Tdfienh to buy organic foods will actually find that comparison in favor of healthy food.
This Asttmra in yourself and begin to eat foods without any preservatives.
3. mood: there are scientific studies that more women are vulnerable to depression due to the increased weight,
practice of aerobic exercise on a regular basis and also follow a diet to lose excess weight, help with certainty in improved mood and reduce the chances of developing depression.
4. enjoy the athleticism of the most important reasons that induce loss excess weight without hesitation, or enjoy exercising, Valastmtaa and not just a mathematical exercise even weight loss or flatten contouring and then stop attendance.
The idea is that when you live a Aerobics and you suffer from overweight, you feel often tired quickly and boredom and that performance That task is only for a specific period ends once you get the ideal weight, while it does not come to understand that you already when you practice aerobics and you lose weight excess, with the continuity of practice with the ideal weight guarantees you a sense of pleasure of a special kind.
You should also pay attention good for your diet practice, you attendance to eat a healthy diet, even after the loss of excess weight, do not MAKE follow proper ways that elevate your health just a way to lose weight will abandon it with you on the extra weight, the goal is to get used to a healthy lifestyle rather than weight loss only minor sense
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
A lot of people seeking for weight loss in strength of slender and many also fail to follow a diet but to be more Aqtnaau to lose weight, you have to follow the system. A healthy diet is one Lttmskyn decreased weight:
1 - the prevention of diseases.There is a relationship between weight loss and health problems, the higher the weight of the total lipids increased the proportion of Kalasabh diseases. Such as the heart disease, cancer, and you should always consider the Alshykhwkhh to get rid of excess weight.The heart of any disease, should also start by eating fruits and vegetables.Also, there is a parallel relationship between weight gain Walasabh cancer disease, because the body suffer from the accumulation of fat, the production of estrogen, a hormone responsible directly to the formation of breast cancer cells.When kept as to follow the health system the less proportion of Alshkhwkhh disease Kalzhaymr and dementia that must maintain and even avoid to lose the extra weight.
2 saving a lot of money.You may be careful to eat fast foods, both cost only if they are too big, rate of infection and increased weight and pay a lot of money!
Through the calculation of fees paid to eating junk food and foods with calories and pay medical bills and medicine, for Tdfynh buy organic foods, you will find already. To compare good health food. "This Astthmry in yourself and begin to foods without any tools folder
3. The mood, there are scientific studies that women are more depression. Weight gain,
The practice of regular physical exercise as well as a diet to lose weight, certainly helps to improve mood and reduce the risk of depression.
4. Enjoy the Balryadh:One of the main reasons that induce weight loss, without hesitation, or enjoy the exercise, Falastmta not just exercise to lose weight or firming contouring and then stop to persevere. "The idea is that when you exercise, you have excessive weight, feel frequently tired quickly and that that task is only for a specific period. The end once you get to your ideal weight, while what you will knowWhen you do exercise, Wtkhsryn excess weight, ideal weight ensures continuity of practice with your sense of fun.
You also have to pay attention to your diet is good, then you should keep eating a healthy diet, even after losing the excess weight, you follow the proper methods improve your health just a way to lose weight will give up with youThe extra weight, the goal is to get used to a healthy lifestyle and weight loss as the minor.
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