ملابسالملابس من أهم متطلبات البشر يرتدي معظم الناس نوعاً أو آخر من الث ترجمة - ملابسالملابس من أهم متطلبات البشر يرتدي معظم الناس نوعاً أو آخر من الث الإنجليزية كيف أقول

ملابسالملابس من أهم متطلبات البشر ي

الملابس من أهم متطلبات البشر يرتدي معظم الناس نوعاً أو آخر من الثياب ومشتقاتها، إضافة إلى ملابس الزينة. فالناس في شتى أنحاء العالم يرتدون الكثير من أنواع الملابس. ويحدث هذا التنويع تبعا لاختلاف الغرض الذي يدعو الفرد لارتداء نوع ما من الملابس. ويستعمل الناس شتى المواد والأساليب في صنعها ويتبعون عادات مختلفة في أزيائهم.
تشمل كل أنواع الثياب والزينة التي يرتديها الإنسان في كل أنحاء العالم. فعلى سبيل المثال، يرتدي الإسكيمو في المناطق الباردة الحذاء الطويل والسراويل والمعطف السميك، بينما يرتدي الرجل الإفريقي الذي يعيش في إحدى قرى القارة قطعة من الثياب يلفها حول وسطه. وترتدي الممرضة في المستشفى زيًا معينًا، وتضع على رأسها غطاءً معينًا. وكذلك يرتدي الصيرفي الذي يعمل بأحد المصارف بلندن زيًا كاملاً، يتكون من سروال وسترة وقبعة توضع على الرأس. يرتدي كل هؤلاء الأشخاص ملابس مختلفة. وبالرغم من اختلاف الثياب فهم جميعًا في حاجة إليها. وتعتبر الثياب إحدى ضروريات الحياة للإنسان كالطعام والمأوى.
وعبر التاريخ، ارتدى أغلب الناس الملابس بغرض الزينة أكثر منه لستر أجسامهم. ويهتم بعض الناس في المناطق الباردة بتزيين أجسامهم أكثر من حمايتها من البرد. ففي سنة 1830م، سافر عالم الأحياء البريطاني الشهير تشارلز داروين إلى جزر تييرا دل فويجو في أقصى جنوبي أمريكا الجنوبية. ولاحظ أن الناس هناك يرتدون قطعًا صغيرة من المعاطف المصنوعة من جلود الحيوانات بالرغم من برودة الطقس والمطر. فوزع داروين على هؤلاء الناس قطعًا من القماش ذات لونٍ أحمر فاتح، فأخذوها منه ولفوها حول أعناقهم. ويهتم الناس كثيرًا في هذه الجزر النائية بالملابس لأجل الزينة أكثر منه لحماية أجسامهم من البرد.

الأزياء التقليدية
ولا يعرف أحد على وجه التحديد لماذا ومتى بدأ أول إنسان لبس الملابس في التاريخ. فربما بدأ الإنسان ارتداء الملابس قبل 100,000عام، وربما لنفس الأسباب التي تجعل الإنسان في هذا العصر يرتدي الملابس. ولعل الإنسان الأول قد لبسها لحماية بدنه وتجميل مظهره وتقديم نفسه للناس حتى يتعرفوا عليه. وفي عصور ما قبل التاريخ، على سبيل المثال، ربما كان الصياد يرتدي جلد الدب أو أيل الرنة لحماية بدنه من البرد، أو لإظهار مهارته وشجاعته وخبرته في الصيد.
وبنهاية العصر الحجري القديم، أي قبل حوالي 25,000 سنة، اخترع الإنسان الإبرة التي استخدمها في خياطة ثياب من الجلود، وتعلم كيف يغزل خيوطًا من قلف الشجر أو جذور بعض النباتات أو من الفراء أو أصواف بعض الحيوانات. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، تعلم الإنسان كيف ينسج من هذه المواد المختلفة ثيابه. وأخذ الإنسان يزرع النباتات التي تمده بالمواد التي يستخدمها في صنع الغزل، كما أخذ يربي الأغنام والحيوانات الأخرى لتمده بالصوف.
استغرق هذا التطور البسيط في مجال الملابس آلاف السنين. أما التطور الذي حدث مؤخرًا في صناعة الملابس والمواد الخام، فيرجع تاريخه إلى مئات السنين.

الأزياء التقليدية
لم تكن هناك آلات للخياطة لصناعة الملابس حتى قبل حوالي 200 عام. وكانت معظم العائلات تصنع ثيابها بنفسها، ويستخدم التجار، أحيانًا، بعض العمال لصنع الملابس نظير أجرٍ يدفع لهم، ثم يبيعونها في الأسواق.
يقوم العمال بصناعة هذه الملابس في منازلهم؛ إذ كانت لا توجد مصانع للملابس في ذلك الوقت، وانتقلت صناعة الثياب من المنازل إلى المصانع بدخول آلات الخياطة، في هذا المجال.
في الفترة ما بين القرنين الثامن عشر والتاسع عشر الميلاديين، أدت الآلات التي تقوم بالغزل والنسيج والخياطة إلى تطور صناعة الثياب. ويستطيع الإنسان في عالم اليوم، وفي كل أنحاء العالم شراء حاجاته من الملابس الجاهزة التي تنتجها المصانع الكبيرة.
تعتبر صناعة الملابس من أكبر الصناعات في معظم دول العالم. وتعد الملابس وموادها الخام من أهم السلع التجارية المتداولة بين الدول. ويشتري الناس في كثير من الدول مثلاً الملابس والأحذية الإيطالية والصوف الأسترالي والحرير الياباني. وتبيع معارض الأزياء الملابس المُصممة في لندن وباريس وروما في كل أنحاء العالم. ولذا يرتدي الناس في معظم مدن العالم ملابس متشابهة. وبالرغم من ذلك فهناك اختلافات واضحة في الأزياء في معظم أنحاء العالم.
يرتدي الناس في كل أنحاء العالم أنواعًا مختلفة من الملابس لأسباب عديدة؛ فقد يرتديها الناس لحماية أنفسهم من تغيرات الطقس أو ربما يستخدمون موادَّ وطرقاً مختلفة لصنع الثياب، أو قد تكون لديهم عادات مختلفة في لبس ملابسهم.
تناقش هذه المقالة الملابس وأنواعها في بعض أجزاء العالم، وتحاول الإجابة عن التساؤل المطروح، لماذا يرتدي الإنسان الملابس؟ وتقدم وصفًا لبعض النماذج من الملابس عبر الحقَب التاريخية المختلفة ثم تناقش صناعة الملابس. ولمعلومات أوسع في هذا المجال، انظر: مقالات الدول المختلفة في الموسوعة.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]

Apparel of the most important requirements of humans wearing most of the people or another kind of dresses and their derivatives, in addition to clothing embellishments. People around the world wearing a lot of types of clothing.This diversification occurs depending on the different purpose, which calls for the individual to wear some sort of clothing. People use various materials and methods in the manufacture and follow different customs in costumes.
Include all kinds of dresses and decorations worn by rights throughout the world.For example, wearing an Eskimo boot in cold regions and long pants and thick coat, while wearing African man who lives in one of the villages of the continent enveloped piece of clothing around the waist.The nurse at the hospital wears a certain uniform, and put on her head a certain cap. As well as wearing Sirefi that is running one of the banks in London full uniform, consisting of trousers and jacket and hat placed on the head. All these people wearing different clothes.In spite of the different clothes they all need it. Clothing is one of the necessities of life for a person such as food and shelter.
Throughout history, most people wore clothes adornment purpose than to cover their bodies.Some people interested in cold regions decorate their bodies more than protect them from the cold. In the year 1830, he traveled the famous British biologist Charles Darwin to the islands of the Tierra del Fuego in the far south of South America.He noted that the people there wore small pieces of coats made from the skins of animals in spite of the cold weather and rain. Fozaa Darwin on these people a piece of cloth with a light red color, فأخذوها him and wrapped around their necks.And people often interested in these remote islands costumed for ornamental rather than to protect their bodies from the cold.

Traditional costumes and no one knows precisely why and when the first man began wearing clothing in history.Perhaps they began to wear clothing 100,000 years ago, and perhaps for the same reasons that make the human being in this day and age wearing clothes. Perhaps the first man had to wear to protect his body and beautify its appearance and introducing himself to people even recognize it.In prehistoric times, for example, was probably fisherman wearing bearskin or reindeer deer to protect his body from the cold, or to show his skill and his courage and his experience in fishing.
By the end of the Paleolithic era, before about 25,000 years, human invented the needle used to sew clothing of leather, and learn how to spin leads from the bark of the trees or the roots of some plants or fur or wools some animals.In addition, learn how human weaves these different materials clothes. And taking the rights cultivated plants that provide him with materials used in the manufacture of yarn, also took the rearing of sheep and other animals to provide him with wool.
This development took in simple clothes for thousands of years. As for the recent evolution in the garment industry and raw materials, is attributable to hundreds of years of history.

Traditional fashionThere were not sewing machines for the garment industry until about 200 years ago. Most of the families were made clothes herself, and uses the merchants, sometimes, some workers making clothes match fee pays for them, and then sell them in the market.
The of these clothing industry workers in their homes; It was no clothing factories in that time, the garment industry has moved from house to enter the factories sewing machines, in this area.
In the period between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, resulted in machines that are weaving and weaving and sewing to the development of the garment industry.The man can in today's world, and all over the world buying needs of garments produced by large factories.
Garment industry is one of the largest industries in most countries of the world.The clothing and raw materials of the most important commercial goods traded between the two countries. People buy in many countries, for example, the Italian clothing and footwear and the Australian Wool and Japanese silk.Fashion shows sells clothing designed in London, Paris and Rome in all parts of the world. So people dressed in most cities of the world are similar clothing. However, there are clear differences in fashion in most parts of the world.
Dressed people all over the world in different types of clothing for many reasons; were worn by people to protect themselves from weather changes or perhaps using different materials and methods for making dresses, or they may have different habits in wearing their clothes.
This article discusses and types of clothing in some parts of the world, and trying to answer the question arises, why wearing human clothes? And provide a description of some of the models of clothing across different historical periods and then discusses the garment industry.The broader information in this area, see: articles of different countries in the encyclopedia.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Wear clothing of the most important requirements
humans wearing most people kind of dresses and their derivatives, and clothing decorations. People around the world wearing a lot of clothes. This diversification depending on the purpose of the individual to wear the kind of clothes. People use various materials and methods of manufacture and follow different customs in clothes.
Include all types of clothes and accessories worn by humans all over the world. For example, wearing Eskimo boot in cold areas and long pants and thick coat, while wearing the African man who lives in a village in continent pieces of dresses enveloped in around the waist. The nurse at the hospital wearing uniforms, and put a cap on her head. As well as wearing the Al a bank in London, consists of uniform pants and a jacket and hat on the head. These people all wear different clothing. Despite the different dresses they all need it. The garment is one of the necessities of life to humans as food and shelter.
throughout history, most people wore clothes with ornamental purpose than Lester. And some people in cold regions by decorating their bodies over to protect them from the cold. In the year 1830, famous British biologist Charles Darwin to the islands of Tierra del Fuego in southernmost South America. He noted that there are people wearing small pieces of coats made of animal skins, despite cold weather and rain. The deployment of Darwin on these people pieces of cloth with red light, took her from him and they wound her around their necks. People interested in these remote islands with clothing for decoration rather than to protect their bodies from cold.

and no one knows precisely why and when the first man started wearing clothes in history. It probably began to wear clothes by 100, 000 a year, and perhaps for the same reasons that make the human in this era of wearing clothes. Perhaps the first human was worn to protect the body and beauty looks and introduce himself to people even recognize it. In prehistoric times, for example, is probably the Hunter dressed the bear or deer reindeer leather to protect the body from cold, or to show his skill, courage and experience.
in the end of the Paleolithic, about 25,Years, human invented the needle used in sewing of garments of skins, learn how often spun leads from Gulf trees or roots of certain plants or fur or wool animals. In addition, learn how the various weaves his clothes. Taking human grown plants supplying the materials used in the manufacture of spinning, and the sheep and other animals reared for providing it with wool.
It took this simple evolution in clothing for thousands of years. Recent development in the apparel industry, raw materials, dating back to hundreds of years.

There were machines for sewing of clothing industry even before nearly 200 years. Most families make her own and uses traders, sometimes, some of the workers for making wage pays them, and then sell them in the market.
Workers making these clothes at home; if there are factories of clothes at the time, and moved home to garment industry factories in sewing machines, in this area.
Between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the machines that are spinning, weaving and sewing to the development of the garment industry. Human can in today's world, all over the world to buy their needs of garments produced by large factories.
the garment of the largest industries in most countries of the world. The clothes and raw materials of products traded between the States. And people buy in many States, for example, Italian clothing and footwear and Australian wool and silk. And sell clothing designed fashion exhibitions in London, Paris and Rome throughout the world. So dressed people in the world have similar clothes. However, there are clear differences in fashion in most parts of the world.
Wearing people all over the world, different kinds of clothes for many reasons, people wear to protect themselves from weather changes or the use of materials and different ways of making dresses, or they may have different customs in wearing clothes.
This article discusses the types of garments in some parts of the world, trying to answer the question posed, why wear human clothing? And describe some forms of clothing through different historical periods and then discuss the garment industry. For more information, see: various States encyclopedia articles.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Service of the most important requirements for human beings wearing most people a kind or another of clothes and their derivatives, in addition to clothes, vanity. People in various parts of the world wearing many of the types of service.This diversification occurs in different purpose, which calls for the individual to wear some type of service. People used various articles and methods for their manufacture seeing different customs in dress.
Include all types of clothing worn by human decorations in all parts of the world.For example, wearing a husky shoes in the cold regions long trousers and jacket thick, while wearing African man who lives in one of the villages in the continent pieces of clothes wrapping around his waist.dress and a nurse in the hospital a certain uniform, and put on the top cover. As well as wearing Al-Serfi, who works in a bank in London fully uniform, consisting of trousers and jacket, hat placed on the head. All these people wearing different clothes.Despite the different clothes they are all in need of it. clothing is one of human necessities of life necessities such as food and shelter.
history, wear most people service for courtesy than Leicester their bodies.Some people in the cold regions decorate their bodies more protected from the cold. In the year 1830M, traveled neighborhoods, the famous British scientist Charles Darwin to the islands of Tierra del Fuego in the far south of South America.He noted that the people there are wearing small pieces of coats made from animals skins, despite the cold weather and rain. (UNPREDEP) Darwin on these people pieces of cloth red colored light, her despite explaining to ولفوها around their necks.People are often interested in these remote islands vanity clothing for more to protect their bodies from the cold.

traditional costumes
no one knows precisely why and when it started the first man wearing clothes in history.Perhaps human began to wear clothing before 100,000 in, and perhaps for the same reasons that make the human in this era of clothing. Perhaps the first human may wear to protect his body and beauty appearance and the same people even know him.in prehistoric times, for example, might have been the hunter wearing bear skin or reindeer to protect his body from the cold, or to show his skill and courage, and experience in fishing.
by the end of the Paleolithic, i.e. before 25,000 years, human invented the needle he used in sewing garments of leather, and learn how spins threads of قلف leaves, or the roots of some plants or from fur or sheep shearing, Jet some animals.In addition, learn how human weaves of these various articles of his clothes. Human and cultivated plants that furnish materials that are used in making yarn, as well as taking other animals breeding sheep لتمده Shag.
Simple took this development in the area of service of thousands of years. The recent development in the garment industry raw materials, is attributable to hundreds of years history.

traditional costumes
There were no sewing machines industry service even before 200. Most of the families make clothes itself, and is used by traders, sometimes, some workers for making service for a fee, and then sell them on the market.
The industry workers this service in their homes; it was no factories in that time, turning the Garment from homes to factories to enter sewing machines, in this area.
In the period between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries centuries AD which, led machinery of the بالغزل and weaving, tailoring the evolution of garment industry.Human can in today's world, and in all parts of the world to buy their needs of ready-made clothes produced by large factories.
the garment industry of the largest industries in most countries of the world.The service raw materials of the most important commercial goods traded between States. Buy people in many States, for example, clothing and footwear, wool, Italian Australian Japanese silk.Sell fashion exhibition service designed in London, Paris, Rome, in all parts of the world. Therefore people wearing clothes in most cities of the world are similar. Nevertheless, there are clear differences in fashion in most parts of the world.
Wearing people in all parts of the world different types of service several reasons; the worn by people to protect themselves from weather changes or may use different materials and methods for making clothes, or they may have different customs in unequivocally their clothes.
Discuss this article service types in some parts of the world, and tries to answer the question posed, why human wearing clothes? A description of some of the forms of service through different historic periods and then discuss the garment industry.More information in this area, see: articles different States in the encyclopedia.
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