التاريخ : 10-10-2015السادة : أبناء ومقيمي دولة الامارات العربية المتحد ترجمة - التاريخ : 10-10-2015السادة : أبناء ومقيمي دولة الامارات العربية المتحد الإنجليزية كيف أقول

التاريخ : 10-10-2015السادة : أبناء

التاريخ : 10-10-2015

السادة : أبناء ومقيمي دولة الامارات العربية المتحدة المحترمين

بعد التحية ،،،،

مؤسسة باركود للخدمات الادارية هي مؤسسة متخصصة تهدف إلي تقديم خدمات ادارية متميزة وعالية الجودة إلي الافراد والشركات في امارة ابوظبي .

كما تعمل المؤسسة على توفير كافة سبل الراحة في استلام وتسليم المعاملات بتوفير فريق عمل يعمل على استلام وتسليم المعاملات لموقعك سواء كان العمل او المنزل بدون اية رسوم اضافية .

وتتميز باركود للخدمات الادارية في توفر العديد من الخدمات لديها ومنها طباعة (طلبات الهوية - طلبات الجوازات – توثيق عقود الايجار – بطاقات الضمان الصحي – توفير العمالة للشركات – تجديد الرخص التجارية أون لين – معاملات وزارة العمل للشركات - . . . . . . . . . )

كما تتميز باركود للخدمات الادارية في تميز اسعارها عن كافة الشركات التي تعمل بنفس المجال وكذا دقة الطباعة وسرعة انجاز المعاملة وايصالها للعميل .

ويسر ادارة باركود للخدمات الادارية بمناسبة افتتاح المكتب بأن تقوم بعمل خصم خاص بالنسبة لطباعة طلبات الهوية لحامل هذه الرسالة على الطلب الجديد أو طلب التجديد بان يكوم رسوم الطلب مع الطباعة 255 درهم بدلا من 270 درهم .

للتواصل يرجي الاتصال علي الاستاذ : محمد

متحرك : 4465478 056 / بريد الكتروني barcode.adm.services@gmail.com

شعارنا : السرعة في العمل . الدقة في الانجاز . الامانة في الاستلام والتسليم . بالإلتزام التام بقوانين الدولة
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Date: 10-10-2015Gentlemen: sons and esteemed state assessors U.A.E. After the salutation, Barcode Management Services Corporation is a specialized institution designed to provide management services and high quality to individuals and companies in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. The Foundation also works to provide all means of comfort to receive and deliver transactions to provide a working group working on the transaction receipt and delivery to your site whether it's work or home without any additional fees. Barcode feature of administrative services provides many services and including print (requests for identity-passport applications – documenting the lease – the health insurance card – providing employment for companies – business licenses online renewal – Ministry of labour transactions corporate-... ... ...) They also feature a barcode for administrative services at marked prices on all companies that operate in the same domain as well as print resolution and speed of transaction and delivery to the customer. Barcode Manager facilitated administration services on the occasion of the opening of the Office that you special discount for print requests the identity of the bearer of this letter to request new or renewal application that heaping application fee with print 255 AED 270 AED. To connect please contact Professor: Mohammad Mobile: 4465478 056/e-mail barcode.adm.services@gmail.com Our motto: speed work. Precision in delivery. Secretariat on receipt and delivery. Full commitment to state laws
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Date: 10/10/2015 Gentlemen: the children and residents of the United Arab Emirates respected After greeting ,,,, barcode Foundation for Administrative Services is a specialized enterprise aims to provide a unique, high-quality administrative services to individuals and companies in the emirate of Abu Dhabi. The Foundation is working to provide all comfort in the receipt and delivery of transactions to provide a working group is working on the receipt and delivery of transactions to your site, whether work or home without any extra charges. Featuring Bar Code of Administrative Services in the availability of many services have including print (IDS requests - passport applications - document the leases - Warranty cards Health - providing employment for companies - the renewal of business licenses on-line - and the Ministry of Labour and transactions for companies -.........) as barcode characterized administrative services in the marked prices for all companies operating in the same area, as well as print resolution and speed of completion of the transaction and delivery to the customer . is pleased barcode Department of Administrative Services on the occasion of the opening of the office that is doing a special discount for printing identity of the holder requests this message to the new application or renewal application that heaping application fee with printing AED 255 instead of AED 270. To connect, please contact Professor: Mohammed mobile: 4465478 056 / email barcode.adm.services@gmail.com our motto: Speed ​​in action. Accuracy of delivery. Secretariat in the receipt and delivery. Fully abide by the state laws

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Date: 10-10-2015

. Wmqymy sons of United Arab Emirates.

after greeting,,,,

.The code of Administrative Services Corporation is a specialized institution aims to provide distinct management and high quality services to individuals and companies in the emirate of Abu Dhabi.

The foundation also works to provide all means of comfort in the receipt and delivery of transactions, providing a team working on the receipt and delivery of transactions for your site, whether work or home without any additional fees.

The code of administrative services to offer many services including print passport applications (applications for identity cards, documenting the leases provided health insurance labor companies. The renewal of trade licenses online transactionsCorporate action.. .. .. .. I)

is also characterized by the bar code management services to differentiate their prices for all companies that operate in the same area as well as the print resolution and speed of completion of treatment and deliver it to the client.

Bar code management and administrative services on the occasion of the opening of the office that do the work of a special discount for printing identity bearer request message requests for new or renewal application that heaping printing with application fee AED 255 instead of AED 270.

To continue, please contact Mr. Mohamed

056 / Mobile: 4465478 e-mail barcode.adm.services@gmail.com

our motto: work speed. The accuracy in delivery. The pick-up and delivery. To fully respect the laws of the state ".
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
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