القيمة الإيجارية للطرف الاول عن السنة الايجارية الاولى والتي تبدأ بعد انقضاء فترة السماح المشار اليها في الفقرة (رقم2) اثنين من البند السادس أعلاه على النحو التالي
Rental value for the first party of the year first rental beginning after the expiration of the period referred to in paragraph (2) two item vi above as follows
The rental value of the first party for the first lease year, which starts after allowing referred to in paragraph period (No. 2) two item VI above as follows
The rental value of the first year first leases, which begins after the expiration of the grace period referred to in paragraph (2) of two of item sixth above. All of the following