موقع خاص برافريزAdvantages of Case Study Method of Data Collection Fol ترجمة - موقع خاص برافريزAdvantages of Case Study Method of Data Collection Fol الإنجليزية كيف أقول

موقع خاص برافريزAdvantages of Case

موقع خاص برافريزAdvantages of Case Study Method of Data Collection
Following are the advantage of case study Method
1. Intensive Study. Case study method is responsible for intensive study of a unit. It is the investigation and exploration of an event thoroughly and deeply
. 2. No Sampling. It studies a social unit in its entire perspectives. It means there is no sampling in case study method
. 3. Continuous Analysis. It is valuable in analyzing continuously the life of a social unit to dig out the facts
. 4. Hypothesis Formulation. This method is useful for formulation of hypothesis for further study
. 5. Comparisons. It compares different type of facts about the study of a unity.
6. Increase in Knowledge. It gives the analytical power of a person to increase knowledge about a social phenomena
. 7. Generalization of Data. Case study method provides grounds for generalization of data for illustrating statistical findings
. 8. Comprehensive. It is a comprehensive method of data collection in social research
. 9. Locate Deviant Cases. The deviant cases are these units which behave against the proposed hypothesis. So, it locate these deviant cases. The tendency is to ignore them but are important for scientific study.
10. Farming Questionnaire or Schedule. Through case study method we can formulate and develop a questionnaire and schedule
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Brafris site Advantages of Case Study Method of Data Collection Following are the advantage of case study Method 1. Intensive Study. Case study method is responsible for intensive study of a unit. It is the investigation and exploration of an event thoroughly and deeply. 2. No Sampling. It studies a social unit in its entire perspectives. It means there is no sampling in case study method. 3. Continuous Analysis. It is valuable in analyzing continuously the life of a social unit to dig out the facts. 4. Hypothesis Formulation. This method is useful for formulation of hypothesis for further study. 5. Comparisons. It compares different type of facts about the study of a unity. 6. Increase in Knowledge. It gives the analytical power of a person to increase knowledge about a social phenomena. 7. Generalization of Data. Case study method provides grounds for generalization of data for illustrating statistical findings. 8. Comprehensive. It is a comprehensive method of data collection in social research. 9. Locate Deviant Cases. The deviant cases are these units which behave against the proposed hypothesis. So, it locate these deviant cases. The tendency is to ignore them but are important for scientific study. 10. Farming Questionnaire or Schedule. Through case study method we can formulate and develop a questionnaire and schedule
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A special Brafris Case Study Of Advantages Of Data Collection Method
Following Are The Advantage Of Case Study Method
1. Intensive Study. Case study method is responsible for intensive study of a unit. The Investigation Is It And Exploration Of An Event Thoroughly And
Deeply. 2. No Sampling. It studies a social unit in its entire perspectives. It Means There Is It No Sampling In Case Study Method
. 3. Continuous Analysis. In Valuable Is It Analyzing Continuously The Life Of A Social Unit To Dig Out ​​The
Facts. 4. Hypothesis Formulation. Useful Method Is This For Formulation Of Hypothesis For Further
Study. 5. Comparisons. It Compares Different Type It Of Facts About The Study Of A Unity.
6. Increase in Knowledge. The Analytical Gives It Power Of A Person To Increase Knowledge About A Social
Phenomena. 7. Generalization of Data. Study Method Provides Case Grounds For Generalization Of Data For Illustrating Statistical
Findings. 8. Comprehensive. A Comprehensive Is It Method Of Data Collection In Social
Research. 9. Locate Deviant Cases. The deviant cases are these units which behave against the proposed hypothesis. So, locate these deviant cases. Tendency Is To The Ignore Them But Are Important For Scientific Study.
10. Farming Questionnaire or Schedule. Through case study method we can formulate and develop a questionnaire and schedule
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
A special Brafryz Advantages of Case Study Method of Data Collection
Following are the advantage of case study Method
1. Intensive Study. Case study method is responsible for intensive study of a unit. It is the investigation and exploration of an event thoroughly and deeply
. 2. No Sampling. It studies a social unit in its entire perspectives.
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