النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 2:
Good evening my brother Mohammed,
- I wish I could be your affairs so well and in the best case, God willing , within two business days you will have the contract site and you have also what will be in the next phase with each other .
I wanted to convey to you this data at this time in order to be ready by the products' standard specifications required "
- the data of chemical products card
1. definitions:
1.1 card
include every statement or explanation or a sign or image or written material or printed, stamped or engraved on the product or packaging , or be connected to it.
1.2 Chemical
means all chemical products packaged or that do not need to Packaging.
1.3 illustrative data
include card any written material or printed or painted or sealed accompany the product and have a relationship with him.
2. General requirements
2.1 may not be described as the product or to introduce card or data explanatory untrue or deceptive or misleading in any way to the wrong impression about the nature, characteristics , or may lead in any way to the wrong impression about the nature, characteristics , or it might be described directly or manner indirectly as other product.
2.2 must own product chemical card data are apparent and clear it easier for the consumer to read the regular purchase and usage conditions may not hide this data for anything other decree or written or printed non-removable are also required to be a color different from the color background and size can be read.
2.3 if the external packaging containing smaller packs must carry the Interior packaging is also data card.
2.4 if I wrote the card more than one language must match the information and data in all languages.
2.5 must be submitted with each container of hazardous materials Kamiaiah model includes Information about the safety of dealing with this article.
3. Alebanat explanatory that should be available on the card
3.1 be Arabic is the primary language in manufactured products card in addition to any other foreign language.
3.2 codifies the following data on each product
3.2.1 product name
be specified the name of nature true to the product and the name is special not years codifies scientific name and symbol chemical or any formula shows the quality of material if there is a name or names of the products has been stipulated in one of the Egyptian standards it must use one of them at least in is the case , using the common name or unusual is found . If there is no trade name of the product may be used an innovative name so as not to be misleading to be accompanied Bostalah and fined appropriately.
3.2.2 varieties
if classified chemical products to the steps should be visible and this classification is misleading in any way.
3.2.3 standards
must said the number and standards or one of them , such as net weight , in kilograms or volume in liters or amplitude by units of the international measurement.
3.2.4 components
must carry the data of the basic components of the products chemical card are clear and non - misleading manner.
must remember the degree of purity of the product materials that require nature that and the degree and method of use and the instructions focus.
3.2.5 name and address
must be mentioned address of the manufacturer or packaged.
3.5.6 country of origin
must state the country of origin and the clear and easy removal manner if the product has been exposed chemical outfitted in another country changes the nature is considered the country in which it has been this Alttaghiaz is the country of origin can not be said more than one country of origin on the label.
should the card bears the risk and the signs warning phrases (grave markers) that may result from transportation , transfer, use of these products , such as ignition or poisoning or breakage or damage.
must mention any requirements related to public safety and the environment, including the method to get rid of the empty package.
must be mentioned cautionary procedures to be followed when handling or use of, or exposure to dangerous chemicals.
must be mentioned conditions and method of storage appropriate.
3.2. 11
must be mentioned first aid measures and industrial Safety to be followed in case of exposure to the product chemical danger.
date of production and completion.
packages and Coil and printed cards, which are imported from abroad for the purposes of packaging and must be meet all the requirements contained in item (4) of these specifications.
products manufactured under a franchise from a foreign company must be recorded by all the requirements set forth in item (4) of this standard and that the manufacturer 's name is the country of origin blogger similar letters to the name and address of the company that has been the privilege of them.
3.2 0.15
must be mentioned standard number which the product was manufactured in accordance with
1 - international standards No. 1989/7000 standard Japanese No. 3301 of 1985.
2. standards No. 119 and Jordanian own statement of chemical products card.
3. instructions issued by the European common market private card statement for chemical products.
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