خالد بالبحرين خطيبي سوف نتزوج قريبا لديه محل كبير وهذه من السعوديه لديها المال لاتقلقي هيا تحتاج إليك من أجل المحل اذا قالت لك أريد فديو قولي لها إذهبي إلى منى واساليها عني وعن الشعر
Khalid Bahrain my fiance will get married soon had a large shop. And this from Saudi Arabia have money don't worry let needs you to shop if you want video tell her go to me wasaliha about me and my hair.
Khaled Bahrain fiance will get married soon , has a big place and this from Saudi Arabia to have the money to not worry Haya need you to shop if you said I want my voice Video Go tell it to me and about me and Ssaliha hair
In Bahrain, Khaled fiance will get married soon.That Saudi Arabia has the money, don"t worry! You said you want to shop if you need video tell me to go to Wasalyha about my hair.