ماهو المستوى بالنسبة لي? كل المهارات المستوى الرابع ? اريد ان يكون الدوام فقط عند الظهر انا لا اريد وقت كامل . هل تنصحيني ان اكون عند صف جون ? ماذا تنصحيني?
What is the level for me?Every fourth level skills?I want to always be just at noon I don't want full time.Do you advise me to be when John row?What's your advice?
What is the level for me? All the skills the fourth level? I want to be just always at noon , I do not want full - time. Do Tnsahana to be when John row? Why Tnsahana?
What is the standard for me!Each skill level fourthI want to be constant only at noon, I don"t want to full time.I advice that I am at John row!What do you advice!