الثقافة الامريكية تشمل عادات وتقاليد الولايات المتحدة. الولايات المتحد ترجمة - الثقافة الامريكية تشمل عادات وتقاليد الولايات المتحدة. الولايات المتحد الإنجليزية كيف أقول

الثقافة الامريكية تشمل عادات وتقالي

الثقافة الامريكية تشمل عادات وتقاليد الولايات المتحدة. الولايات المتحدة هي ثالث أكبر بلد في العالم ويبلغ عدد سكانها أكثر من 320 مليون نسمة. هذا السبب، فإن الولايات المتحدة هي واحدة من أكثر الدول المتنوعة ثقافيا في العالم. تقريبا كل منطقة من مناطق العالم لها تاثير في الثقافه الامريكيه، اذ أنه بلد المهاجرين، وأبرزهم الإنجليز الذين استعمروا البلاد في أوائل 1600م. كما اثر في الثقافة الأمريكية، ثقافات الهنود الحمر، أمريكا اللاتينية، والأفارقة والآسيويين. في بعض الأحيان توصف الولايات المتحدة بأنها “بوتقة انصهار” والتي فيها ثقافات مختلفة اضافت “نكهتها” المتميزة الى الثقافة الأميركية. الثقافة الغربية مصطلح غالبا ما يشير بشكل واسع الى ثقافات الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا . طريقه “اندماج” الناس في الولايات المتحده تختلف فعلى سبيل المثال، في الولايات المتحدة فان المجتمعات الناطقة باللغة الإسبانية الكاثوليكية قد تبقي لغتهم وغيرها من التقاليد العائلية الثقافية، ولكن تم دمجها في المجتمع الحضري ولقد تبنت طريقة الحياة الأمريكية في العديد من الطرق الأخرى. في شمال شرق، وجنوب، والغرب الأوسط، وجنوب شرق والمناطق الغربية من الولايات المتحدة كلها لديها تقاليد وعادات متميزة. هنا لمحة موجزة عن ثقافة الولايات المتحدة . اللغة ليس هناك لغة رسمية للولايات المتحدة، وفقا لحكومة الولايات المتحدة.على الرغم من ان كل لغات العالم تقريبا يُتحدث بها في الولايات المتحدة، الاسبانية، الصينية، الألمانية والفرنسية تعد اكثر اللغات غير الإنجليزية شيوعا فيها. %90 من سكان الولايات المتحدة تتحدث اوعلى الاقل تفهم اللغة الإنجليزية، ومعظم الأعمال الرسمية تتم باللغة الإنجليزية. ويقدر مكتب الإحصاء الأمريكي أن أكثر من 300 لغة يتحدث بها في الولايات المتحدة. يقسم المكتب تلك اللغات إلى أربع فئات: الإسبانية؛ اللغات الهندو أوروبية ، والذي تشمل الألمانية، الييدية، السويدية والفرنسية والإيطالية والروسية والبولندية والهندية والبنجابية واليونانية و آخرى. اللغات الآسيوية وجزر المحيط الهادئ، بما في ذلك الصينية والكورية واليابانية والتايلاندية والتاميلية واخرى؛ و “كل اللغات ألاخرى”، والتي هي فئة للغات التي لا تنسجم مع الفئات الثلاث الأولى، مثل الهنغارية، العربية، العبرية، لغات أفريقيا ولغات السكان الأصليين لأمريكا الشمالية والوسطى وأمريكا الجنوبية . الدين تقريبا كل الاديان تمارس في الولايات المتحدة، والتي تطبق على مبدأ حرية الاديان. حوالي 83٪ من الأميركيين يعرفون أنفسهم كمسيحيين، وفقا لاستطلاع ABC poll، في حين أجاب 13٪ ليس لديها أي دين على الإطلاق. وقد أفاد استطلاع آخر في عام 2012 نتائج مماثلة. كما وجدت أن اليهودية هي الانتماء الديني الثاني الأكثر شيوعا ، بنحو 1.7 في المئة من السكان. فقط 0.6٪ من أفراد العينة المشاركين مسلمين. النمط الأمريكي أنماط الملابس تختلف حسب الحالة الاجتماعية، والمنطقة، والاحتلال والمناخ. الجينز، وأحذية رياضية، وقبعات البيسبول، قبعات رعاة البقر والأحذية هي بعض العناصر من الملابس التي ترتبط ارتباطا وثيقا مع الأميركيين. رالف لورين، كالفن كلاين، مايكل كورز وفيكتوريا السرية هي بعض العلامات التجارية الأميركية المعروفة . الأزياء الأميركية تتأثر على نطاق واسع بالمشاهير ووسائل الإعلام، ومبيعات الأزياء متساوية حوالي 200 بليون دولار سنويا، وفقا لدراسة نشرت جامعة هارفرد . الأغذية الأمريكية المطبخ الأمريكي تأثر بالأوروبيين والأمريكيين الأصليين في تاريخها المبكر. اليوم، هناك عدد من الأطعمة التي يتم تحديدها عادة باسم أمريكا، مثل الهمبرغر والنقانق، ورقائق البطاطا، المعكرونة والجبن، ورغيف اللحم. “وأمريكا مثل فطيرة التفاح” تعني كل ما هو أمريكي أصلي . هناك أيضا أساليب الطبخ وأنواع الأطعمة التي تخص منطقة معينة. وغالبا ما يسمى أسلوب الطبخ الجنوبي “راحة الغذاء الأمريكية”، ويشمل أطباق مثل الدجاج المقلي، والكرنب، والبازلاء سوداء العين وخبز الذرة. تكس مكس، أسلوب شعبي في ولاية تكساس والجنوب الغربي، وهو مزيج من أساليب الطهي الإسبانية والمكسيكية ويتضمن مكونات مثل الفلفل الحار والبوريتو وتعتمد بشكل كبير على شرائح الجبن والفول. اللحوم المجففة والمقددة االتي يتم عرضها كوجبات خفيفة، تم إنشاؤها في الولايات المتحدة، وفقا لNPR الفنون ومن المعروف أن الولايات المتحدة (على نطاق واسع في جميع أنحاء العالم) شركة رائدة في إنتاج وسائل الإعلام، بما في ذلك التلفزيون والأفلام. وفقا لوزارة التجارة الأمريكية، تضم الولايات المتحدة ثلث صناعة الإعلام والترفيه في جميع أنحاء العالم . ضهرت صناعة البث التلفزيوني في الولايات المتحدة في أوائل 1950م، و الآن تظهر البرامج التلفزيونية الأمريكية في جميع أنحاء العالم. وللولايات المتحدة أيضا صناعة السينما النابضة بالحياة، وتتركز في هوليوود، كاليفورنيا، والأفلام الأميركية هي مشهوره في جميع أنحاء العالم. حققت صناعة السينما 31 مليار دولار أمريكي في الإيرادات في عام 2013، وفقا لوزارة التجارة الأمريكية . الثقافة والفنون في الولايات المتحدة تتجاوز الأفلام والبرامج التلفزيونية، وبالرغم من ذلك. نيويورك هي موطن البرودواي، فالأمريكيين لديهم تاريخ مسرحي غني. الفن الشعبي الأميركي هو أسلوب فني وتحديدها مع الل حف وغيرها من المواد المصنوعة يدويا. الموسيقى الأميركية هي متنوعة جدا مع العديد والعديد من الأساليب، بما في ذلك الإيقاع والبلوز والجاز والإنجيل والبلد والغربي، البلو، الروك أند رول والهيب هوب . الرياضة الولايات المتحدة هي بلد رياضي في التفكير، مع الملايين من المشجعين الذين يتابعون كرة القدم والبيسبول وكرة السلة والهوكي، و رياضات اخرى . لعبة البيسبول، والتي تطويرت في أمريكا الاستعمارية وأصبحت رياضة منظمة في منتصف 1800م، كما هو معروف هواية مفضلة أميركا المفضلة ، على الرغم من شعبيتها قلت بزيادة شعبية كرة القدم على مدى العقود الثلاثة الماضية، وفقا لاستطلاع هاريس. الأعياد في أميركا فقط في الولايات المتحدة يتم الاحتفال بالعديد من العطل. الأمريكيين يحتفلون بعيد استقلالهم عن بريطانيا في 4 يوليو. يوم الذكرى، الذي يحتفل به في يوم الاثنين الأخير من شهر مايو، يكرم به أولئك الذين لقوا حتفهم في الخدمة العسكرية. عيد العمال، يتم في أول يوم اثنين في سبتمبر، تحتفل به القوى العاملة بالبلاد. عيد الشكر، عطلة آخرى اميركية مميزة، يقع في يوم الخميس الرابع في نوفمبر تشرين الثاني ويعود تاريخها الى الحقبة الاستعمارية للاحتفال بالحصاد. يوم الرؤساء، بمناسبة ميلاد جورج واشنطن وأب
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
American culture including customs and traditions of the United States. The United States is the third largest country in the world with a population of over 320 million. This is why the United States is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. Almost every region of the world has an impact on American culture, as it is a country of immigrants, most notably the English who colonized the country in the early 1600 's. As the impact on American culture, American Indian cultures, Latin America, and Africans and Asians. Sometimes described the United States as the "melting pot" in which different cultures "distinct" flavour to American culture. Western culture the term often refers broadly to the cultures of the United States and Europe. The "integration" of people in the United States vary, for example, in the United States, Spanish speaking communities Catholic may keep their language and other cultural family traditions, but was incorporated into the urban society and embraced the American way of life in many other ways. In the Northeast, South, Midwest, Southeast and Western regions of the United States all have distinct traditions and customs. Here is a brief overview of the culture of the United States. There is no language is an official language of the United States, according to the Government of the United States. Although almost all world languages spoken in the United States, Spanish, Chinese, German, French is the most common non-English languages. 90% of u.s. residents speak or at least understand English, and most official business is conducted in English. The us Census Bureau estimates that more than 300 languages spoken in the United States. The Office is divided into four categories: Indo-European languages Spanish, which included German, Yiddish, Swedish, French, Italian, Russian, Polish, Hindi, Punjabi, Greek and others. Asian and Pacific Islands, including Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Tamil, other, all other languages ", which is a class of languages that do not fit into the first three categories, such as Hungarian, Arabic, Hebrew, African languages and languages of indigenous peoples of the North and Central America and South America. Almost every religion religions practised in the United States, applying the principle of freedom of religion. About 83% of Americans identify themselves as Christians, according to the ABC poll poll, while 13% answered they had no religion at all. Having another poll in 2012 similar results. It also found that Judaism is the second most common religious affiliation, about 1.7 percent of the population. Only 0.6% of respondents participants. American style clothing styles vary according to social status, region and occupation. Jeans, sneakers, baseball caps, cowboy hats and shoes are some items of clothing that are closely associated with the Americans. Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Michael Kors and Victoria's secret are some well-known American brands. American fashion is widely influenced by celebrities and the media, and fashion sales equal to about $ 200 billion annually, according to a study at Harvard University. U.s. food American cuisine influenced by Europeans and native Americans in early history. Today, there are a number of foods that are identified as American, such as hamburgers and sausages, potato chips, Macaroni and cheese and meatloaf. "American as Apple Pie" means everything that is native American. There are also cooking methods and types of foods that are specific to a particular region. Often called Southern cooking style "comfort food", and includes dishes like fried chicken, cabbage, and black eye peas and cornbread. Tex-Mex, a method popular in Texas and the Southwest, a mix of Spanish and Mexican cooking methods and includes components such as chili burritos and rely heavily on sliced cheese and beans. Dried and cured meats that are displayed as snacks, were created in the United States, according to NPR arts known to United States (throughout the world) is a leading company in the production of media, including tv and movies. According to the u.s. Department of Commerce, the United States, one third of the media and entertainment industry around the world. Dahrt broadcasting industry in the United States in the early 1950s, and now show television programs of America around the world. The United States has also a vibrant film industry, concentrated in Hollywood, California, and American movies are famous all over the world. The film industry has made 31 billion dollars in revenue in 2013, according to the u.s. Department of Commerce. Culture and the arts in the United States beyond movies and tv shows, though. New York is home to albrodwai, Americans have a rich theatrical history. American folk art is an artistic style and identified with the God of peace-keeping and other handmade materials. American music is very diverse with many, many styles, including rhythm and blues, jazz and Gospel, country and Western, bluegrass, rock and roll and hip hop. Sports Sports country is the United States, with millions of fans who follow football, baseball, basketball, hockey, and other sports. Baseball, which ttoert in colonial America and become a sport organization in the mid-1800s, is known as America's favorite pastime favorite, although its popularity I increase the popularity of soccer over the past three decades, according to the Harris poll. Holidays in America only in the United States are celebrating many holidays. Americans celebrate their independence from Britain on 4 July. Memorial Day, which is celebrated on the last Monday of may, honors those who died in military service. Labor Day, the first Monday in September, celebrated the country's workforce. Thanksgiving, another American holiday, falls on the fourth Thursday in November, dating from the colonial era to celebrate the harvest. Presidents day, Washington's birthday, August
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
American culture include the customs and traditions of the United States. The United States is the third largest country in the world with a population of more than 320 million people. This is why the United States is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. Almost every region of the world has an impact on American culture, as it is a country of immigrants, most notably the British who colonized the country in early 1600. As the impact of the American culture, the cultures of American Indians, Latin America, and Africans and Asians. Sometimes the United States described as a "melting pot" in which different cultures added "flavor" unique to American culture. Western culture is often what the term broadly refers to the cultures of the United States and Europe. Way "integration" people in the United States vary, for example, in the United States, the Spanish-speaking Catholic communities may keep their own language and other cultural and family traditions, but it has been integrated in the urban community and has adopted the American way of life in many other ways. In the Northeast, South, Midwest, Southeast and Western regions of the United States all have distinct traditions and habits. Here is a brief overview of the culture of the United States. Language there is not an official language of the United States, according to US government Altdh.aly despite the fact that almost all the world's languages ​​are spoken in the United States, Spanish, Chinese, German and French are more common languages ​​other than English. 90% of the US population speak or at least understand English, and most official business are in English. The US Census Bureau estimated that more than 300 languages ​​spoken in the United States. Office divides those languages ​​into four categories: Spanish; Indo-European languages, which include German, Yiddish, Swedish, French, Italian, Russian, Polish, Hindi, Punjabi, Greek, and other. Asian languages ​​and the Pacific Islands, including Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Tamil and Others; and "all other languages", which are a class of languages ​​that do not fit into the first three categories, such as Hungarian, Arabic, Hebrew, languages ​​Africa and the indigenous languages ​​of North and Central America and South America. Religion Almost all religions practiced in the United States, which apply the principle of freedom of religion. About 83 percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians, according to a poll ABC poll, while 13% answered not have any religion at all. Another survey in 2012 reported similar results. It also found that Judaism is the second most common religious affiliation, about 1.7 percent of the population. Only 0.6% of respondents participating Muslims. American style clothing styles vary according to marital status, region, occupation and climate. Jeans, and sneakers, baseball caps, cowboy hats and boots are some of the items of clothing that are closely linked with the Americans. Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Michael Kors and Victoria's Secret are some well-known American brands. American fashion affected on a large scale with celebrities and the media, and fashion sales equal about $ 200 billion annually, according to a study published Harvard University. American food American cuisine influenced by the Europeans and Native Americans in its early history. Today, there are a number of foods that are usually identified as the United States, such as hamburgers and sausages, potato chips, macaroni and cheese, and meatloaf. "America such as apple pie" means all that is Native American. There are also cooking methods and the types of foods that are specific to a particular area. And it is often called the Southern Cooking "style of American comfort food," and includes dishes such as fried chicken, collard greens, black eye peas and corn bread. Tex-Mex, a popular method in the state of Texas and the Southwest, a combination of Spanish and Mexican cooking methods and includes components such as chili and burritos and relies heavily on beans and cheese slices. Dried meat and cured follows is displayed Kojbat light, it was created in the United States, according to NPR Arts It is well known that the United States (on a large scale all over the world) is a leading company in the production of media, including television and movies. According to the US Department of Commerce, the United States one-third of the media and entertainment industry worldwide. Dahrt broadcast television industry in the United States in early 1950, and now the American TV programs appear worldwide. The United States has also vibrant cinema industry, concentrated in Hollywood, California, American movies are famous all over the world. The film industry has made US $ 31 billion in revenue in 2013, according to the US Department of Commerce. Culture and the arts in the United States beyond the movies and TV shows, and in spite of it. New York is home to Broadway, Valomrakyin have a rich theatrical history. American folk art is a technique identified with the milk and newspapers and other handmade items. American music is very diverse with many, many styles, including rhythm and blues, jazz, gospel, country and western, bluegrass, rock and roll and hip-hop. Sports United States is a sports-minded country, with millions of fans who follow football, baseball, basketball, hockey, and other sports. Baseball, which Ttaiwirt in colonial America and became an organized sport in the mid-1800, as America's favorite favorite hobby known, in spite of its popularity I said to increase the popularity of football over the past three decades, according to a Harris Poll. Holidays in America only in the United States is celebrated many holidays. Americans celebrate their independence from Britain on July 4. Memorial Day, which is celebrated on the last Monday of the month of May, we honor those who died in military service. Holiday workers, are in the first Monday in September, it is celebrating its workforce in the country. Thanksgiving holiday, holiday other American characteristic, falls on the fourth Thursday in November, and dates back to the colonial era to celebrate the harvest. Presidents' Day, on the occasion of the birth of George Washington, father
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
American culture, including the customs and traditions of the United States. The United States is the third-largest country in the world, with a population of over 320000000 people.For this reason, the United States is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world.Almost every region of the world has the effect of immigrants in American culture, as the country, notably the British who colonized the country in early 1600.It's impact on American culture, American Indian, Latin American, African and Asian cultures.In the United States is sometimes described as a "melting pot", where various cultures Nkhtha added a "distinct" to American culture. Western culture is a term often refers broadly to the cultures of the United States and Europe.The way of "integration" of people in the United States varies. For example, in the United States, Spanish speaking Catholic communities may maintain their language and traditions. Family culture, but has been integrated into the community.We have adopted the American way of life in many other ways.In the northeast, South, Midwest, Southeast and west regions of the United States all have their distinct traditions and customs. Here is a brief overview of the culture of the United States.No language is the official language of the United States, in accordance with the government of the United States.Although almost all the world's languages are spoken in the United States, Spanish, Chinese, German and French languages other than English are more common.The population of the United States of America%90 talk or which the least understood and most official acts are in the English language. The U.S. Census Bureau estimated that over 300 languages spoken in the United States.The office is divided into four categories, these languages: Spanish; the Indo European languages, which has aired a Yiddish, German, Swedish, French, Italian, Russian, polish, Greek, Hindi and Punjabi and another.Languages of Asia and the Pacific Islands, including Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai and Tamil, and all languages; "this", which is the class of languages in accordance with the first categories, such as Hungarian, Arabic,The languages of Africa and the languages of the indigenous peoples of North America, central and South America.Religion, almost all religions practiced in the United States, which applied the principle of freedom of religion. About 83% of Americans identify themselves as Christians, according to ABC poll answered, while 13% had no religion at all.According to another poll in 2012 showed similar. It is found that Judaism is a religious affiliation, and second most commonly, by about 1.7 per cent of the population. Only 0.6% of the sample of participants are Muslims.American style clothing patterns vary according to social status, occupation, region and climate.Jeans, sports shoes, baseball hats, cowboy hats and boots are a few items of clothing, which is closely linked with the Americans.Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Michael kors, and Victoria's secret is well-known U.S. brands.Us fashion, celebrity and the media influenced widely, sales of fashion, equal to about $200 annually, according to a study published in Harvard University.American food kitchen influenced European ethnic groups and Native Americans in its early history.Today, there are a number of foods which are usually identified as America, such as potato chips, hamburgers and hot dogs, and a loaf of meat and macaroni and cheese. And like apple pie "means all is native American.There are also the types and styles of cooking foods that belong to a certain area. It is often called the Southern cooking style "comfort food", including dishes such as fried chicken, cabbage and black eye peas and corn bread.Tex mex style popular in Texas and the South West, a mixture of Spanish and Mexican cooking methods include ingredients such as chili, Walbwrytw relies heavily on sliced cheese and beans.Dried meat Walmqddt that are displayed Kwjbat snack, was created in the United States, according to NPR art it is known to us (on a large scale. All over the world) is a leading company in the production of media, includingThe films.According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, the United States has one third media and entertainment industry all over the world.The television broadcasting industry in the United States in the early 1950's, and is now appearing in American television programs around the world.The United States also has a vibrant film industry, based in Hollywood, California, American movies are popular all over the world.The film industry has achieved US $31000000000 in revenues in 2013, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. Arts and culture in the United States than the movies and TV shows, though.New York is home to Albrwdway, Falamrykyyn have a rich history. American folk art is the artistic style and identified with him. He and other handmade items.American music is very diverse, with many, many styles, including rhythm and blues, jazz and gospel, country and western, bluegrass, rock and roll, hip-hop.United States sports is a sports minded country, with millions of fans who follow football, baseball, basketball, hockey, and other sports.The game of baseball, which Ttwyrt in colonial America and sports organization in mid 1800, is known as America's favorite pastime of choice, despite its popularity. I increased the popularity of football over the last two decades, according toHarris.Holidays in the USA only several holidays celebrated in the United States. Americans celebrate their independence from Britain on July 4.Memorial Day, is celebrated on the last Monday of May, in honor of those who died in military service. Labor Day is the first day of two September, celebrated by the labour force in the country.An American holiday, Thanksgiving, characteristic, falls on the fourth Thursday in November and November, dating back to the colonial era, to celebrate the harvest. Presidents Day, to mark the birthday of George Washington, the father of
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دعم الترجمة أداة: الآيسلندية, الأذرية, الأردية, الأفريقانية, الألبانية, الألمانية, الأمهرية, الأوديا (الأوريا), الأوزبكية, الأوكرانية, الأويغورية, الأيرلندية, الإسبانية, الإستونية, الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, الإيطالية, الإيغبو, الارمنية, الاسبرانتو, الاسكتلندية الغالية, الباسكية, الباشتوية, البرتغالية, البلغارية, البنجابية, البنغالية, البورمية, البوسنية, البولندية, البيلاروسية, التاميلية, التايلاندية, التتارية, التركمانية, التركية, التشيكية, التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة, التيلوجو, الجاليكية, الجاوية, الجورجية, الخؤوصا, الخميرية, الدانماركية, الروسية, الرومانية, الزولوية, الساموانية, الساندينيزية, السلوفاكية, السلوفينية, السندية, السنهالية, السواحيلية, السويدية, السيبيوانية, السيسوتو, الشونا, الصربية, الصومالية, الصينية, الطاجيكي, العبرية, العربية, الغوجراتية, الفارسية, الفرنسية, الفريزية, الفلبينية, الفنلندية, الفيتنامية, القطلونية, القيرغيزية, الكازاكي, الكانادا, الكردية, الكرواتية, الكشف التلقائي, الكورسيكي, الكورية, الكينيارواندية, اللاتفية, اللاتينية, اللاوو, اللغة الكريولية الهايتية, اللوكسمبورغية, الليتوانية, المالايالامية, المالطيّة, الماورية, المدغشقرية, المقدونية, الملايو, المنغولية, المهراتية, النرويجية, النيبالية, الهمونجية, الهندية, الهنغارية, الهوسا, الهولندية, الويلزية, اليورباية, اليونانية, الييدية, تشيتشوا, كلينجون, لغة هاواي, ياباني, لغة الترجمة.

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