تزداد أهمية الطاقة المتجددة عند الحديث عن المستقبل، إذ يمثل الاستثمار  ترجمة - تزداد أهمية الطاقة المتجددة عند الحديث عن المستقبل، إذ يمثل الاستثمار  الإنجليزية كيف أقول

تزداد أهمية الطاقة المتجددة عند الح

تزداد أهمية الطاقة المتجددة عند الحديث عن المستقبل، إذ يمثل الاستثمار فيها بعدا اقتصاديا وصحيا صديقا للبيئة. وتسعى بعض الدول إلى ضمان مستقبل أبنائها من خلال السعي إلى توفير بدائل للطاقة تضمن لهم العيش الكريم والمستدام.
ولم يعد الاستثمار في الطاقة المتجددة عالميا، رفاهية أو ترفا، بل أصبح حاجة لابد منها اقتصاديا وبيئيا. فالطاقة الأحفورية المهددة في النضوب خلال 100 عام على الاكثر، يقابلها طلب متزايد على الطاقة عالمياً.

وكانت منطقة الشرق الأوسط قد شهدت نموا في الاستهلاك ليرتفع بنسبة 22% بين عامي 2007 و2011. ومن غير المتوقع أن يتباطأ استهلاك الطاقة خلال الأعوام الخمسة المقبلة، في ظل توقعات نموٍ يزيد عن 10%.

والطاقات الخمس، الشمس والرياح والمياه والطاقة الحيوية والطاقة المستخرجة من النفايات، مرشحة وحدها لسد النقص العالمي لاستهلاك الطاقة المتنامي حاليا، وإحلالها تدريجيا مكان الطاقة الأحفورية لدى نضوبها، وهو ما تعمل عليه الاقتصادات العالمية العملاقة.

وقد شهد معدل إنتاج الطاقة المتجددة تقدما مطردا في الآونة الأخيرة. فخلال العام 2010، زودت الطاقة المتجددة ما يقدر بنحو 16% من إجمالي الاستهلاك العالمي للطاقة، وهو ما يمثل حوالي نصف الطاقة الكهربائية الجديدة المضافة عالميا والبالغة 194 غيغاوات.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Renewable energy is increasingly important when talking about the future, the investment represents an economic dimension and environmentally healthy. And some States are seeking to ensure the future of their children by seeking to provide alternatives to guarantee them a decent life and energy.And no longer invest in renewable energy globally, luxury or luxury, but need to be economically and environmentally. It is endangered in fossil energy depletion during 100 years at most, offset by growing demand for global energy.The Middle East has experienced a growth in consumption to rise by 22% between 2007 and 2011. It is the energy consumption is expected to slow over the next five years, amid expectations of growth of more than 10%.And the five energies, Sun, wind and water energy vitality and energy from waste, only candidate to fill the global shortage of energy consumption is currently growing, gradually replacing the depletion of fossil energy, which is working on global economies.And renewable energy production has witnessed rapid progress in recent times. During 2010, renewable energy supplied an estimated 16% of the total global energy consumption, representing about half the electric power universally and extremely new added 194 GWh.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Renewable energy is becoming increasingly important when talking about the future, since investment is economically healthy and environmentally friendly dimension. Some states and seeks to ensure the future of their children by seeking to provide energy alternatives to guarantee them a decent living and sustainable. Is
no longer investing in renewable energy globally, welfare or a luxury, but has become a need that should be economically and environmentally. Fossil energy is threatened to run dry in 100 years at the most, offset by growing demand for global energy. The Middle East has experienced a growth in consumption to rise by 22% between 2007 and 2011. It is not expected to slow energy consumption over the next five years, in light of the growth expectations of more than 10%. Energies five, sun, wind, water and bioenergy extracted and energy from waste, candidate alone to meet the global shortage of consumption growing energy now, and replaced gradually place of fossil energy has depletion, which is working on the giant global economies. the rate of production of renewable energy has seen steady progress in recent times. During the year 2010, renewable energy supplied an estimated 16% of the total global energy consumption, accounting for about half of new power added globally, amounting to 194 gigawatts.

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
It is increasingly important to talk about the future of renewable energy, accounting for investment in an economic dimension, healthy and environmentally friendly. Some states are seeking to secure a future for her children by striving to guarantee them a decent livelihood and sustainable energy alternatives.There is no investment in renewable energy worldwide, luxury, luxury, but need to be economically and environmentally. The fossil energy are depleted in 100 years at most, there would be an increased demand for energy in the world.The Middle East has experienced growth in consumption to increase by between 2007 and 2011 22%. Energy consumption is expected to slow over the next few years, with expectations of growth than 10%.And the half, sun, wind, bio energy and energy extracted from the waste, only candidates to fill the lack of world energy consumption is growing, the gradual replacement of fossil energy in their exhaustion, which is operated by giant economies of the world.The renewable energy production rate has been steady progress recently. In 2010, renewable energy has an estimated 16% of total global energy consumption, accounting for about a half of electrical energy added a new universal and 194 Ghyghawat.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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