النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 2:
More modern words with Alkhobarh:
Bukhari came from the hadeeth of Abu Sa'eed said: Pena Prophet, peace be upon him divides: came Abdullah ibn Dhi Alkhobarh Tamimi said: "fairest, O Messenger of God", he said: "Woe is amended if it is the fairest." Omar bin al-Khattab said, give me permission Vodharb neck .. He said: "Let him his companions, the degrading of you prayer with prayer, fasting, and with fasting, pass through of religion as Imrq arrow from the bow of office man ... one of his hands - or breasts said - such as a woman's breasts or said such Aldah - Tdrdr, out on while a band of people ".. Abu Sa'eed said: I bear witness that I heard from the Prophet, peace be upon him, and I bear witness that Ali killed and I'm with him, brought the man to the epithet, which called him the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, : {it came down and some of them Illemsk in alms} "(a brief talk) ..
In the novel, when a Muslim, "said Omar bin al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him: Let me, O Messenger of Allah Voguetl this hypocrite, he said:" God forbid that people talk I kill my friends ".. In the novel when Bukhari: sent Ali may Allah be pleased with him to the Prophet, peace be upon him the gold medal Vksmha among the four: Aqra 'ibn Habis Alhandala then Majasai, and Uyaynah bin Badr Fazari, and Zaid al-Tai, and a built Nabhan, and Alqamah bin Alath Ameri then a brown Dogs, Vgillt Quraish and the Ansar, said: Snaded gives people find and let us! He said, "but Otafahm," then said the rest of the talking ..
usefulness: Ibn Hajar in Fath said the reason not to kill a Alkhobarh "but leave the Prophet, peace be upon him killed mentioned because it was not shown as evidenced by what behind him, Flo killed the phenomenon of goodness in people - by persistence is Islam and the footing in the hearts - to Nverhm engage in Islam, and the after - God bless him - do not be left to fight them if they showed their opinion and left the group and violated the imams, with the ability to fight "(finished). .
This modern origin in the exit Kharijites reported imams to talk in their books, and perhaps try to bring the words of this talk of six books, and what came from the Kharijites different wordings where - in other - shows the full picture of this band of impact, and is intended to collect the correct words and good intentions, there is no need to graduate each novel from all sources, but enough externalized from a single source, a request for telly
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