مقدمة للبرمجة كائنية التوجة – الكائنات والتصنيفات – التوريث – مفاهيم الـ CLASS – مفاهيم الوراثة والكبسله– البرمجة على أساس الكائنات- درجة الحماية لحقل البيانات
Introduction to object-oriented programming, objects and classifications-inherit-CLASS concepts — concepts of inheritance, encapsulation-based programming objects-the degree of protection for the data field
An introduction to object-oriented programming - objects, classifications - inheritance - the concepts CLASS - concepts of genetics and Kabzle- Alcainat- programming on the basis of the degree of protection for the data field
The top of the object go programming, objects, inheritance, and the CLASS concepts -- concepts of genetics Walkbslh. Programming on the basis of protection for the data objects.