كما نعرف ان الجرائم شيء مخيف وان هناك ناس يرتكبونها ولا يفكرون بالعواقب، اليوم سنتحدث عن الجرائم وانواعها وكل مجموعه ستناقش بعضها لكن الآن لننصت الى مجموعتي
We also know that something creepy crimes and that there are people and not think of the consequences, today we'll talk about crimes and types, each group discussed each but now listen to my
We also know that the crimes scary thing and that there are people who do not think they commit consequences, today we'll talk about the kinds of crimes and each group will discuss some of them now but to listen to my collections
We also know that the crimes is scary, but people may not think of, today we are going to talk about the crimes, but now each group discussed each Lnnst to my collection.