هذه القصةيروى عن محامي ذكي يدعى بمايكل و يبلغ من العمر 23 عاما كان ماي ترجمة - هذه القصةيروى عن محامي ذكي يدعى بمايكل و يبلغ من العمر 23 عاما كان ماي الإنجليزية كيف أقول

هذه القصةيروى عن محامي ذكي يدعى بما

هذه القصةيروى عن محامي ذكي يدعى بمايكل و يبلغ من العمر 23 عاما كان مايكل شديد الذكاء و سريع الملاحظة و كانت هذه سمة يراها الجميع فيه الا انه و رغم ذكائه الشديد كان أشد ذكاء في مجال عمله ( المحاماة ) كان دائما ما يجد حلا لإنقاذ موكله و يحاول و لا ييأس مهما بلغ تعقيد القضية يضل يفكر و يفكر حتى يصل لوسيلة يقنع بها القضاة ببراءة موكلة
و لم يكن مايكل من الأشخاص الذين يهتمون بجانب الخير فهو كان يقبل القضايا مهما بلغت صعوبتها و حتى و أن كان موكله مجرما فهو سيضل يدافع عنه حتى النهاية و هذا لم يكن فقط بسبب طمعه و حبه للمال الا انه ايضا كان يعتبر كل قضية كتحدي له فكان دائما ما يحرص على ان تكون كل قضية يعمل بها اصعب من سابقتها
و في يوم من الأيام اجتمع مايكل بمجموعة من اصدقائه شارلوك و سمث و جون ( شارلوك و الذي كان هو الاخر يعمل في مجال المحاماة و سمث و الذي كان ضابطا في الشرطة و جون و الذي كان يعمل ككاتب عدل في المحكمة ) بدؤا يتجاذبون أطراف الحديث و كل واحد منهم يتحدث في القضايا التي واجهها و مستجدات العمل التي حدثت معه وفي احد لحظات الصمت التي تسبق بدايتهم بموضوع مشوق آخر بدى على سمث و كأنه تذكر شيئا مهم فقال بحماس : ألم تسمعوا عن قضية السيد باورو التاجر المشهور رد عليه جون : أجل لقد سمعت عنها أن المحكمة تنتظر قدومه بشوق و الجميع يضع التوقعات على أنه سيخرج منها ككل مره قال شارلوك : انا لا اعتقد انه سيستطيع الخروج هذه المره فالقضية واضحة و لقد امسك بالجرم المشهود سيتطلب هذا محاميا شديد الذكاء و الحيلة كانت هذه الجملة كالمغناطيس بالنسبة لمايكل و الذي قرر بعد هذه الجلسة أن يبحث بالقضية و يدافع عن السيد باورو
كانت قضية السيد باورو شديدة التعقيد حيث انه قتل زوجته امام خادمتيها و الخادمتان شهدوا امام الشرطة بذلك و ستشهدان امام المحكمة ايضا لم يكن هناك سبيل لإخراج السيد باورو هذه المره الا ان مايكل قرر ان يخوض التحدي حتى النهاية و ان يذهب الى المحكمة و يأخذهم بالحيلة بدلا عن المنطق بدأ يرتب الافكار بعقله و يفكر بالطرق المناسبة التي من الممكن أن يستدرج الخادمتان بها كي يكذبهما ويقنع المحكمة انهما اتفقتا على السيد باورو كي يسرقوا ماله لكنه عندما وصل الى المحكمة تفاجأ بأمر اثار توتره القاضي الذي امسك القضية هو السيد جيرمي و هو القاضي الذي كان دائما ما ينافس باورو بالذكاء حاول مايكل ان لا يهتم لذلك دخل القاعة بثقة و بدأ يطرح القضية بطريقة مميزة الا ان القاضي لم يبدوا انه قد اقتنع بدأ باورو يفكر بسرعة : كيف سأخرج من ذلك , كيف سأخرج من ذلك و فجأة ابتسم ابتسامة و بدى و كأنه وجد الحل وجه باورو الحديث للقاضي و قال له : سيدي القاضي لا يجب عليك ان تصدر الحكم حتى حتى تتأكد بأنه صحيح مئة بالمئة رد القاضي : هذا صحيح اجاب مايكل : اذن الان ستدخل الزوجة التي اعتقدنا جميعا انها مقتولة
ملأت القاعة بالدهشة فتح الباب و اتجهت جميع الانظار اليه كان الجميع بانتظار ظهور الزوجة حتى القاضي لكنها لم تظهر رد مايكل بثقة سيدي القاضي لو كنتم على ثقة ان الزوجة قتلت لما اتجهت جميع الانظار الى البوبة و بدأ الجميع بانتظارها و الان اترك الحكم لك رفعت الجلسة للمداولة و كان باورو واثقا بنجاح حيلته الا ان غير المتوقع ان الحكم اصدر وقد حكم على السيد باورو بالإعدام تسأل مايكل بغضب ما سبب ذلك سيدي القاضي اجاب السيد جيرمي بذكاء : اجل لم نكن واثقين من موت الزوجة و قد اتجهت جميع الانظار للبوابة للتأكد الا ان شخصا واحدا منا لم ينظر للبوابة و هو الزوج السيد باورو كان واثقا ان زوجته لن تظهر لانه قتلها
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
This the story irrigate about smart lawyer named Michael and a 23-year-old Michael was brainy and fast note these feature all to see it however, and despite strong intelligence was the most intelligent in his field (law) was always going to find a solution to save his client, trying and don't give up no matter how complicated the case is erring thinking and even think up a convincing judges acquitted his client And not Michael of people who care about good side he accepts whatever the difficult issues, even though his client criminals it will mislead defended until the end and this wasn't just because of his greediness and his love for money, but he also was considered in each case as a challenge to him, he was always keen to be each issue works out harder than its predecessor And one day he met a group of his friends Michael Sherlock, Smith & John (Sherlock, who had also worked in a law firm, Smith, who was a police officer and John and that he worked as a notary in court) wonder chatting and each of them speaks on issues encountered and updates work that occurred with him in one of the silences that precede their subject of another interesting substitute for Smith and remember something important He said enthusiastically: haven't you heard about the case of Mr. Lauro famous trader replied to John: I have heard that the Court was awaiting his arrival eagerly and everyone puts expectations that emerge as every time he said Sherlock: I don't think it will come out this time around, the issue is clear and I grabbed this will require red-handed brainy lawyer and the trick was this sentence as a magnet for Michael, who decided after this meeting to discuss the issue and defend Mr. Lauro Mr. Lauro case was extremely complex, where he killed his wife in front of her servant and the servant testified before the police and most explosive in court also there wasn't a way to eject Mr. euros this time but Michael decided to go challenge until the end and to go to court and take them to trick instead of logic began to arrange ideas in his mind and think of ways that could lull the servant to lie them and persuade the Court that theyA agreed to Mr. Lauro to steal his money but when he arrived at court to be surprised is unnerved by the judge who held effects issue is Mr. Jeremy and judge who was always competing with Oro intelligent try Michael that cares not so entered the room and started to put the issue in a distinctive way but that the judge did not show that it is satisfied with the euro started thinking quickly : How I cut it, how do I cut it out and suddenly smiled and substitute and found the solution in bauru modern judge and the judge told him: you must not issue a ruling until until it is 100 percent true, the judge replied: that's right, Michael answered: so now enter the wife who all thought they killed ملأت القاعة بالدهشة فتح الباب و اتجهت جميع الانظار اليه كان الجميع بانتظار ظهور الزوجة حتى القاضي لكنها لم تظهر رد مايكل بثقة سيدي القاضي لو كنتم على ثقة ان الزوجة قتلت لما اتجهت جميع الانظار الى البوبة و بدأ الجميع بانتظارها و الان اترك الحكم لك رفعت الجلسة للمداولة و كان باورو واثقا بنجاح حيلته الا ان غير المتوقع ان الحكم اصدر وقد حكم على السيد باورو بالإعدام تسأل مايكل بغضب ما سبب ذلك سيدي القاضي اجاب السيد جيرمي بذكاء : اجل لم نكن واثقين من موت الزوجة و قد اتجهت جميع الانظار للبوابة للتأكد الا ان شخصا واحدا منا لم ينظر للبوابة و هو الزوج السيد باورو كان واثقا ان زوجته لن تظهر لانه قتلها
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
This Algosharoy for intelligent lawyer named Michael and at the age of 23-year-old Michael severe was intelligent quick note and and this trait all to see it, but he and despite intense intelligence was the most intelligent in his field (law) was always going to find a solution to save his client and trying and do not give up no matter how complexity of the case led astray think and think until it reaches a means to convince the judges assigned innocently
and Michael was not people who care about the next goodness it was accepted issues, no matter how difficult and even that was his client's criminal is Sadil defend him to the end This was not only because of the greed and love for money, but he also was considered each case as a challenge to him was always keen that every case works out harder than the previous one to be
and one day Michael met a group of his friends Sherlock and Smith and John (Sherlock and who he was also working in the legal profession and Smith, who was an officer in the police and John and who was working as a writer was amended in court) starting Etjazbon talk and every one of them speaking at the issues faced and updates work that took place with him in one of the moments of the parties silence that precedes their debut subject matter interesting else seemed to Smith and like to remember something important, he said enthusiastically: Did not hear about the case of Mr. Bauru merchant famous replied John: Yes I have heard about the court waiting for coming forward and everybody puts the expectations that will come out of them as a whole once said, Sherlock: I do not think he will be able to get out this time the issue is clear and I've caught red-handed it will require this brainy lawyer and resourceful this sentence was a magnet for Michael and who decided after the meeting that looking to the case and defend Mr. Bauru
was the case of Mr. Bauru very complex where he killed his wife in front of Khademtaha and Alkhademtan testified before the police do and Stchehdan court also there was no way to take out Mr. Bauru this time, but Michael decided to take on the challenge until the very end and to go to court and take them trick instead of logic began to arrange the ideas his mind and considering appropriate ways that could be drawn Alkhademtan out to Akzbhma and convince the court they had agreed on Mr. Bauru in order to steal his money, but when he arrived at the court surprised by order sparked tension judge who held the case is Mr. Jeremy and is a judge who was always going to compete Bauru intelligent tried Michael that does not care for that entered the hall with confidence and began to put the issue in a distinctive way, but the judge did not seem that he had convinced Bauru began to think quickly: How do you come out of it, how it would come out of it and suddenly smiled and seemed as if he found the solution face Bauru talk to the judge and he said to him: Sir, the judge does not you have to have the sentencing even to make sure that it is right a hundred percent response Judge: This is true replied Michael: So now will enter the wife that we all thought it was dead
filled the hall surprised to open the door and went all the attention to him everyone was waiting for the emergence of the wife until the judge but responded Michael Confidence sir judge if you are confident that the wife killed what went all the attention to Albobh and did not show everyone started waiting and now leave the judgment to you meeting rose for deliberation and was Bauru confident successfully his gimmick, but is not expected to rule issued has sentenced Mr. Bauru to death to ask Michael angrily what the reason for that, Mr. Judge, Mr. Jeremy replied intelligently: for we were not sure of the death of the wife and have moved all of sight of the gate to make sure only one person among us has not seen the gate and is the husband of Mr. Bauru was confident that his wife will not It appears to kill her
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
This Alqstyrwy smart lawyer named Michael, 23 year old Michael keen and quick note, this feature for all to see in it only. It was, despite his serious work more intelligent (Law) was always finds the solutionHis client, trying and don't give up no matter how complicated the issue still thinks and thinks, up to convince the judges he assigned
Michael and not of those who care about besides the good he had accepted issues, no matter how hard, even if his client's guilty of it he stood for. To the end, and this was not only because of his greed, and his love for money, but he also was seen in all cases.He was always careful to have each worked harder than the previous one
And one day, met a series of Sherlock and his friends Michael Smith and John Sherlock, who was the other working in the legal profession, and Smith and who was a police officer, who was working as a writer and John court of Justice) started chattingEach of them speaks on issues encountered and the developments that occurred in one of the moment of silence before their debut last looked at Smith and interesting topic he remembered something important, said excitedly:Did you hear about the case of bauro trader's response, John: Yes, I heard about that everyone eagerly awaits the arrival of the court, and set expectations for him to get out. As a whole there that Sherlock.I don't think he can go out this time, it is clear and I caught in flagrante delicto, would require that a very clever and resourceful she this sentence like a for Michael magnet. And after this meeting to examine the case and decide to defendBauro
The case of Mr. bauro very complex where he killed his wife before Khadmtyha and Alkhadmtan testified in front of the police and Stshhdan also told the court there is no way to get Mr. bauro Michael decided to go this time, but the challenge
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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