مدرستي هي 88 المتوسطه وتقع في مدينة جدة ويوجد بها 30 معلم و 500 طالب على مقعد الدراسه أحب مواضيع الدراسة من علوم ورياضيات والعربي ومواد الدين ولكن أفضل مادة الفقه
My school is 88 medium located in Jeddah and 30 teachers and 500 students study seat like subjects of math, English, science and religion articles but the best material of Fiqh
My school is 88 medium and located in the city of Jeddah and there are 30 teachers and 500 students on a bench study topics like the study of science and mathematics, Arab and materials religion but the best material Fiqh