موضوع: معلومات عن دمتري مندليف الخميس 10 فبراير 2011 - 22:29 سيرتهولد  ترجمة - موضوع: معلومات عن دمتري مندليف الخميس 10 فبراير 2011 - 22:29 سيرتهولد  الإنجليزية كيف أقول

موضوع: معلومات عن دمتري مندليف الخم

موضوع: معلومات عن دمتري مندليف الخميس 10 فبراير 2011 - 22:29

ولد دميتري ايفانوفيتش منديلييف في 27 يناير( 8 فبراير حسب التقويم اليولياني القديم) عام 1834 بالقرب من توبولسك في سيبيريا. وكان دميتري الطفل السادس عشر والاخير للأب إيفان بافلوفيتش مندليف " Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleyev" والأم ماريا ديمتريڤنا مندلييڤا (وكان لقبها قبل الزواج كورنيلييڤا) " Maria Dmitrievna Mendeleeva (nee Kornilieva)". علما ان ثمانية منهم فارقوا الحياة في سن الطفولة. وفي سن الرابعة عشر، بعد موت والده, إلتحق مندليف بالجيمنازيوم فى توبولسك.

وفى عام 1849، إستقرت عائلة مندليف الفقيرة فى سان بطرسبرج, حيث إلتحق بالمعهد التربوي العالي فى عام 1850. وبعد التخرج, أصيب بالسل مما جعله ينتقل إلى شبه جزيرة القرم على البحر الأسود فى عام 1855، حيث أصبح الرئيس العام للعلوم فى المدرسة الثانوية المحلية. ثم إستعاد صحته ورجع إلى سان بطرسبرج عام 1856.

وفى الفترة من 1859 إلى 1861 عمل فى كثافة الغازات فى باريس., وأعمال المطياف مع جوستاف كيرشوف " Gustav Kirchhoff" فى هايدلبيرج. وفى عام 1863, وبعد رجوعه إلى روسيا, أصبح مدرس الكيمياء فى المعهد التقني وفى جامعة سان بطرسبرج. وفى نفس العام, تزوج من فيوزڤا نيكيتشنا لشيڤا " Feozva Nikitichna Leshcheva". ثم أعجب بأنا إيڤانوڤنا پوپوڤا ولاحقها وهددها بأن ينتحر إن لم توافق على الزواج منه. فقبلت وتزوجته قبل شهر من انتهاء اجراءات طلاقه من زوجته الأولى. وقد تزوجت إبنته من زوجته الأولى من الشاعر الروسي المشهور ألكسندر بلوك " Alexander Blok".

وبالرغم من أن مندليف تم تكريمه من كل المؤسسات العلمية فى أوروبا، بما فيها حصوله على وسام كوپلي من الجمعية الملكية في لندن, فإن نشاطه السياسي كان يقلق الحكومة الروسية، مما أدى لإقالته من جامعة سانت بطرسبرج فى 17 أغسطس عام 1890. وفي عام 1893، تم تعيينه مدير لديوان الأوزان والقياسات.

وفى سنواته الأخيرة, عمل خارجه وإخترع المواصفات القياسية للڤودكا " vodka" الروسية. وأكثر أهمية من ذلك قام بالتحقق من حقول وتركيب النفط. وساعد فى عمل أول مصفاة زيت فى روسيا. وقد توفي في سانت بطرسبرج بسبب الإنفلونزا. وتم تسمية العنصر رقم 101, مندليفيوم بإسمه.
تدرجه الوظيفي

* في عام 1855 مارس التعليم في مدرسة خاصة بالذكور في سيمفروبل.
* في عامي 1855 - 1856 مارس التعليم في مدرسة في اوديسا.
* في اعوام 1857 – 1890 – عمل مدرسا في جامعة بطرسبورگ وفي اعوام 1863 – 1872 اصبح استاذا في المعهد التكنولوجي في بطرسبورغ.
* في اعوام 1859 – 1861 – عمل في بعثة علمية بجامعة هايدلبرگ في المانيا.
* في عام 1865 ناقش رسالة الدكتوراه بعنوان " حول تركيب الكحول مع الماء" والتي تضمنت افكاره الرئيسية حول السوائل.
* في عام 1876 انتخب عضوا مراسلا في اكاديمية العلوم الامبراطورية في بطرسبورغ.
* شارك منديلييف في اعداد تكنولوجيات اول مصنع لانتاج مواد التشحيم بروسيا تم تشغيله في بطرسبورغ في عام 1879 ببلدة قسطنطينوفسكي في اوبلاست ياروسلاڤل والذي يحمل اسمه الآن.
* في عام 1890 ترك العمل في جامعة بطرسبورغ بسبب خلافه مع وزير التعليم الذي رفض في اثناء المظاهرات الطلابية تسلم عريضة الطلاب من منديلييف.
* اطلق اسمه على العنصر الكيميائي رقم 101 –" مندليفيوم".

الجدول الدوري
One form of Mendeleev's periodic table, from the 1st English edition of his textbook (1891, based on the Russian 5th edition)
الجدول الدوري للعناصر

ثمة معلومة خاطئة شائعة مفادها أن منديلييڤ رأى جدوله في الحلم. بيد أن الأمر ليس كذلك. فإن الجدول الدوري هو ثمرة عمل استمر اعواما طويلة. وأجاب منديلييف مرة حين سألوه حول كيف اكتشف الجدول الدوري بقوله: "إنني ربما فكرت فيه طوال عشرين عاماً، بينما تعتقدون أنني جلست .. وفجأة كان كل شيء جاهزاً".

في عام 1866, نيولاندز " John Alexander Reina Newlands" قام بنشر نظرية الثمانيات. ولكن عدم وجود فراغات كافية للعناصر التى لم يتم إكتشافها, وتواجد بعض العناصر فى نفس الخانة كانت من الإنتقادات الموجهة لهذ النظرية، وبالتالى لم يتم قبولها. وبإغفال هذا، قام مندليف بالعمل على فكرة مشابهة، وفى 6 مارس 1869، تم تقديم الشكل الأساسي لها للجمعية الروسية للكيمياء، بعنوان "العلاقة بين خصائص العناصر وأوزانها الذرية" ، والتى نصت على أن:
Cl 35.5 K 39 Ca 40
Br 80 Rb 85 Sr 88
I 127 Cs 133 Ba 137
تمثال لتكريم مندلييف والجدول الدوري، في براتيسلاڤا، سلوڤاكيا.
تمثال في سانت بطرسبرگ.

1. لو تم ترتيب العناصر طبقا لوزنها الذري فإن خصائصها تتكرر دوريا.
2. العناصر المتشابهه فى خواصها الكيميائية لها أوزان ذرية إما قريبة من بعضها (مثل Pt, Ir, Os) أو تزيد بإنتظام مثل (K, Rb, Cs).
3. ترتيب العناصر, أو مجموعة من العناصر حسب أوزانها الذرية, يتفق مع ما يسمي التكافؤ, وأيضا, إلى درجة ما، إلى خواصهم الكيميائية المميزة, كما يظهر بوضوح فى سلسلة Li, Be, Ba, C, N, O, Sn.
4. العناصر المنشرة بكثرة لها أوزان ذرية صغيرة.
5. تحدد قيمة الأوزان الذرية صفات العنصر, كما أن قيمة الجزيء تحدد صفات المركب.
6. يجب توقع إكتشاف عديد من العناصر الغير مكتشفة وقتها مثلا عنصر مشابه للألومنيوم والسيليكون – والذى يتوقع له وزن ذري بين 65 و 75.
7. يمكن ضبط الوزن الذري للعنصر بمعرفة الأوزان الذرية للعناصرالملاصقة له. وعلى هذا يكون الوزن الذري لعنصر التيلوريم يجب أن يكون بين 123 و 126 ولا يمكن أن يكون 128.
8. يمكن توقع خواص معينة للعناصر طبقا لوزنهم الذري.

وكان لوثر ماير غير المعروف لمندليف يعمل أيضا على الجدول الدوري. وفى بحثه المنشور عام 1864, قام ماير بعض 28 عنصر فقط, مقسمين حسب تكافؤهم وليس حسب وزنهم الذري. ولم يكن عن عند ماير أى فكرة عن توقع العناصر الغير موجودة أو تصحيح الأوزان الذرية للعناصر الموجودة. وبعد أشهر قليلة من نشر مندليف لجدوله لكل العناصر المعروفة وقتها (وتوقعه عديد من العناصر التى سوف تكمل الجدول الدوري, بالإضافة لتصحيح بعض الأوزان الذرية), قام ماير بنشر صورة مطابقة للجدول، على الرغم من توقعات مندليف الدقيقة لما سماه تحت-سيليكون (جرمانيوم), تحت-ألومنيوم (جاليوم), تحت-بورون (سكانديوم) أعطاه نصيب الأسد فى الجدول الدوري. وبأى حال, فإنه فى وقت عرض توقعات مندليف فإنها أثرت بشدة على كل زملاؤه وإتضح صحتها بعد ذلك.

اكتشف منديلييف في فبراير عام 1869 لدى تأليف " اصول الكيمياء" احد قوانين الطبيعية الرئيسية – القانون الدوري للعناصر الكيميائية ( يسود الاعتقاد في الغرب ولاسيما في المانيا ان لوتار ماير توصل الى هذا الاكتشاف ايضا). ان الاختلاف الكبير بين هذين الجدولين يكمن في ان جدول ماير هو أحد صيغ تصنيف العناصر الكيميائية المعروف في ذلك الزمن ، اما الخاصية الدورية التي اكتشفها منديلييڤ فتمثل منظومة قادت الى ادراك الحتمية التي اتاحت تحديد مكان العنصر فيها – والتي لم تكن معروفة آنذاك، والتنبؤ ليس فقط بوجود العنصر بل تحديد
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Topic: About Dmitri Mendeleev Thursday, February 10, 2011 - 22:29

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev was born on January 27 (February 8, according to the old Julian calendar) in 1834 near Tobolsk in Siberia.Note that eight of whom died in infancy. At the age of fourteen, after the death of his father, joined the Mendeleev Paljamnaziom of in Tobolsk.

In 1849, the family settled Mendeleev poor in St. Petersburg,Where he joined the Institute of Higher Education in 1850. After graduation, wounded TB causing him to move to the Crimea on the Black Sea in 1855, where he became the General President for Science in the local high school.Then regained his health and returned to St. Petersburg in 1856.

In the period from 1859 to 1861 worked in the gas density in Paris., And the work of the spectroscope with Gustav Kirchhoff "gustav kirchhoff" in Heidelberg. In 1863, after his return to Russia,Became a chemistry teacher in the Technical Institute in St. Petersburg University. Then impressed PANA Aaڤanoڤna The پoپoڤa and Ahakha and threatened to commit suicide if you do not agree to marry him.She accepted and married a month before the expiration of his divorce proceedings from his first wife.Although Mendeleev was honored all scientific institutions in Europe, including receiving and Sam Koپla of the Royal Society in London,The political activity was concerned about the Russian government, which led to his dismissal from the University of St. Petersburg in August 17, 1890. In 1893, he was appointed director of the Office of Weights and measurements.

In his last years,Work outside the standard specifications of invented ڤodka "vodka" Russian. And more important than that, the checks and installation of oil fields. He helped in the work of the first oil refinery in Russia. He died in St. Petersburg because of the flu. It was renamed element No. 101,Mendlivuom his name.
Career graduation

* in March 1855 in a private school education male in سيمفروبل. The
* in the years 1855 - 1856 March of education in a school in Odessa.
* In the years 1857 - 1890 - worked as a teacher at the University of Boutrsporگ In the years 1863 - 1872 became a professor at the Technological Institute in St. Petersburg.
* In the years 1859 - 1861 - work in a scientific expedition at the University of Heidelberg in Germany.
* In 1865 discussed the doctoral thesis entitled "about the installation of alcohol with water," which included the main ideas about liquids.
* In 1876 he was elected a correspondent member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.
* Mendeleev participated in the preparation of technologies first factory for the production of lubricants in Russia was run in St. Petersburg in 1879 town Kstntanowski in Oblast Jaroslaڤl and which now bears his name.
* In 1890 leaving work at the University of St. Petersburg because of his disagreement with the Minister of Education, who refused during the student demonstrations received a petition from the Mendeleev students.
* Fired his name on the chemical element No. 101 - "Mendlivuom".

Periodic tableone form of mendeleev's periodic table, from the 1st english edition of his textbook (1891, based on the russian 5th edition)
periodic table of elements

There is information common misconception that Mendalaaڤ saw in a dream schedule. However, it is not.The periodic table is the result of long-continued for years. And Mendeleev answered once when asked about how discovered the periodic table, saying: "I probably thought about it for twenty years, while you think I sat down .. and suddenly everything was ready."

In 1866,Newlands "john alexander reina newlands" The publish theory eighties. But the lack of adequate spaces for elements that have not been discovered, and the presence of some elements in the same box was one of the criticism Lhz the theory, and therefore not be accepted.And بإغفال this, the Mendeleev working on similar idea, and in the March 6, 1869, was presented the basic shape her Assembly Russian Chemistry, entitled "The relationship between the properties of the elements and their atomic weights," which stipulates that:
cl 35.5 k 39 ca 40
br 80 rb 85 sr 88
i 127 cs 133 ba 137
Statue to honor the Mendeleev periodic table, in Bratislaڤa, Sloڤakia.
Statue in St. بطرسبرگ.

1. If the items have been arranged according to the weight of the atomic characteristics recur periodically.
2.Arrangement of elements, or a combination of elements according to their atomic weights, consistent with the so-called parity, and also,Elements frequently sawmill have small atomic weights.
5. The value of atomic weights recipes element, and the molecule value that determines the characteristics of the boat.
6.Should expect the discovery of many Unusual Items discovered at the time, for example, an item similar to aluminum and silicon - which is expected to atomic weight between 65 and 75.
7. Can adjust the atomic weight of the element by the atomic weights for his Anasralamlasqh.And this is the atomic weight element التيلوريم must be between 123 and 126 can not be 128.
8. Can be expected of certain properties of the elements according to their weight atomic.

Luther was Meyer is known for Mendeleev also works on the periodic table.In his research, published in 1864, Meyer has only some 28 element, divided by reward and not according to their atomic weight. It was not for when Meyer any idea of ​​the expected elements of non-existent or correct atomic weights of existing elements.A few months after the publication of Mendeleev to schedule all the elements known at the time (and expect many of the elements that will complement the periodic table, as well as to correct some of the atomic weights),Mayer has published a picture identical to the table, despite the expectations of Mendeleev minute of what he called under - silicon (germanium), under - aluminum (Jaleom), under - boron (scandium) gave the lion's share in the periodic table. In any case,It at the time of display Mendeleev expectations they strongly influenced both his colleagues and then it turns correctness.

Mendeleev discovered in February 1869, has authored "Chemistry assets" one of the main natural laws - periodic law of chemical elements (It is widely believed in the West, especially in Germany, Lothar Meyer to reach this discovery too).The big difference between the two lies in the tables that the agenda Meyer is a form of classification of chemical elements known at that time, either the property discovered by rotating Mendalaaڤ represents the system led to the inevitable realization that allowed locateWhere - and which were not known at the time, and predict not only the presence of the element but to identify
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Subject: information on Dmitri Mendeleev Thursday 10 February 2011-22: 29

biography born Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev on 27 January (February 8, old Julian calendar) in 1834 near Tobolsk in Siberia. Dmitri was the sixteenth and last child of father Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleyev "Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleyev and mother Maria ديمتريڤنا مندلييڤا (her maiden name before marriage was كورنيلييڤا)" Maria Dmitrievna Mendeleeva (nee Kornilieva) ". Note that eight of them died in infancy. At the age of fourteen, after the death of his father, he enrolled in Mendeleev Gymnasium in Tobolsk.

in 1849, Mendeleev's family settled in St Petersburg, So he joined the higher Pedagogical Institute in 1850. After graduation, tuberculosis was making moves to the Crimean peninsula on the Black Sea in 1855, where he became President of the sciences in high school. Then he regained his health and returned to St. Petersburg in 1856.

in the period from 1859 to 1861 worked at the density of gases in Paris, and with Gustav Kirchhoff spectroscope "Gustav Kirchhoff at Heidelberg. In 1863, and after his return to Russia, Became a teacher of chemistry at the Technical Institute and the University of St. Petersburg. In the same year, he married فيوزڤا nikichna لشيڤا "Feozva Nikitichna Leshcheva." Then admire I ايڤانوڤنا پوپوڤا and haunted and threatened to commit suicide if agrees to marry him. They accepted, and married him a month before the end of the action his divorce from his first wife. Married the daughter of the first wife of the famous Russian poet Alexander Blok "Alexander Blok."

Though Mendeleev was honored of all scientific institutions in Europe, including winning the Medal of كوپلي of the Royal Society in London, The political activity was concerned by the Russian Government, which led to his dismissal from the University of Saint Petersburg on August 17, 1890. In 1893, he was appointed Director of the Office of weights and measures.

and in his last years, Work outside the standard specifications للڤودكا invented the "vodka" Russian. And more importantly, has verified oil fields and installation. And assisted in the work of the first oil refinery in Russia. He died in St. Petersburg because of the flu. The element was renamed No. 101, Mendelevium name.
Insert job

* in 1855 March education at a private school for boys in simfrobl.
* in 1855-1856 March education at schools in Odessa.
* In the years 1857-1890-the work of a teacher in the University of بطرسبورگ in the years 1863-1872 Professor at the technological Institute in Petersburg.
* in the years 1859-1861, work on a scientific mission at the University of هايدلبرگ in Germany.
* In 1865 discussed the doctoral thesis entitled "on the structure of alcohol with water", which included the main ideas about liquids.
* in 1876 he was elected a member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences correspondent in Petersburg.
* Share Mendeleev in technologies the first factory for the production of lubricants in Russia started in Petersburg in 1879 in the town of kstantinovski in the ياروسلاڤل oblast which carries his name now.
In 1890 he left University in Petersburg because of succession with the Education Minister during student demonstrations delivered a petition of Mendeleev.
* launched on chemical element number 101-Mendelevium.

periodic table
One form of Mendeleev's periodic table, from the 1st English edition of his textbook (1891, based on the Russian 5th edition)
periodic table

there is wrong information that منديلييڤ the common tab in the dream. However, it is not. The periodic table is the fruit of long years of work. Mendeleev replied once when they asked him about how he discovered the periodic table by saying: "I probably thought about it for 20 years, while you think I sat in. Suddenly, everything was ready. "

in 1866, Newlands "John Alexander Reina Newlands" published the theory of the 1980s. But the lack of adequate space for items that are not discovered, and the presence of certain elements in the same box was one of the criticisms of this theory, and therefore are not accepted. And omission, the Mendeleev worked on a similar idea, and on 6 November 1869, the basic shape of the Russian Association of chemistry, entitled "relationship between the properties of elements and atomic weights", which stipulates that:
Cl 35.5 K 39 Ca 40
Br 80 85 Sr 88 Rb
I 127 133 Ba 137 Cs
Statue in honor of Mendeleev, the periodic table, براتيسلاڤا, سلوڤاكيا.
statue of Saint بطرسبرگ.

1. If the order of the elements according to atomic mass, its properties are repeated cyclically.
2. Similar items in chemical properties have atomic weights either close together (such as Pt, Ir, Os) or regularly (such as K, Rb, Cs)
3. The order of the elements, or a collection of items by atomic weights, in accordance with the so-called parity, and also, To some degree, to the chemical attributes, as is clearly shown in the series of Li, Be, Ba, C, N, O, Sn.
4. Sawmill items frequently have small atomic weights.
5. Specifies the value of the atomic weights attributes element, the value specifies characteristics of the composite particle.
6. We must expect the discovery of many elements, for example time undetected element similar to aluminium and silicon, which is expected of atomic weight between 65 and 75.
7. You can adjust the atomic weight of the element with atomic weights llanasaralmlaskh. The atomic weight of an element altilorim must be between 123 and 126 can't be 128.
8. Certain properties can be expected for the elements according to their Atomic

and Luther Mayer is known as lmandliv also works on the periodic table. In his research, published in 1864, the Meyer some 28 element only, divided according to their equivalence, not by their weight. And not from when Meyer any idea of the expected elements of others exist or correcting atomic weights of the elements. And a few months after Mendeleev published the schedule for all elements known at the time (and expect several items that will complete the periodic table, as well as to correct some atomic weights), The Meyer published the picture match the table, despite predictions of Mendeleev so-called under-Silicon (germanium), under-aluminum (gallum), under-boron (scandium) gave him the lion's share of the periodic table. In any case, In the time view Outlook Mendeleev had severely affected both his colleagues and found her then.

Mendeleev discovered in January 1869 to authoring "chemistry" is one of the major natural laws: the law of the chemical elements (widely in the West, particularly in Germany, Lothar Meyer came to the discovery well). The great difference between these two tables is that a table Meyer is one of the chemical elements known versions of sorted in time, either periodic property discovered by منديلييڤ represents the inevitable perception led system that allowed localization — Which were not known at the time, and forecast not only item but select
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
The theme: Information on is hard for Russia مندليف thursday 10 february 2011 - 22:29

Ould Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev in 27 January) 8 February calendar old اليوليانى) in 1834 near the توبولسك in Siberia.The child was the 16th and final Dmitry father Ivan Pavlovic مندليف " Ivan pavlovich mendeleyev" and mother Maria ديمتريڤنا مندلييڤا (the title before marriage كورنيلييڤا) " Maria dmitrievna mendeleeva (nee kornilieva) ".Note that eight of them had died at the age of childhood. At the age of 10, after the death of his father, he joined مندليف بالجيمنازيوم in توبولسك.

in the year 1849, stabilized مندليف poor family in St. Petersburg.enrolled in higher education institute in 1850. After graduation, tuberculosis, making it moves to the Crimean peninsula on the Black Sea in the year 1855, where he became president of the science in local high school.Then regained his health and went back to St. Petersburg in 1856.

IN THE PERIOD FROM 1859 to 1861 the work of the gas density in Paris., and the HIFI spectrometer with Gustav Kirchhoff s " Gustav Kirchhoff" in Heidelberg. In the year 1863, after he returned to Russia.Become a teacher in the chemistry Technical Institute and at the University of St. Petersburg. In the same year, he married فيوزڤا نيكيتشنا لشيڤا " feozva nikitichna leshcheva". Then he was impressed by PANA ايڤانوڤنا پوپوڤا ولاحقها disbarment that commits suicide that did not agree to marry him.Litigants jihadist one month before the end of the procedures for his divorce from his first wife. The daughter married the first wife of famous Russian poet Alexander block " Alexander widely popular Blok" .

In spite of the مندليف was honoring of all scientific institutions in Europe, including getting the Medal of كوپلى of the Royal Society in London.Political activity was concerned, the Russian government, which resulted in his sacking of the University of St. Petersburg on 17 august 1890. In 1893, he was appointed director of weights and measurements.

in recent years.The work of the outside invented standard specifications للڤودكا " vodka" Russian. And more important than this, the verification of the installation of oil fields. and assisted in the work of the first oil refinery in Russia. He died in St. Petersburg of flu. It was renamed the element 101,His مندليفيوم.
include الوظيفي

* in March 1855, education in a private school males in سيمفروبل.
* in 1855 - March 1856 education in a school in Odessa.
* In the years 1857 - 1890 - the work of teachers at the University of بطرسبورگ in years 1863 - 1872, became a professor in the Technological Institute بطرسبورغ.
* in years 1859 - 1861 - the work of the scientific mission هايدلبرگ university in Germany.
* In the year 1865 discussed the doctoral thesis entitled " on installing alcohol with water" which included key ideas about السوائل.
* in the year 1876 he was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences as a correspondent for the empire in Petersburg.
* Mendeleev participated in the preparation of the technologies of the first factory to produce lubricants in Russia was run in St. Petersburg in the year 1879 in Konstantinovsky Palace in oblast ياروسلاڤل which bears his name now.
* In the year 1890 leaving work at the University of St. Petersburg because of his disagreement with the Minister of Education, which was rejected in during the student demonstrations of students received broad منديلييف.
* named chemical element 101 -" مندليفيوم" .

periodic table
One form of mendeleev's table presentations, from the 1st English edition of his textbook (1891, based on the plea 5th edition)
Periodic Table of Elements common

there is false information that منديلييڤ view his schedule in the dream. However, that is not the case.The periodic table is the result of the long years. Mendeleev once again responded when asked about how to find out the periodic table, saying: "I might have thought about it over 20 years, while you think I sat .. And suddenly everything was ready" .

in the year 1866,Newlands " John Alexander Reina Newlands" published by the theory of the octets. But the lack of adequate inventory of elements that have not been discovered, and the presence of some elements in the same box was of criticisms against this theory, therefore, not be accepted.The Islanders, The مندليف to work on the idea of similar, on March 6 1869, was to provide basic form a Russian assembly chemistry, entitled "The relationship between the characteristics of the elements, their weighting Agency", which stipulates that:
CL 35.5 K 39 CA 40
BR 80 RB 85 SR 88
I 127 CS 133 BA 137
The statue to honor number periodic table, in براتيسلاڤا, سلوڤاكيا.
statue in St. بطرسبرگ.

1. If the arrangement of elements according to her weight atomic radiation, their characteristics are repeated periodically.
2.Typical elements in chemical properties of atomic weight as close to each other (such as PT, IR, OS) or increase regularly (such as K, RB, CS) .
3. The arrangement of elements, or a group of elements by atomic weight, in accordance with the so-called parity, as well as,To some degree, to the attributes of chemical, as clearly appears in a series of LI, Be, BA, C, N, O, SN.
4. Sawmill elements commonly have small atomic weight.
5. Determine the value of the atomic weight characteristics of the component, and that the value of the particle determine the characteristics of the boat.
6.It should be expected the discovery of several elements, for example, then the unexplored element aluminum similar silicon - which is expected to atomic weight between 65 and 75.
7. atomic weight component can be adjusted by atomic weights للعناصرالملاصقة him.And this be atomic weight التيلوريم component must be between 123 and 126, and can be 128.
8. can be expected to specific features of the elements according to atomic لوزنهم.

Luther Meyer was not known لمندليف also work on the periodic table.In his research published in 1864, The Meyer some 28 element only, divided by تكافؤهم and not according to atomic weight. It was not the When Mayer any idea of the elements that are expected or correct existing elements of atomic weights.After a few months of deployment of مندليف calendar for each known elements at that time (and anticipate many of the elements which would complement the periodic table, as well as to correct some atomic weights),The Mayer Image Deployment in conformity with the schedule, in spite of expectations مندليف per minute for what he called under-silicon (جرمانيوم), under-aluminum (جاليوم), under-boron (سكانديوم) gave lion's share on the periodic table. In any case,It was in at the time of the introduction of expectations مندليف it strongly affected the health revealed all his colleagues after that.

Discover the Mendeleev in february 1869 to form a " assets of chemistry" one of major natural Laws - the law of chemical elements ( belief prevails in the West, especially in Germany, Lothar Meyer reached to this discovery also).The significant difference between these two tables that lies in the fact that the Agenda Mayer is one of formulas for the classification of chemical elements known at that time, the periodic feature discovered by منديلييڤ unallocated led system to recognize imperative which allowed the place- which was not known at that time, and Forecasting is not only the presence of the component, but the
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