مكالمة هاتفية والسماء تمطر في هذا التاريخ الساعة الواحدة صباحا يوم لا ينسى مع طفلة رائعة وتملك عقل شيطان ولكني أعشق هذه الفتاة هذه طفلي سعيد من أجل طفلتي لأنها مع صديقها القديم
A phone call and raining on this date at 1 a.m. unforgettable day with a fantastic girl and have the mind of a demon, but I adore this girl this my baby happy for my baby to it with the old boyfriend
A phone call and raining at this date one o'clock in the morning an unforgettable day with a wonderful girl and have the mind of a demon, but I adore this girl that my child is happy for my baby because it is with the old boyfriend
A phone call at 1:00 a.m. on the day the sky rained date good girl. Don't forget with the mind of a demon, but I love this girl, this kid said to child, she with her old friend.