أساسيات التصميم من أعلى الى أسفل , تحديد احتياجات وأهداف المستخدم , التصميم المنطقي للشبكه , تقييم وتخطيط الشبكات المحليه والمدنيه , التصميم الحقيقي للشبكه , أجهزة ومكونات الشبكه
Design Essentials from top to bottom, identify user needs and goals, logical design network, assess, plan local networks, civil, design of network, hardware and network components
Design basics from top to bottom, to determine the needs and goals of the user, the logical network design, planning and evaluation of local area networks and civil, the real design of the network, hardware and network components
The fundamentals of graphic design from top to bottom, identifying user needs and objectives, logic design evaluation network (LAN, local area network planning and design, and civil real network (LAN, devices and components of the web