1- نقلا عن جريدة الاهرام اصدر مجلس الوزراء بيانا عقب اعلان الجانب الرو ترجمة - 1- نقلا عن جريدة الاهرام اصدر مجلس الوزراء بيانا عقب اعلان الجانب الرو الإنجليزية كيف أقول

1- نقلا عن جريدة الاهرام اصدر مجلس

1- نقلا عن جريدة الاهرام
اصدر مجلس الوزراء بيانا عقب اعلان الجانب الروسى لاسباب سقوط الطائرة الروسية ف سيناء والذى ادلى بة رئيس الوزراء خلال مؤتمر صحفى بقاعة المؤتمرات بشرم الشيخ عقب اجتماع الحكومة
تحقق المبدا الاول من مبادى الصحفى الناجح وهو الالتزام بالحقيقة والديمقراطية والحصول على معلومات موثقة وصحيحة

2-اليوم السابع / مؤمن مختار /الاثنين 23/11/2015
واوضحت قناة ان تى فى الروسية ان المحققون قالو انه المقعد30 وفقا للبيانات الاولية فان هذا المقعد كان مخصص لفتاة تدع ماريا تبلغ من العمر 15 عام من منطقة لينينجراد (سان بطرسبورج) الروسية مشيرا الى انة تم العثور على الموقع الدقيق للانفجار بسبب التحاليل الكيميائية وفحوصات الطب الشرعى
وهنا تحقق المبدا الثانى وهو شفافية المصادر والطرق الى اقصى حد

3-اليوم السابع _ سيد الخلفاوى – الثلاثاء 17/11/2015
تفاعل رواد موقع التواصل الاجتماعى تويتر مع ازمة الطائرة الروسية المنكوبة بعد الاعلان رسميا سقوطها بسبب قنبلة بدائية بهاشتاج ساخر بعنوان ملناش دعوة والذى تصدر الاكثر تداولا فى مصر نفوا فى مسئولية مصر عن سقوط الطائر كما غردو بعبارات اكدوا فيها ان مصر لن تدفع تعويضات
هنا لم يتحقق المبدا الثالث وهو الولاء الاول للمواطنين والمصلحة العامة فوق كل شئ

4-اليوم السابع –محمد مجدى السيسى - الاحد 15/11/2015
-وناشد فخرى فى تصريح لليوم السابع العلام المصرى بتوخى الحذر من التناول الاعلامى او انها لم تستمع للنصائح او استغلال الحادث لقضايا سياسية مصرية داخلية
لم يتحقق المبدا الرابع وهو الاستقلال فى التغطية والروح والعقل وليس الحياد

5- اليوم السابع- كتب ايمن رمضان –الاربعاء25/11/2015
قال الاعلامى احمد موسى ان صحيفة البرافدا الروسية نشرت تقريرا امس فى غاية الخطورة يؤكد ان قطر وتركيا هم المسئولون عن تفجير الطائرة المنكوبة الروسية فى سيناء
واشار خلال برنامجة على مسئوليتى على قناة صدى البلد الى ان هناك معلومات استخباراتية روسية اكدت ان القنبلة تم زرعها فى العاصمة التركية اسفل المقعد 30 A والذى كانت تجلس علية طفلة صغيرة وان الرد الروسى سوف يكون قاسيا مضيفا ان روسيا ستمسح قطر بعد التكد من ادلة تورطها هى وتركيا
وهنا تحقق مبدا بمثابة مراقب وسلطة مستقلة لها قدرة غير عادية للسيطره على الذين تؤثر قواتهم على مواطنيها

6- اليوم السابع – مؤمن مختار- الاثنين- 23/11/2015
رغم عدم صدور نتائج التحقيقات فى حادث الطائرة الروسية المنكوبة اجزمت وسائل الاعلام الروسية ان المحققون حددوا المقعد الذى وضعت تحتة القنبلة التى ادت الى انفجارالطائرة الروسية التى راح ضحيتها 224 شخص
وهنا يتحقق المبدا السادس وهو الراى العام وطرح الانتقادات وسط مساحة الاعلام يحمل الحوار المجتمعى

7- نقلا عن الاهرام
وجاء فى البيان اذ تقدر جمهورية مصر العربية بمنتهى التضامن الالم الذى يساور الشعب الروسى الصديق نتيجة الحادث الاليم الخاص بسقوط الطائرة الروسية بسيناء
هنا تحق المبدا السابع وهو جعل مهمة وما يهم الصحافة هى تحكى عن غرضها

8- نقلا عن الاهرام
وتوكد مصر فى هذا الاطار على تعاونها الكامل مع الجنب الوسى فى القضاء على الارهاب وتكثيف المشاركة والتعاون الدولى فى هذا الخصوص
وهنا لم يتحقق المبدا الثامن وهو ان تبقى لاخبار شاملة متناسبة والصحافة نموذج لرسم خرائط المواطن

9- اليوم السابع كتب محمد مجدى السيسي _الاحد _15/11/2015
طلب شريف فخرى النائب عن قائمة فى حب مصر بتشييد نصب تذكارى فى شرم الشيخ وعليها اسماء ضحايا الطائرة الروسية المنكوبة متابعا وتقام عندة الصلوات على ارواحهم ويصبح مزارا لاسر الضحايا لابرياء والذىن يمكن استقدامهم فيما بعد ولو على نفقة الحكومة المصرية للتخيف عن الامهم واحزانهم
وهنا يتحقق المبدا التاسع وهو تحكيم الضمائر وشعور الاخلاقيات الصحفية والمسؤليةالشخصية
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
1. Al-Ahram quoted The Council of Ministers issued a statement following the announcement by the Russian side for reasons of Russian plane crash in Sinai and the statements made by the Prime Minister during a press conference at the Conference Hall of the Sharm el-Sheikh following the Cabinet meeting Check out the first principle of journalistic principles and a commitment to truth, democracy and access to documented information and correct 2. seventh day/locked Mukhtar Monday 23/11/2015 She explained the Russian NTV channel that investigators said that seat 30, according to preliminary data, this seat was custom for the girl let Maria 15 year of Leningrad region (Saint Petersburg), Russian, adding that he found the exact location of the explosion because chemical analysis and forensic examinations Here check the second principle is transparency of sources and methods to maximize 3. seventh day _ Sir khalafawy – Tuesday 17/11/2015 The interaction of the pioneers of social networking site Twitter, with crisis-stricken Russian plane after officially falling because of the improvised bomb bhashtag comic strip entitled malnash call and the most traded in Egypt denied the responsibility Egypt killing jumper as ghardo phrases underlined that Egypt will not pay compensationHere the third principle has been achieved and is the first loyalty of the citizens and the public interest above everything 4. the seventh day – Mohamed magdy El Sisi-Sunday 15/11/2015 -Honorary appealed in a statement to mark the seventh day to be cautious of information handling or did not listen to advice or to exploit the incident for internal Egyptian political issues The fourth principle was not achieved independence in coverage and soul and mind and not neutral5. seventh day-wrote Ayman Ramadan-Wednesday 25/11/2015 Media said Ahmed Moussa to Russian Pravda newspaper published a report Monday in the most serious stresses that Qatar and Turkey are responsible for the bombing of a Russian plane in Sinai He noted during his show on my responsibility to channel echo country out there that Russian intelligence had confirmed that the bomb was planted in the Turkish capital down A 30 seat which she sat on it a young girl and the Russian response will be harsh, adding that Qatar Russia cleans up after altkd evidence of their involvement is, Turkey And here the principle serve as an observer and independent authority for her extraordinary ability to control who affect their nationals6. the seventh day — locked Mokhtar-Mon 23/11/2015Although the results of the investigations into the crash affected Russian agsmt Russian media that investigators had identified the seat beneath the bomb led to the Russian anfgaraltaerh, which killed 224 people And here achieved the sixth principle is public opinion and raised criticism amid media area holds community dialogue 7. Al-Ahram quoted The Arabic Republic of Egypt appreciates very solidarity of the Russian people's pain friend as a result of the tragic crash's Russian Sinai Here is the seventh principle is entitled to make important and what matters to the press is telling about the purpose 8. Al-Ahram quoted Empirical Egypt on its full cooperation with the intermediate location flank in eradicating terrorism and intensify the participation and international cooperation in this regard Here is the eighth principle and has not been achieved is to keep the news comprehensive and proportional press model citizen mapping9. seventh day Mohamed magdy El Sisi _sunday _15/11/2015 Honorary Deputy Sheriff's request list in Egypt love to construct a monument in Sharm el-Sheikh and in them the names of the victims of the ill-fated Russian aircraft continued and held prayers for their lives and has become a place of pilgrimage for the families of the innocent victims and the thats can be brought later if the Egyptian Government expense lltkhif about their pain and grief The ninth principle is achieved here is arbitration consciences and sense of journalistic ethics walmso'lihalshkhsih
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
1. citing Al-Ahram newspaper
issued a Cabinet statement after the Russian side the announcement of the reasons for the fall Russian aircraft in the Sinai and made ​​by the Prime Minister at a press conference at the Conference Hall in Sharm el-Sheikh after the cabinet meeting,
check the first principle of the Principles of the successful journalist, a commitment to truth and democracy and to obtain reliable information and correct 2-seventh day / believer Mokhtar / Monday 23/11/2015 and said channel NTV Russian investigators they said that the seat 30 according to the preliminary data, this seat was dedicated to the girl let Maria at the age of 15 years from the Leningrad region (Saint Petersburg, Russia) adding that he found the exact location of the explosion due to chemical analysis and forensic examinations and here check second principle which is the transparency of sources and methods to maximize 3-seventh day _ master Khalafawy - Sat. 17/11/2015 interaction of the pioneers of the social networking site Twitter with the Russian plane crisis stricken after the official announcement of its fall due to a primitive bomb Bhachtaj cynical entitled Mlnac call, which issued most heavily in Egypt denied the responsibility of Egypt for the fall of the bird as Gordo terms confirmed where the Egypt compensation will be paid here third principle has not been achieved, the first loyalty of the citizens and the public interest above all else 4-seventh day -mamed Magdy El-Sisi - Sunday 15/11/2015 -onashid Fakhry in a statement for the seventh day mark of Egypt to be careful of handling media or she did not listen to the tips or the exploitation of the incident Egyptian internal political issues fourth principle, which has not been achieved independence in coverage and Spirit and mind and not neutrality 5. Today VII wrote Ayman Ramadan -alaravae 11/25/2015 The media Ahmed Moussa newspaper Pravda Russian published a report yesterday in extremely dangerous confirms that Qatar and Turkey were responsible for the Russian-fated plane bombing in the Sinai, he said during his program on my responsibility to Echo Country channel out there that intelligence Russian confirmed that the bomb was planted in the Turkish capital under the seat 30 A, which was sitting attic a little girl and that the Russian response will be harsh, adding that Russia Qatar Sthompsh after Altkd of evidence implicating and Turkey and here check principle as observer The independent authority has an extraordinary ability to control who their forces affect the citizens 6. seventh day - Monday through believer Mokhtar 11/23/2015 despite the lack of issuance of the results of investigations in Russia's ill-fated plane accident Adzmt Russian media said investigators have identified the seat that placed beneath the bomb which led to the Russian Anfjaraltairh which claimed the lives of 224 people and here Principle VI is achieved, a public opinion and put forward criticisms central area of the media holds a community dialogue 7. citing Al-Ahram and the statement while appreciating the Arab Republic of Egypt with the utmost solidarity pain, which is the Russian people-friendly as a result of your tragic incident the fall of the Russian plane Sinai here entitled Seventh principle which make the job of what matters the press is tells the story of purpose 8. citing Ahram Egypt and underscores in this context, to cooperate fully with pleurisy guardian in cracking down on terrorism and the intensification of participation and international cooperation in this regard, and here the eighth principle has not been achieved It is to keep a comprehensive news proportionate and press model to draw the citizen maps 9. Seventh Day wrote Mohammed Magdy Sisi _cd _15 / 11/2015 request Sheriff Fakhry MP from the list in love with Egypt the construction of a monument in Sharm el-Sheikh and the names of Russian aircraft-stricken victims of following up and held him prayers for their lives and become a place of pilgrimage for the families of the victims of innocent people who could be recruited and later even at the expense of the Egyptian government to frighten their pain, sorrows and here the ninth principle is achieved, a jury of conscience and a sense of journalistic ethics and Almsalahalchksah

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
1. According to Al Ahram newspaper
cabinet issued a statement following the announcement of the Russian for Russian Q of the Sinai, which is made by the prime minister during the press conference hall of the government "after a meeting in Sharm el SheikhThe principle of the first principles of the press and of a commitment to the truth, democracy and documented information and accurate

HMO selected. Today seventh / 2 / 23 mon A / 11 / 2015
The news channel that t in that Russian investigators said the 30 seat according to the preliminary data, the custom was for let Maria, an 15 year old girl of the Leningrad (Saint Petersburg), Russian, indicating he was found on the site.The explosion caused by chemical analyses and the forensic medicine
Here is your check, the second is the transparency of sources and methods optimized to

3 - Seventh Mr khalafawy - Tue 17 / 11 / 2015
The interaction of the pioneers of the social networking site twitter with a Russian aircraft hit after the official announcement falling down from a primitive Bhashtaj parody entitled Mlnash calling, which made the most heavily traded in Egypt were exiled in Egypt for the bird.Ghrdw terms, confirmed that Egypt will not compensate
Here the principle has been achieved third a first allegiance to citizens and the public interest above all

4 - day seventh - Mohamed Magdy Sisi - Sundays 15 / 11 / 2015
Emeritus. He appealed to in a statement to the media for seventh. Be careful of the handling of the media or they did not listen to the advice or exploited for political incident, Egyptian interior
The principle was achieved in fourth and independence in coverage and soul and mind rather than neutral

5 - day seventh - wrote Ayman September - live 25 / 11 / 2015.
Interview Ahmed Moussa said that the Russian newspaper Pravda published a report yesterday in very serious asserts that Qatar and Turkey are responsible for the bombing of the doomed aircraft with Russian in the Sinai
He said during his on my command channel. The country out there that Russian intelligence confirmed that the bomb was planted in the Turkish capital beneath a seat 30 A... She was sitting on a little girl and his response will be harsh.Russia and Qatar Stmsh after evidence of their involvement Altkd is Turkey
We achieve a serves as a controller and an extraordinary ability to control those who affect their citizens

6 - day seventh - unlocked and selected. Alathnyn
23 / 11 / 2015Although the results of investigations in Russian plane crash Ajzmt stricken Russian media said the investigators identified the bench, which put the Thtt bomb that led to the Russian Anfjaraltayrt claimed the lives of 224 people "Here come your sixth a public opinion and criticism of the central area of the media holds the community dialogue 7. According to Al Ahram

The statement, as estimated in the Arab Republic of Egypt with great solidarity, the pain, the Russian people is friend a painful incident of collapse of the Russian aircraft in Sinai
Here is your seventh it made the task of press is what matters, not

8. According to Al Ahram
Egypt underscores in this setting. To cooperate fully with the side Alwsy in eliminating terrorism and intensify international cooperation and participation in this regard
Here, the principle was not achieved in eighth and to keep the press and news for comprehensive, appropriate model for mapping the citizen

9 - seventh day books Mohamed Magdy El Sisi sun 15/
11 / 2015Asked the sheriff emeritus list MP in love with Egypt. Construction of the memorial. In Sharm el Sheikh and the names of the victims of the Russian aircraft affected by following and has prayers to their spirits and the pilgrimage to the families of the victims Labrya Waldhyn can come later.At the expense of the Egyptian government Lltkhyf on pain Wahzanhm
Here come your ninth a jury of conscience and sense of journalistic ethics Walmslytalshkhsyt
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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