النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 1:
The relationship of education to democracy a dialectic instrument, cannot talk about education in the absence of public and private freedoms and the lack of true democracy based on equality and equal opportunities, also based on social justice and faith and the legitimacy of pluralism.And also talk about democracy in the absence of a genuine education and teaching building and purposeful quality, creativity, innovation and capacity building, and respects and appreciates talent actors educators and learners and dedicated in the research and exploration of scientific exploration and knowledge.Hence, education and democracy go hand in hand as a currency not raising no democracy and no democracy without education.And we today keep democracy-in our home that there where real citizenship and curtailed human rights and Justice has diminished until almost no-for tasmiya: naming your newborn qualified morally and democratically to steer the country and lead its own ranks to light innovative democratic vision based system, responsibility and discipline, true citizenship, and yearning for freedom and change and building the State and the nation on the criteria of creativity, innovation and production order to reach the ranks of developed and prosperous Nations cultural, scientific and technology!So, what is education? And the concept of democracy? What is the relationship of education to democracy? What are the mechanisms of democratization in our education? What are the difficulties encountered in the application of democracy and activated in the educational reality? And what are the solutions proposed to install democracy education? These are the questions we will try to answer in this modest study.1. concept of education:Education Act reforming moral educational aims to nurture the learner valid and proper socialization. Education also contribute to maintain the values of society and its customs and traditions, and to configure a good citizen, and also aims to change society and towards progress and prosperity through democratization, social justice and equality.Moreover, education is shaping society formulate ethical and raise his profile and connect it to the ranks of developed and prosperous.Serious education seeks to integrate individual in society adapted and well adapted and reconciled and change, it also seeks to: "the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Mean configuration of individuals capable of intellectual and moral independence and respect this independence to others, according to the rule of reciprocity that makes this independence project to them. " In General, education is a means of achieving creativity and innovation and exploration and interpretation research and the democratisation of society, based on freedom and individual initiative and the rule meaningful debate and constructive criticism and dialogue to build advanced community types contribute to modernity and globalization enriches its productive potential and inventions and discoveries and developments of theory and scientific and technical information.Dr Mohamed Labib alngihai: "since the goal of basic education is to develop thinking and exploitation of intelligence, this means that the educational work for human liberty. The emphasis on child development is the emphasis on mental abilities of editing restrictions, and allow her to go so you can effectively use the possibilities of the environment in which they live. And become a free society is a society whose members also participate in development and social change routing incident.وعندما يتمتع أفراد المجتمع بالحرية فإن التربية تكون بذلك قد أسهمت في بناء مجتمع مفتوح. ونعني بالمجتمع المفتوح المجتمع الذي يسعى عن قصد وتصميم في سبيل تطوره، ولا يعمل فقط على المحافظة على الوضع الراهن. وهذا المجتمع هو مجتمع قد نظم تنظيما يدخل في اعتباره حقيقة التغيير في الأمور الإنسانية. وهو مجتمع يقبل التغير على أنه وسيلة للقضاء على الفساد والانحلال، وأن الذكاء الإنساني والمجهود التعاوني من جميع أفراد المجتمع تؤدي جميعا إلى نمو الإنسانية وتقدمها."زد على ذلك أن التربية تحقق مجموعة من الوظائف الجوهرية كالتعليم والتثقيف والتطهير والتهذيب والتنوير وتحرير الفكر من قيود الأسطورة والخرافة والشعوذة والسمو بالإنسان نحو آفاق إيجابية ومثالية.
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