في يوم من الايام ذهبت الى السوق وتفاجات بصديقتي هناك فسررت برويتها فجلسنا وتكلمنا وتذكرنا ايام الماضي وتذكرت يوم رايتها اول مرة في ايام المدرسة كان ذلك اليوم جميل فقد تعرفت عليها وكانت افضل صديقة لدي
One day I went to the market surprised by my girlfriend there, nice to see you sat around and talked and reminiscent of days past and remember the day I first saw her in school days it was a beautiful day you may recognize her and she was my best friend
One day I went to the market and I was surprised there Bsidikta Vsrrt Breuetha Fjelsna and we talked and reminiscent of the last days and I remembered the day I first saw it in the days of school was a beautiful day I learned it was the best friend I have
One day, I went to the market Wtfajat girlfriend, there are Fsrrt Brwytha Fjlsna over the past days I remembered on her first day at school. Beautiful, I the best friend.