ملاكي أنا اليوم ولِأجلك فقط انضممت لهذا التطبيق لِأنني في الحقيقة لا أحبه ولكن الآن تغيرت الأحوال وأصبحت مِنْ مَنْ يعشقونه بل يعشقونك أنتِ يا سمكتي الذهبية
My Angel I am today and you just joined this app because I really don't like him, but now things have changed and become who adore him but adore you, my goldfish
My angel, today I have just joined you for this application because I really do not like him, but now things have changed and become of even adore you, O Aahqonk gold Smokta
My angel, I only Wleajlk today I joined this application Leanny really do not like him, but now things have changed, and from the Yshqwnk who adore him. But you, my goldfish