أرجوك الست صديقي لابد أن تتفهم موقفي نحن هنا في الشرق الأوسط عادات مختلفه عنكم هنا الرجل يمتلك القرارت أكثر من المرأه وخصوصا اذا تربطهم علاقه فهي لا تستطيع مجادلة
Please my friend six should understand the position we are in the Middle East, different habits from you here man owns decisions more than women, particularly if the links they cannot dispute
Please six Siddiqui must understand my position here we are in the Middle East different customs from you here man has more women's decisions, especially if they are connected with a dispute can not
I set my friend must understand my position here in the Middle East, different habits, here's own decisions more than woman, especially if you have connected to it. You can argue