Initially we might know bananas as the most important tropical fruit c ترجمة - Initially we might know bananas as the most important tropical fruit c الإنجليزية كيف أقول

Initially we might know bananas as

Initially we might know bananas as the most important tropical fruit crops in the world's undisputed, and plays a major role in the economy of many countries being ranks high in global trade. Banana is the most popular fruit and popular among people at all due to the rich taste sweetness from the definition, and the year-round availability and ease of storage and transportation, large and nutritional value, which we will address them in our theme.
Banana perennial plant, and is considered scientifically herb, not a tree, due to the fact that the plant consists of leg wrapped around some leaves and not wooden as the trees, but stem length ranges between 3: 8 meters depending on the type of plant. It is strange that the name of this plant in most of the world's languages ??Banana or the word close as Banane and even search for the origin of the word in the Arabic language, we find that the banana finger is called "Lebanon bananas" and nominate a single banana "fingertip" It is said that the origin of this word is due to the language "Wolof" in West Africa.
Among the most important benefits of the banana which is the subject of our article, big role in weight loss by following the diet banana famous program, where experts confirmed that eating especially at breakfast bananas helps the body to secrete the hormone "Alchollstukenn" which in turn sends a signal to the nervous system as an alert to the intestines of fullness and lack of desire in eating more food.
Bananas benefits do not stop about weight loss at this point only Vmoz high capacity to prevent the absorption of certain types of carbohydrates, which significantly contributes to weight gain, as Bananas contain high amount of resistant starch, potassium, fiber and vitamin C B6 which enhances the feeling of fullness stomach and satiety, so as well as high improve its ability processes of metabolism and digestion. As it has been scientifically proven that eating bananas activates the metabolism and increases the burning of calories and reduces the likelihood of overeating throughout the day. So follow the banana diet eating a banana in an orderly fashion can lose weight in a healthy and fast.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Initially we might know bananas as the most important tropical fruit crops in the world's undisputed, and plays a major role in the economy of many countries being ranks high in global trade. Banana is the most popular fruit and popular among people at all due to the rich taste sweetness from the definition, and the year-round availability and ease of storage and transportation, large and nutritional value, which we will address them in our theme.Banana perennial plant, and is considered scientifically herb, not a tree, due to the fact that the plant consists of leg wrapped around some leaves and not wooden as the trees, but stem length ranges between 3: 8 meters depending on the type of plant. It is strange that the name of this plant in most of the world's languages ?? Banana or the word close as Banane and even search for the origin of the word in the Arabic language, we find that the banana finger is called "Lebanon bananas" and nominate a single banana "fingertip" It is said that the origin of this word is due to the language "Wolof" in West Africa.Among the most important benefits of the banana which is the subject of our article, big role in weight loss by following the diet banana famous program, where experts confirmed that eating especially at breakfast bananas helps the body to secrete the hormone "Alchollstukenn" which in turn sends a signal to the nervous system as an alert to the intestines of fullness and lack of desire in eating more food.Bananas benefits do not stop about weight loss at this point only Vmoz high capacity to prevent the absorption of certain types of carbohydrates, which significantly contributes to weight gain, as Bananas contain high amount of resistant starch, potassium, fiber and vitamin C B6 which enhances the feeling of fullness stomach and satiety, so as well as high improve its ability processes of metabolism and digestion. As it has been scientifically proven that eating bananas activates the metabolism and increases the burning of calories and reduces the likelihood of overeating throughout the day. So follow the banana diet eating a banana in an orderly fashion can lose weight in a healthy and fast.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Initially we might know bananas as the most important tropical fruit crops in the world's undisputed, and plays a major role in the economy of many countries being ranks high in global trade. Banana Is The Most Popular Fruit And Popular Among People At All Due To The Rich Taste Sweetness From The Definition, And The Year-Round Availability And Ease Of Storage And Transportation, Large And Nutritional Value, Which We Will Address Them In Our Theme.
Banana perennial plant, and is considered scientifically herb, not a tree, due to the fact that the plant consists of leg wrapped around some leaves and not wooden as the trees, but stem length ranges between 3: 8 meters depending on the type of plant. It is strange that the name of this plant in most of the world's languages ​​?? Banana or the word close as Banane and even search for the origin of the word in the Arabic language, we find that the banana finger is called "Lebanon bananas" And Nominate A Single Banana "Fingertip" It Is Said That The Origin Of This Word Is Due To The Language "Wolof" In West Africa.
Among The Most Important Benefits Of The Banana Which Is The Subject Of Our Article, Big Role In Weight Loss by following the diet banana famous program, where experts confirmed that eating especially at breakfast bananas helps the body to secrete the hormone "Alchollstukenn" which in turn sends a signal to the nervous system as an alert to the intestines of fullness and lack of desire in Eating More Food.
Bananas Benefits Do Not Stop About Weight Loss At This Point Only Vmoz High Capacity To Prevent The Absorption Of Certain Types Of Carbohydrates, Which Significantly Contributes To Weight Gain, As Bananas Contain High Amount Of Resistant Starch, Potassium, Fiber And Vitamin C B6 which enhances the feeling of fullness stomach and satiety, so as well as high improve its ability processes of metabolism and digestion. As it has been scientifically proven that eating bananas activates the metabolism and increases the burning of calories and reduces the likelihood of overeating throughout the day. So follow the banana diet eating a banana in an orderly fashion can lose weight in a healthy and fast.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Initially we might know bananas as the most important tropical fruit crops in the world 's undisputed, and plays a major role in the economy of many countries being ranks high in Global trade. Banana is the most popular fruit and popular among people at all due to the rich taste sweetness from the definition, and the year-round availability and ease of storage and transportationLarge and nutritional value, which we will address them in our theme.
Banana perennial plant, and is considered scientifically herb, not a tree due to the fact that the plant consists of leg wrapped around some leaves and not wooden as the trees, but stem length ranges between 3:8 meters depending on the type of plant.It is strange that the name of this plant in most of the world 's languages! Banana or the word close as Banane and even search for the origin of the word in the Arabic language, we find that the banana finger is called "Lebanon bananas" and nominate a single banana fingertip It is said that the origin of this word is due to the language Wolof in West Africa.
Among the most important benefits of the banana which is the subject of our article, big role in weight loss by following the diet banana famous program Where experts confirmed that eating especially at breakfast bananas helps the body to secrete the hormone Alchollstukenn which in turn sends a signal to the nervous system as an alert to the intestines of fullness and lack of desire in eating more foodBananas benefits do not stop about weight loss at this point only Vmoz high capacity to prevent the absorption of certain types of carbohydrates, which significantly contributes to weight gain, as Bananas contain high amount of resistant starch, potassium, fiber and vitamin C B6 which enhances the feeling of fullness stomach and satiety So as well as high improve its ability processes of metabolism and digestion. As it has been scientifically proven that eating bananas activates the metabolism and increases the burning of calories and reduces the likelihood of overeating throughout the day. So follow the banana diet eating a banana in an orderly fashion can lose weight in a healthy and fast.
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