اسمعوا ما دار بين النبي صلى اللة عليه آله وسلم وجبريل ::::::::::؛::::: ترجمة - اسمعوا ما دار بين النبي صلى اللة عليه آله وسلم وجبريل ::::::::::؛::::: الإنجليزية كيف أقول

اسمعوا ما دار بين النبي صلى اللة عل

اسمعوا ما دار بين النبي صلى اللة عليه آله وسلم وجبريل ::::::::::؛:::::::::::::::: قبل أن تبدوأ القراءة ارجوكم أقطعوا اتصالكم بكل الناس دقائق فقط ، وبعد القراءة ارسلها لجميع من عندك كي لا تحرمهم الاجر

واقروأ بتمعّن و رويّة .أسأل الله عز وجل أن ينفعني وإياكم بما نقرأ
روى يزيد الرقاشي عن أنس بن مالك قال: جاء جبريل إلى النبي صل الله
عليه وآله وسلم في ساعةٍ ما كان يأتيه فيها متغيّر اللون، فقال له النبي
صل الله عليه وآله وسلم: (( مالي أراك متغير اللون )) فقال: يا محمد
جئتُكَ في الساعة التي أمر الله بمنافخ النار أن تنفخ فيها، ولا ينبغي
لمن يعلم أن جهنم حق، و أن النار حق، وأن عذاب القبر حق، وأن عذاب
الله أكبر أنْ تقرّ عينه حتى يأمنها
فقال النبي صل الله عليه وآله وسلم: ((يا جبريل صِف لي جهنم ))
قال: نعم، إن الله تعالى لمّا خلق جهنم أوقد عليها ألف سنة فاحْمَرّت،
ثم أوقد عليها ألف سنة فابْيَضّت، ثم أوقد عليها ألف سنة فاسْوَدّت،
فهي سوداء مُظلمة لا ينطفئ لهبها ولا جمرها .
والذي بعثك بالحق، لو أن خُرْم إبرة فُتِحَ منها لاحترق أهل الدنيا عن
آخرهم من حرّها .
والذي بعثك بالحق، لو أن ثوباً من أثواب أهل النار عَلِقَ بين السماء
و الأرض، لمات جميع أهل الأرض من نَتَنِهَا و حرّها عن آخرهم لما
يجدون من حرها .
والذي بعثك بالحق نبياً ، لو أن ذراعاً من السلسلة التي ذكرها الله
تعالى في كتابه وُضِع على جبلٍ لَذابَ حتى يبلُغ الأرض السابعة .والذي بعثك بالحق
نبياً ، لو أنّ رجلاً بالمغرب يُعَذّب لاحترق الذي بالمشرق من شدة عذابها .
حرّها شديد ، و قعرها بعيد ، و حليها حديد ، و شرابها الحميم و الصديد
، و ثيابها مقطعات النيران ، لها سبعة أبواب، لكل باب منهم جزءٌ
مقسومٌ من الرجال والنساء .
فقال صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم: (( أهي كأبوابنا هذه ؟! ))
قال: لا ، ولكنها مفتوحة، بعضها أسفل من بعض، من باب إلى باب مسيرة
سبعين سنة، كل باب منها أشد حراً من الذي يليه سبعين ضعفاً ، يُساق
أعداء الله إليها فإذا انتهوا إلى بابها استقبلتهم الزبانية بالأغلال
و السلاسل، فتسلك السلسلة في فمه وتخرج من دُبُرِه ، وتُغَلّ يده
اليسرى إلى عنقه، وتُدخَل يده اليمنى في فؤاده، وتُنزَع من بين كتفيه
وتُشدّ بالسلاسل، ويُقرّن كل آدمي مع شيطان في سلسلة ، ويُسحَبُ على
وجهه ، وتضربه الملائكة بمقامع من حديد، كلما أرادوا أن يخرجوا منهامن غم أُعيدوا فيها .فقال النبي صل الله عليه وآله وسلم: (( مَنْ سكّان هذه الأبواب ؟! ))
فقال: أما الباب الأسفل ففيه المنافقون، ومَن كفر مِن أصحاب المائدة،
وآل فرعون ، و اسمها الهاوية .
و الباب الثاني فيه المشركون و اسمه الجحيم .
و الباب الثالث فيه الصابئون و اسمه سَقَر .
و الباب الرابع فيه ابليس و من تَبِعَهُ ، و المجوس ، و اسمه لَظَى .
و الباب الخامس فيه اليهود و اسمه الحُطَمَة .
والباب السادس فيه النصارى و اسمه العزيز ،
ثم أمسكَ جبريلُ حياءً منرسول الله صل الله عليه وسلم ، فقال له عليه السلام: ((ألا تخبرني من
سكان الباب السابع ؟
فقال: فيه أهل الكبائر من أمتك الذين ماتوا و لم يتوبوا . فخَرّ النبي
صل الله عليه وآله صحبة وسلم مغشيّاً عليه، فوضع جبريل رأسه على حِجْرِه حتى
أفاق، فلما أفاق قال عليه الصلاة و السلام: (( يا جبريل عَظُمَتْ
مصيبتي ، و اشتدّ حزني ، أَوَ يدخل أحدٌ من أمتي النار ؟؟؟ ))
قال: نعم ، أهل الكبائر من أمتك .
ثم بكى رسول الله صل الله عليه وآله وسلم، و بكى جبريل .
اللهم أَجِرْنَا من النار .. اللهم أجرنا من النار . اللهم أجرنا من النار .
اللهم أَجِر كاتب هذه الرسالة من النار . اللهم أجر قارئها من النار .
اللهم أجر مرسلها من النار . اللهم أجرنا والمسلمين من النار
آمين . آمين .. آمين
فعلاً تستحق القرااءه
كـــان في الأرض أمانان من عذاب الله ..
رفع الأول وبقى الثاني ..!!
فأما الأول: فكان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم .. "وماكان الله ليعذبهم وأنت فيهم" وأما الثاني: فهو "الإستغفار" .."وما كان الله معذبهم وهم يستغفرون"
"فقلت استغفروا ربكم انه كان غفارا"
فلا تترك الاستغفار أبدا.. أستغفرالله،،أستغفر الله.أستغفرالله ،،أستغفر الله
ولا تنسى أن لك مثل أجر المستغفرين بسبب تذكيرك!

اللهم اجعلها صدقه جاريه عني وعن والداي وعن جميع المسلمين

... .... اللهم صل على محمد و على آل محمد كما صليت على إبراهيم و على آل إبراهيم، وبارك على محمد و على آل محمد كما باركت على إبراهيم و على آل إبراهيم في العالمين إنك حميد مجيد .... وأرسلها لعشرأشخاص خلال ساعة تكون كسبت عشر مليون صلاة على الحبيب في صحيفتك بإذن الله ....ملاحظه مهمة: ﻻتقول ما فاضي .. هذه مليون حسنه ممكن تخلى كل الفاتحين عندك يصلون على النبى اللهم صلى وسلم على نبينا محمد ...
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Hear what the House of the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family and Jibril ::::::::::; :::::::::::::::: appear before reading ÇŃĚćßă Cut off contacting all the people only minutes, After reading and sent it to all of you not to deny them pay

They recognized carefully and deliberately.I ask God Almighty to benefit me and you as we read
narrated over Alriqashi Anas bin Malik said: Gabriel came to the Prophet Pray God
him and his family in the hour of what had come to him as the variable color, Prophet said to him
bless him and his family and him:((Mali see variable color)) said: O Muhammad
Jitk time in which God commanded Bmanafaj fire to inflate it, nor should anyone who knows that
hell right, and that right shot, and the torment of the grave right, and that God is the greatest torment
that recognizes the same even Aomnha
The Prophet said bless him and his family and him: ((O Jibreel row me hell))
said: Yes, God Almighty to create hell Kindle for a thousand years Vahmrt,
then Kindle for a thousand years Fabidt, then Kindle for a thousand years Vasudt,
They are dark black does not turn off the flames nor Jmrha.
And who sent you the right, if the eye of a needle to open them burned to the people of the world for the last of them
from its heat.
And who sent you the right, if the dress of the people of Hell dresses hung between heaven
And the Earth, died for all people of the earth and its heat of Ntnha for the last of them to find
of its heat.
And who sent you a prophet to the right, if the arm of the chain mentioned by God Almighty in his book
put on Mount melted until the seventh earth.And who sent you the right
prophet, if a man in Morocco tortured for burnt which Palmcherq the severity of her torment.
Its heat is severe, and its bottom afar, and her jewelery iron, and her drink heartwarming and pus
, and her clothes cutters fire, has seven gates, each gate of them part
Divided by men and women.
Said, may Allah bless him and his family and him: ((AHI Kibwabna this?!))
Said: No, but open, some of them down some, door-to-door march
seventy years, every door, including the most free from the next seventy-fold, driven
If the enemies of God, it ended up to the door received by Zubanah
shackles and chains, Vtzlk chain in his mouth and out of his anus, and yield
left hand to his neck, and the intervention of his right hand in his heart, and removed from between his shoulders
And pulls the strings, and paired each human with a demon in the series, and pulling on the
face, and hit him angels Bmqama iron, whenever they wanted to get out Mnhamn g returned them. Said the Prophet bless him and his family and him: ((residents of these doors?!))
He said:The bottom section is subject to the hypocrites, and Kafr owners of the table, and each
Pharaoh, and the name of the abyss.
Part II and the polytheists and named hell.
And Part III where Alsabion and named Hell.
And Part IV of the devil, and was followed, and the Magi, and named blaze.
And Section V where Jews and named Alahtma.
Part VI and the Christians and named Aziz,
Jibril then grabbed modesty Mnrcol Pray God be upon him, said to him, peace be upon him: ((do not tell me
population of Title VII?
He said: the sins of the people of your nation who died and did not repent. Pride Prophet
Bless him and his family accompanied him unconscious, he put Jibril, head on his lap so
woke up, and when he woke up told him blessings and peace: ((O Jibreel how great
calamity, and intense sadness, or enter one of my fire???))
He said:Yes, the sins of the people of your nation.
Then cried Messenger of Allah bless him and his family and him, and cried Gabriel.
O Ojrna of fire .. Oh Ojrna of fire. O Ojrna of fire.
O Allah reward the writer of this letter from the fire. Oh God, reward the reader from the fire.
Oh God, reward the sender of the fire. O Ojrna and Muslims from the fire
Amen. Amen Amen ..

Alaqraah really worth it in the ground Omanan from the torment of Allah ..
raise the first and remains the second ..!!
As for the first: When the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him .."The McCann God to punish them and you're in them," and the second: it is the "forgiveness" .. "What was God punish them while they seek forgiveness,"
"I said, ask forgiveness of your Lord that he was Gfara"
leave not seek forgiveness never .. Ostgfrallah, I ask forgiveness from God. Ostgfrallah, ask forgiveness God
And do not forget that you pray for forgiveness because of a reward like to remind you!

O ongoing charity Make it about me and my parents and all the Muslims .......

O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as the original Ibrahim and Ali Ibrahim, and bless Muhammad and Muhammad as the blessed Ibrahim and Ali Ibrahim in the worlds you Hameed Majeed ....And send it to within an hour Ashrochkas be earned eleven million prayer for the beloved in your newspaper, God willing .... Important Note: Are you saying that the empty .. this million classed as possible conquerors have abandoned all pray to God, the Prophet, peace and blessings on our Prophet Muhammad ...
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Hear what the Prophet s.a.w. and Jibril:::::::::::::::::::::::::: before are reading please break your all people just minutes after reading sent to all of your own in order not to deprive them of pay

and they confessed carefully and deliberately.I ask God Almighty to: and you what double
Roy more than alrkashi from Anas Ibn maalik said: Jibril came to the Prophet God
relationship and in the hour of what was done with the variable color, the Prophet said to him
pray peace;: ((See variable color)) said: o Muhammad
I at the command of God bemnavkh fire to breathe and not be
to know that hell is right, and that right, and the torment of the grave and the torment of
God accept sample order yamnha
The Prophet said pray God and: ((o Jibril row me hell))
said: Yes, God created hell for Kindle it a thousand years, 46, then the Kindle a
years turned white, then Kindle the thousand years, blackened,
It is a dark black is hot and turns off her firebrands.
and ' right, if the piercing needle opening to the minimum of people burned
last from its heat.
and ' right, if the dress of the people of hell dresses hung between heaven
And Earth, Matt all people of Earth from the last of its heat and putrefied her to
find of its heat and the ' right to a prophet, if the arm of the series mentioned by God in the writing mode
mountain of melted up to the seventh floor.And the ' right to
a prophet, although a man in Morocco tortured to the burned Mashriq from her torment.
its heat, and its bottom, and her jewellery in iron, intimate and pus
her drink, and her clothes, her cutters seven sections, each of them a part
Split of men and women.
said peace be upon him said: ((CN as our doors this?!))
He said: no, but open, some bottom, door to door journey
70 years, each of them more freely from the next seventy times, cited
God's enemies, if they ended up in Abha received promote clientelistic shackled
and strings, take the string in their mouth and out of the anus, and yield his hand left the neck
, right hand in the eye, and removed from his shoulders
And pulls the strings, and paired each hairpieces with demon in the series, drawing on
destination, set the angels bemkama of iron, whenever they want to get out menhamn g returned. the Prophet pray God and: ((from these doors?!))
Said: Section below, the hypocrites and Kafr owners table,
and the Pharaoh, called abyss.
and part two the polytheists and named hell.
and part III which convert and named saqar (hell) because.
And section IV, where Satan and followed, and the Magi, the name blaze.
and v where Jews and named alhatamh.
and title VI which Christians and named Aziz,
Then hold the Gabriel God bless menrsol modesty, said to him, peace be upon him: ((unless you tell me
inhabitants of title VII?
said: the people of the sins of your nation who died and didn't repent. pride Prophet
Pray it companions unconscious, put his head on the cubicle until Gabriel
prospects, when he said the prospects of prayer and peace: ((o Jibril ennoble
right, and intensified my sadness, or enter one of my Ummah shot???))
Said: Yes, people of the sins of your nation.
then cried the Messenger of God pray God's peace, and cried Gabriel.
o Lord, save us from hell. O Lord, save us from hell. O Lord, save us from hell.
God paid the author of this message from the fire. O pay 3,2,1 shot.
Oh God, make the sender of the shot. O Lord, save us and Muslim fire
Amen. Amin. The Secretary really deserves the القرااءه

that land from the torment of God amanan.
The first and the second stayed up..!!
The first: it was the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him. "And what was God's tormented by you including" and the second is "forgiveness.". "And what God was their tortured and their forgiveness, "
", I said, ' pray Lord that was forgiving "
leave forgiveness start. Marc, Marc, Mike., Mike
And don't forget that you pay for forgiveness because remind you!

o make it ongoing charity about me and about my parents and all Muslims

... .... Blessings on Muhammad and Ali Mohamed Ibrahim, also prayed at the al-Ibrahim, and Muhammad and Park on the Muhammad as blessed Ibrahim and al-Ibrahim in the worlds you Hamid Majeed. And send it to lashrashkhas during the hours be earned ten million prayers for the beloved in your newspaper. ...Important note: latkol the UHA. The good possible abandonment of all 1 million conquerors you pray on the Prophet, peace be upon him blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Listen to what the Prophet of God, God is recognized, and Jibril : : : : : : : : : : ; : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: before that seems to be reading Please cut اتصالكم all people only minutes, after reading all of you have sent to pay them

acknowledged carefully and whim.I ask Almighty God to one whose love gives me benefits me with you, including read
Yazid al-Ruqashi narrated Anas bin Malik said: Jibril came to the Prophet, God's blessing upon origin was recognized in the hour was come with color changed, he said to him the prophet
connect and blessings of Allah be upon him:66 Mali Arak color changed )) said: Oh, Mohammad
I show thee at that Allah ordered blowers fire to blow on them, and should be
who knows that the hell of the right, and that the fire of the right, and the torment of the grave of the right, and the chastisement of Allah is the greatest farce that recognizes the Eye even is real
Connect the Prophet of Allah be upon him: (, Jibril describe Hell to me ))
he said: "Yes, God Almighty, created hell he left it to burn for 1,000 years,
and then ignited by a thousand years for, and then ignited by a thousand years for,
It is black and dark, its flames and never quenched,
which the truth, if a needle Fatah would be burned by the people of the world, the last of its stench
by Him who sent you with the truth, if a garment of the inhabitants of Hell suspended between heaven
And the earth, all the people of the Earth and its stench of one the last one,
find its stench .
which the truth as a prophet, if that an arm of the chain that Allah mentioned
come in his book The one cubit on Mount up to the seventh earth.By Him who sent you with the truth
a prophet, if a man is tortured in in the east would be burned by of her pains,
its stench is brutal, far, and jewelry is iron, and its drink is boiling water and pus
, and clothes are cut off fire, with seven gates, to each of which a
Linearity of men and women,
said peace and blessings of Allah Be Upon Him: 66 ours this ?! ))
said: No, but they are open, some of them at the bottom of some, from door to door a
seventy years, each of which is followed by the most free seventy times, driven
The enemies of God, if they received the door devils will emerge, shackled
and chains, anus series in his mouth and graduated from the orchestrated, and yield his hand
left to his neck, and his right in heart, and from between his shoulders
choke chains, every human is paired with a devil on a chain, and the
his face, the angels beat him with iron rods. whenever they wanted to get out of them would be free of grams back,the Prophet said connect and blessings of Allah be upon him: 66 residents of these doors? ))
said:The section in the lowermost the hypocrites, the owners of the table,
and Pharaoh, and called the abyss,
and section II the polytheists and his name hell,
and section III the الصابئون and named hell .
and section IV are Satan and the subsequent, and the Magians, and named لظى .
and section V in which Jews and his name thee,
and section VI in which Christians and his name Aziz,
Then, grasp the Jibril to revive منرسول Allah connect upon him, and he said peace to him: (only tell me of
The Population Section VII ?
he said: which of your community who commit major sins who died and did not repent. The Prophet
Connect, God's blessing upon accompanied him unconscious, Jibril put his head on his lap until
prospects, when he said, prayer and peace: 66, Jibril Azmat
regained consciousness, and my misfortune is, or enter one of my fire? ))
said:Yes, the people of your community who commit major sins,
and then Cried the Messenger of Allah connect and blessings of Allah be upon him, and Jibril cried .
God protect us from hell .. May God protect us from hell. May God protect us from hell,
God pay a writer this message from fire. Oh God, pay a specific audience of Fire .
Oh God, pay its sender of fire. Allah protect us and Muslims of fire
Amin. Amin .. Secretary of
really deserve القرااءه
was in the land of the chastisement of Allah امانان ..
The first second remained .. !!
either I: was the Prophet (may Allah bless him and .."And Allah chastise them and you" the second: it is "forgiveness" .. "And Allah going and they ask for forgiveness."
"I ask forgiveness of your Lord, the most Forgiving: "
leaves no forgiveness never.. استغفرالله, God's forgiveness.استغفرالله am God's forgiveness
And don't forget that you such as remuneration المستغفرين due to remind you!

God make it an extremist rightist, sincerity about me and my parents and all المسلمين

... ....Oh God, connect to Mohammad and the Mohammad and I prayed on Ibrahim and the Ibrahim, and bless Mohammed and also gave its blessing to the Mohammed Ali Ibrahim and the Ibrahim in the worlds you Hamid Majid ....Send لعشراشخاص during hours be earned 10 million pray on the beloved in your God Willing .... note: holds all kinds of free .. The million Hasnah, a possible abandoned all conquerors you arrive to the Prophet, God bless the Prophet Mohammad recognized ...
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
دعم الترجمة أداة: الآيسلندية, الأذرية, الأردية, الأفريقانية, الألبانية, الألمانية, الأمهرية, الأوديا (الأوريا), الأوزبكية, الأوكرانية, الأويغورية, الأيرلندية, الإسبانية, الإستونية, الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, الإيطالية, الإيغبو, الارمنية, الاسبرانتو, الاسكتلندية الغالية, الباسكية, الباشتوية, البرتغالية, البلغارية, البنجابية, البنغالية, البورمية, البوسنية, البولندية, البيلاروسية, التاميلية, التايلاندية, التتارية, التركمانية, التركية, التشيكية, التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة, التيلوجو, الجاليكية, الجاوية, الجورجية, الخؤوصا, الخميرية, الدانماركية, الروسية, الرومانية, الزولوية, الساموانية, الساندينيزية, السلوفاكية, السلوفينية, السندية, السنهالية, السواحيلية, السويدية, السيبيوانية, السيسوتو, الشونا, الصربية, الصومالية, الصينية, الطاجيكي, العبرية, العربية, الغوجراتية, الفارسية, الفرنسية, الفريزية, الفلبينية, الفنلندية, الفيتنامية, القطلونية, القيرغيزية, الكازاكي, الكانادا, الكردية, الكرواتية, الكشف التلقائي, الكورسيكي, الكورية, الكينيارواندية, اللاتفية, اللاتينية, اللاوو, اللغة الكريولية الهايتية, اللوكسمبورغية, الليتوانية, المالايالامية, المالطيّة, الماورية, المدغشقرية, المقدونية, الملايو, المنغولية, المهراتية, النرويجية, النيبالية, الهمونجية, الهندية, الهنغارية, الهوسا, الهولندية, الويلزية, اليورباية, اليونانية, الييدية, تشيتشوا, كلينجون, لغة هاواي, ياباني, لغة الترجمة.

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