مقتل 3 مستشارين وإصابة 3 آخرين في استهداف سيارة قضاة بالعريشالسبت 16-0 ترجمة - مقتل 3 مستشارين وإصابة 3 آخرين في استهداف سيارة قضاة بالعريشالسبت 16-0 الإنجليزية كيف أقول

مقتل 3 مستشارين وإصابة 3 آخرين في ا

مقتل 3 مستشارين وإصابة 3 آخرين في استهداف سيارة قضاة بالعريش

السبت 16-05-2015 13:52 | كتب: أحمد أبو دراع

لقي 3 مستشارين مصرعهم، السبت، وأصيب 3 آخرون، في استهداف مسلحين مجهولين سيارة تقل عددًا من القضاة والمستشارين بشارع البحر الأعظم بالعريش في محافظة شمال سيناء.

وانتقلت سيارات الإسعاف إلى مكان الحادث لنقل الجثث والمصابين، فيما تمشط قوات الأمن المكان للبحث عن المنفذين.


حريق بقسم العجوزة ونقل المحتجزين لخارج المبنى
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القبض على 8 متهمين وتدمير بؤر إرهابية في العريش
السيسي: ندعم المؤسسات الشرعية في العراق
«داعش» يتبنى «هجوم القديح» بالسعودية
اليوم.. النطق بالحكم على مرسي في «التخابر» و«الهروب من وادي النطرون»

السبت 16-05-2015 06:54 | كتب: بوابة المصري اليوم

تنظر محكمة جنايات القاهرة المنعقدة بأكاديمية الشرطة، السبت، جلسة النطق بالحكم في قضية التخابر مع جهات أجنبية المتهم فيها الرئيس المعزول محمد مرسى و34 آخرون من قيادات جماعة الإخوان المسلمين.

كما تنظر المحكمة أيضا، برئاسة المستشار شعبان الشامي، جلسة النطق بالحكم على مرسي و130 آخرين من قيادات الجماعة وأعضاء التنظيم الدولي وحركة حماس الفلسطينية وحزب الله اللبناني، في قضية الهروب من سجن وادي النطرون، والمعروفة إعلاميا بـ«الهروب الكبير».

وكان الدفاع طلب من المحكمة تعديل اسم المتهم رقم (93)، أحمد عبدالوهاب على، مشيرا إلى أن المتهم كان هاربا، ولم يتم التحقيق معه في النيابة العامة.

وأكد صبحي صالح، أحد المتهمين، استحالة حدوث الواقعة طبقا لما جاءت في تحريات الأمن الوطني قانونيا، لأنه لو صحت التحريات يجب توقيع أقصى عقوبة على المتهمين وهي «الإعدام» وهو رحمة، مشيرا إلى أن التحريات قالت أن المتهمين خططوا بالاشتراك مع التنظيم الدولي للإخوان بتركيا وأمريكا لتقسيم الدولة المصرية على أساس ديني، ونشر الفوضى الخلاقة، التي نادت بها أمريكا في الشرق الأوسط الجديد منذ عام 2005.

وأضاف «صالح»: «كنت أتقاضى مصروفي من النقود، وكان مكتوبا عليها الملك فاروق الأول ملك مصر والسودان»، مشيرا إلى أن مصر والسودان جزء لا يتجزء منذ أيام الملكة حتشبسوت، كما أن حدود مصر كانت حتى بلاد الحبشة عند سد النهضة، متسائلا: «من الذي قام بتقسيم مصر والسودان؟، جمال عبدالناصر في 19 أكتوبر 1954، عندما وقع اتفاقية الجلاء مع الإنجليز، التي اشترطت على مصر تطلب حق تقرير المصير».

وأشار إلى أن قول مصطفى باشا النحاس، حين قال: «تقطع يدي، ولا تقطع السودان»، مؤكدا أن هذا كان أول خلاف بين جماعة الإخوان والرئيس الراحل جمال عبدالناصر، مشيرا إلى أنه يومها صدر قرار بحل الأحزاب السياسية حتى لا يعارضه أحد.

ودافع «صالح» عن نفسه وعن باقي المتهمين، قائلا: «إزاي أنا أكون عضو مجلس شورى وهارب وعلى قضايا جنائية، وتعرضت لمحاولة اغتيال، وقمت باستخراج فيش جنائي للحصول على رخصة سلاح، وبعدها تنازلت عنها لأني لا أقدر على حمله». مضيفا: «وزير الداخلية الحالي اتصل بي قبل الانقلاب بـ4 أيام، وطلب منى زيادة ميزانية الشرطة، ودلوقتي يقول إن هناك قرار اعتقال إزاي».

وقالت المحكمة: «الحمد لله فات السهل، الصعب اللي جاي، نرجوا من الله أن يوفقنا للصواب ونرضي ربنا».
طب انا قفلت من بدري ممكن الصبح ؟
ماشى ياهانى بس اطبعهملى ورق عشان عينى عميت من الموبيل
أرشيفية – اجتماع الحكومة
محلب يهنئ وزير العدل الجديد ويشكر السابق على جهوده

حجم الخط: ع ع ع
كتبت هند مختار
الأربعاء، 20 مايو 2015 12:36 م
عقد مجلس الوزراء اجتماعه الأسبوعى اليوم الأربعاء، برئاسة المهندس إبراهيم محلب، رئيس مجلس الوزراء، حيث ناقش المجلس عددا من القضايا الخاصة بالأوضاع الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والسياسية.

وفى مستهل الاجتماع، وجه رئيس الوزراء التهنئة للمستشار أحمد الزند، وزير العدل الجديد، متمنيا له التوفيق فى مهام عمله، كما قدم الشكر للمستشار محفوظ صابر وزير العدل السابق، على ما قدمه من جهود خلال توليه مسئولية وزارة العدل.

خلال الاجتماع، أكد المهندس إبراهيم محلب ضرورة قيام المسئولين بتكثيف زياراتهم الميدانية، للتعرف على مطالب المواطنين وشكواهم، والعمل على حلها، مشيرا إلى أنه قبل زيارته إلى أى محافظة يتلقى تقريرا من الأجهزة الرقابية عن مشكلات هذه المحافظة، ثم يقوم بزيارتها للعمل على حلها.

كما شدد رئيس الوزراء على ضرورة الاهتمام بالمناطق العشوائية، ومتابعة خطط التطوير المختلفة، ورعاية أهالى هذه المناطق.
مش عارفه ياهانى لولا مجهودك انت وكوجى كنا هنعمل ايه
دانا كنت سقطت ياراجل
وطلب تانى صغير

فنون و ترفيه
هو وهي
الرئيسية أخبار حوادث وقضايا
رسميًا... "أبو تريكة" يلجأ للقضاء للطعن على قرار التحفظ على أمواله الثلاثاء, 19 مايو, 2015, 03:31 م
رسميًا... "أبو تريكة" يلجأ للقضاء للطعن على قرار التحفظ على أمواله
كتب – محمود الشوربجي:
تقدم لاعب النادي الأهلي ومنتخب مصر السابق، محمد أبو تريكة، اليوم الثلاثاء، بطعن أمام محكمة القضاء الإداري بمجلس الدولة؛ للمطالبة بإلغاء قرار التحفظ على جميع أمواله وممتلكاته، وذلك على خلفية مشاركته مع أحد المنتمين لجماعة الإخوان في شركة سياحية.
واختصم أبو تريكة في دعواه كلا من رئيس مجلس الوزراء، ووزير العدل، ورئيس لجنة التحفظ على الأموال.
وقال في دعواه، إن قرار التحفظ على أمواله مخالف للقانون، وإن شركته السياحية لا تشترك في أي نشاط يتبع الإخوان.
وكانت لجنة التحفظ وإدارة أموال جماعة الإخوان المسلمين، قد أعلنت التحفظ على شركة "أصحاب تورز للسياحة"، ومقرها الجيزة وفرعها بالإسكندرية، وأن الشركة المذكورة تم تأسيسها بمعرفة اللاعب محمد أبو تريكة، وآخر من العناصر القيادية الإخوانية.
وكما جاء بقرار اللجنة، أن مدير الشركة "آنس. م"، أحد العناصر الإخوانية، ومحبوس حاليًا على ذمة القضية رقم 14275 لسنة 2014 إداري الدخيلة، ومتهم في الجناية رقم 171 لسنة 2013 جنايات باب شرق "أعمال عدائية ضد الدولة"، مما يبين منه تسرب أموال الشركة لتمويل بعض العمليات الإرهابية.
دى اخر قطعه
الطلب بقى
اخبار بكره السياسيه كلها وخصوصا بتاع ال
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
The killing of three advisers and injuring three others in the car targeted judges in El ArishSaturday 16-05-2015 13: 52 | Books: Ahmad Abu-DraaThree councillors were killed Saturday, and three others were injured, the unidentified gunmen targeted a car carrying a number of judges and advisors in the great sea Street in El-Arish in North Sinai governorate.Ambulances went to the scene to transport the bodies and the injured, as security forces were combing the area to search for the perpetrators.IncidentsEconomyProvincesMore We recommend photoFire in agouza and transfer of detainees to the outside of the building photo«The weather»: the gradual rise in temperature Saturday photoThe martyrdom of the kidnapped soldier, burned into the ambulance in North Sinai photoForeign Affairs: solidarity with the Government and people of Saudi Arabia in the face of terrorism photoFour soldiers in two trucks collided, police betokh photoWith video and images.. Scenarios and the disappearance of the Emir of Qatar photoState Announces visit Sisi to Germany photoThe video is. «Torture» concert white arms and objective: «Al sawaleh country leadership» photoArrested 8 suspects and destroy terrorist hotbeds in El Arish photoSisi: support legitimate institutions in Iraq photo«Daash» adopt «a alqudaih», Saudi ArabiaNewsToday. .. Sentencing for spying in Morsi» and «escape from Wadi natrun»Saturday 16-05-2015 06: 54 | Books: Egyptian gate today2.8K14The Cairo Criminal Court held in Police Academy Saturday, the sentencing hearing in the case of collaborating with foreign isolated President Mohammed Morsi, and 34 others were leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood.As well, the Court, headed by judge Shaaban Al-Shami, the sentencing hearing to Morsi and 130 other leaders and members of the international organisation and the Palestinian Hamas and the Lebanese Hezbollah, in the case of escape from Wadi El-Natroun prison, known as the media with "the great escape".The Defense had asked the Court to modify the name of the defendant (No. 93), Ahmed Abdel Wahab, adding that the suspect was on the run, has been interrogated in Prosecutor's Office.Sobhi Saleh, said one of the accused, the impossibility of the incident, according to a national security investigation came in legally, because if true, checks the maximum penalty must be signed and the death is mercy, noting that investigation said that the defendants had planned jointly with the international organization of the brotherhood Turkey and America to divide Egyptian State on religious grounds, and creative mayhem, advocated by America in the new Middle East since 2005.The «valid»: «you only earn money saving his pocket money, and it was written by King Farouk I of Egypt and Sudan, noting that Egypt and Sudan integral part since the days of Queen Hatshepsut, and the borders of Egypt even of Abyssinia at the Renaissance, wondering: "who divided Egypt and Sudan?, Gamal on October 19, 1954, when the evacuation with the English, which she stipulated that Egypt requests that the right to self-determination".The words of Mustafa Pasha, copper said: «go hands, and do not cut Sudan, adding that this was the first conflict between the brotherhood and the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser, adding that her decision to dissolve political parties not to oppose anyone.Adly defended himself and the rest of the defendants, saying: what I am member of Shura and fugitive and criminal cases, and the assassination attempt, and you extracted Fisheye for a license, and then ceded to I can't drive». Adding: «current Interior Minister contacted me before the coup d ' état by 4 days, and I was asked to increase the budget of the police, wedlokti says there are arrest Azay».The Court said: '' thank God fat is easy, hard Jay, please God, to help us to do right and to please our Lord».I flew from medicine Badri possible waxing?Mashi yahani BAS atabahmli paper because my eyes Amit from mobileOakArchive-Government meetingMahlab congratulates new Minister of Justice thanks to hisFont size: p p pWritten hand selectedWednesday, 20 may 2015 12: 36 pmThe Cabinet held its weekly meeting on Wednesday, chaired by Eng. Ibrahim mahlab, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, the Council discussed a number of issues relating to economic, social and political conditions.At the outset of the meeting, the Prime Minister congratulated the Chancellor Ahmad ulna, the new Minister of Justice, and wished him success in his duties, and he thanked the Chancellor saved Saber former Minister of Justice, for his efforts during his tenure the Ministry of Justice.During the meeting, Engineer Ibrahim mahlab need officials to intensify their visits in the field to identify citizens ' demands and grievances, and work to resolve them, noting that before his visit to a province receives a report from the regulatory problems of this province, and visited to work on them.The Prime Minister also stressed the need for attention to slums, and follow various development plans, care for the people of these areas.Mish 3arfa yahani without your efforts you Koji we hnaml selection anyDana you fell yaraglAnd asked Tani smallSad?Search NewsArts & entertainmentHe and sheSportCarsIslamicVideosHome News events and issuesOfficially a.. "Abou-treika" resort to the judiciary to appeal the decision to the funds Tuesday, May 19, 2015, 3: 31 pmOfficially a.. "Abou-treika" resort to the courts to challenge the decision of custody assets Mahmoud El Shorbagy wrote:The player and Club Al Ahli Egypt earlier, Mohamed Abou-treika, Tuesday appealed to the Court of administrative justice, the Council of State to demand the cancellation of the reservation on the resolution of all his money and property, and share it with one belonging to the brotherhood in a tourism company.And aboutrika in his suit against the Prime Minister, the Minister of Justice, the Chairman of the Committee on the funds.He said in his suit that the decision to seize his assets in violation of the law, and that his company is not engaged in any tourist activity followed the brothers.The Commission and the management of funds of the Muslim Brotherhood, said the company "owners tours tourism, based in Giza and Alexandria branch, and that the company was founded by Mohamed Abou-treika, another leadership alakhwanih.As stated in the Committee's decision, the Director of the company "once. M, a alakhwanih, and is currently detained under case No. 14275/2014 exotic and management accused in felony No. 171 of 2013 crimes "East Gate of hostile acts against the State", which shows him leak corporate funds to finance terrorist operations.My last pieceDemand remainedNews Reel all political and especially the btaa
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
3 advisers killed and three others injured in a car targeting judges Arish Saturday 16-05-2015 13:52 | Posted by: Ahmed Abu Draa received three advisers were killed Saturday, and three others wounded, unidentified gunmen targeting a car carrying a number of judges and advisers Great Sea Street Arish in North Sinai Governorate. and moved ambulances to the scene to transport the bodies and the injured, while the security forces were combing the place to search for the perpetrators. Accidents economy provinces more Trchihatna photo fire Agouza Department and the transfer of detainees to the outside of the building photo «meteorology»: a gradual rise in temperatures Saturday photo the death of the kidnapped soldier burnt inside the ambulance in northern Sinai photo FM: We stand in solidarity with the Saudi government and people in the face of terrorism photo wounding four recruits in the collision my car and police Btokh transfer photo video and images .. scenarios and aspects of the disappearance of the Emir of Qatar photo Foreign announces the appointment visit Sisi to Germany photo Video .. «concert torture» white arms and Objective: «Sawaleh country leadership» photo capture eight defendants and destroy terrorist hotbeds in Arish photo Sisi: We support the legitimate institutions in Iraq photo «Daash» adopts «Qudayh attack» Saudi Arabia News today .. verdict on Morsi in «spying» and «Escape from Wadi Natrun» Saturday 16-05-2015 06:54 | wrote: Egyptian gate today 2.8K14 consider the Cairo Criminal Court, held at the Police Academy, Saturday, sentencing hearing in a case where the accused of collaborating with foreign entities Isolated President Mohamed Morsi and 34 other leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood. The court also consider, headed by Judge Shaaban al-Shami, sentencing hearing on Morsi and 130 others from the group's leaders and members of the international organization and the Palestinian Hamas and the Lebanese Hezbollah, in the case of escape from the Valley Natrun prison, and well-known in the media as «The Great Escape». The defense asked the court to edit the accused No. Name (93), Ahmed Abdul Wahab on, pointing out that the defendant was a fugitive, has not been investigated in the public prosecutor. He Sobhi Saleh, one of the accused, the impossibility of the incident According to it came in the investigations of national security legal, because if true, investigations must be maximum penalty sign the defendants a «penalty» a mercy, pointing out that the investigation said that the defendants planned jointly with the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey and the United States to divide the Egyptian state based on religion, and spread chaos creative, it advocated by the United States in the new Middle East since 2005. The «favor»: «I used to get pocket money of money, and it was written by King Farouk I of Egypt and Sudan», pointing out that Egypt and Sudan is an integral part of Queen Hatshepsut days ago, The borders of Egypt was even Abyssinia at the Renaissance Dam, wondering: «from which the dividing Egypt and Sudan ?, Gamal Abdel Nasser in October 19, 1954, when he signed the evacuation with the British, which stipulated that Egypt Convention requires the right of self-determination». He pointed out that the words of Mustafa Pasha copper, when he said: «cut my hand, and cut Sudan», stressing that this was the first dispute between the Brotherhood and the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser, pointing out that the day a decision was made ​​to dissolve political parties so as not to oppose one. He defended «favor» About himself and the rest of the defendants, saying: «what way I am member of the Shura Council and the fugitive and criminal cases, and subjected to an assassination attempt, and you extracted the criminal Fish to get a weapon license, and then ceded it because I can not carry on». Adding: «the current Minister of the Interior called me before the coup by 4 days, and asked me to increase the police budget, and this moment says that there is the decision to arrest what way». The court said: «Thank God too easy, difficult to Jay who, please God to guide us to the right and to please our Lord» . I locked Medicine of Badri possible waxing? Mashy Yahany Bs Atabahmly paper Ashan eyes blinded from mobile Oak archival - cabinet meeting Mahlab congratulates the new Minister of Justice and thank the former for his font size: p pf India Mokhtar wrote Wednesday, May 20, 2015 12:36 m Cabinet held its weekly meeting on Wednesday, headed by Engineer Ibrahim Mahlab, chairman of the Council of Ministers, where the Council discussed a number of issues of economic, social and political conditions. At the beginning of the meeting, the Prime Minister congratulated the adviser Ahmed ulna, the new justice minister, wishing him success in his duties, also gave thanks for the adviser Mahfouz Saber and former justice minister, for his efforts during his tenure the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice. During the meeting, Engineer Ibrahim Mahlab stressed the need for the officials to step up field visits, to get to know the demands of the citizens and their complaints, and work to resolve them, pointing out that, prior to his visit to any province receives a report from regulators about the problems of this province, and then visited to work to resolve them. As Prime Minister stressed the need to focus on slums, and follow up on the various development plans, and care for the people of these areas. Mesh knowing Yahany not for your efforts you and Kogi We were Hnaml A Dana you fell Aarajl asked Tani small Atvdila Search News Arts and Entertainment is a sports car Islamiyyat Videos Home News incidents and issues officially ... "Aboutrika" recourse to the courts to challenge the decision of the reservation on his property Tuesday, May 19, 2015, 03 : 31 m officially ... "Aboutrika" recourse to the courts to challenge the decision of the reservation on his money books - Mahmoud Shorbaji: progress player Ahli and Egypt national team before, Mohammed Abu Trika, on Tuesday, appealed before the Administrative Court of the State Council; to demand the repeal of the decision reservation to all his money and property, and on the back of his participation with one belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood in the tourist company. and sued Aboutrika in his case both the Prime Minister, and Minister of Justice, and the Chairman of the Committee to withhold the money. He said in his lawsuit, said the decision of the reservation on his property against the law , although his company tourism is not involved in any activity that follows the Muslim Brotherhood. The Committee on the reservation and management of funds of the Muslim Brotherhood, has announced the reservation to the company "owners Tours Tourism", based Giza and its branch in Alexandria, and that the company mentioned was established by the player Mohammed Abu Trika, and another from Leading Brotherhood elements. As stated the Committee's decision, that the company "Anse. Director M ", a Brotherhood elements, currently imprisoned pending case No. 14275 for the year 2014 administrative exotic, and the accused in the crime No. 171 of 2013 Criminal east" hostile acts against the state door ", which shows him the company's funds leak to finance some terrorist operations. de last piece demand remained News Hate the whole political and especially the Btaa

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]

واختصم أبو تريكة في دعواه كلا يعتبر الرئيس مجلس الوزراء، ووزير العدل، ورئيس لجنة التحفظ 7000 الأموال
وقال في دعواه، أن قرار التحفظ 7000 أمواله لشروط للقانون، وإن شركته السياحية لا تشترك في أي نشاط يتبع إسم -
وكانت لجنة التحفظ وإدارة أموال جماعة إسم المسلمين، قد أعلنت التحفظ 7000 شركة "أصحاب تورز للسياحة"، ومقرها الجيزة وفرعها بالإسكندرية، وأن الشركة المذكورة تم تأسيسها بمعرفة اللاعب محمد أبو تريكة، وآخر يعتبر العناصر3 killed two and injured 3 others in targeting a judge of Arish

the Sabbath 16-05-2015 13:52 wrote: Ahmed Abu DRAA

3 counsellors were killed, the sabbath, and 3 others were injured, unidentified gunmen in the targeted a vehicle carrying a number of judges and magistrates in the majority in the northern province of El Arish the Sinai.

The ambulances to the scene for transporting the bodies and infected, as police are combing the place to search for the perpetrators. Road

the provinces economy further. Trshyhatna

photo Fire Department Station for the transfer of detainees outside the building, photo

"weather":A gradual rise in the temperature of the Sabbath photo

of the kidnapped soldier burned inside an ambulance in North Sinai photo

: stand in solidarity with the government and the people of Saudi Arabia in the face of terrorism photo

4 soldiers injured in the collision of two transfer and Btwkh
and video images. Scenarios and the disappearance of the Emir of Qatar photo

the foreign Sisi announces date of visit to Germany photo

video. « torture » party white arms the aim: "the Alswalh country leadership; photo

The arrest of 8 suspects, destruction of hotbeds of terrorist al photo

photo Sisi: support the legitimate institutions of Iraq "Dash" adopts "attack qudaih » in Saudi Arabia news

. Sentencing for mercy in the "communication" and "escape from the wadi El natroun »

16-05-2015 6 Saturdays.54 wrote: Al Masry al youm portal 2.8K14

Consider the Cairo Criminal Court held at the police academy on the sentencing hearing in the case of intelligence with foreign authorities, accused the deposed president Mohamed morsi and 34 others the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood.

As the court, headed by judge August sentencing hearing, Al Mursi and 130 other community leaders and members of international organization and the Palestinian movement Hamas Hizb the God of Lebanon, to escape from the prison, wadi El natroun,In the media as "the great escape."

the defense asked the court to modify the name of the accused (93), Ahmed Abdel Wahab, pointing out that the accused had failed. Investigation on the prosecution.

The Sobhi Saleh, one of the accused, the impossibility of the incident, according to the national security investigations, because, if true, the investigation should be maximum penalty accused of a "penalty" is merciless, pointing out that the investigation, said the defendantsTogether with the international regulation of the brotherhood, Turkey and America Division of the Egyptian state on a religious basis, and creative chaos, as advocated by the states in the Middle East since 2005.

"fit":"You get paid cash from his pocket money, and it was written by King Farouk first king of Egypt and Sudan," he said, adding that Egypt and Sudan is an integral part in days. Queen Hatshepsut, as the border of Egypt was to Abyssinia when filling the Renaissance, asking:"Who has split, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt and Sudan? On October 19, 1954, when he signed with the evacuation of the British, the condition of Egypt calls for a report destiny."

the said copper Mustafa Pasha, who said:
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