النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 1:
The climate is generally continental Kingdom hot in summer and cold in winter winter rains.And warmer climate on the West and South-Western Highlands, central areas, summer is hot and dry, the winter is cold and dry, and the coast is rising temperature and humidity. Rain in winter and spring are the most scarce rains, except Southwest upland areas of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia, summer seasonal rainfall more abundant than other regions. Either relative humidity rises on the coast and the Western Highlands on most days of the year, and as we head inside.Riyadh's climate.Given the breadth and extension of its territory have varied, but Riyadh's climate is generally dry summers Hot Continental temperate winter and annual temperatures 20-36 ° c, annual rainfall between 10-20 mm.Climate of Mecca.City of Mecca are affected by climatic factors, notably the Mediterranean climate in winter and the Indian Ocean in summer. As that of the city and near the sarawat series than the Red Sea another impact on climate, and temperatures are generally high, And winter temperature 20 to 25 ° c, while in summer to 47 degrees.And rainfall is scarce, this average 10-33 mm/year. Relative humidity is approximately 45-53%, while the wind speed varies depending on the season.Climate of Medina.The climate is tropical warm continental climate Medina, is influenced by the characteristics of the Mediterranean climate in the North, and the seasonal climate in the South. Summer temperature ranges between 36 to 45 degrees Celsius and in winter between 15 to 20 degrees Celsius.And rainfall in the city few since, averaging about 49 mm and often falls in November and January rarely falls in the summer. Humidity is low in most of the year, and average (22%), high rainfall periods (35%), and low in the summer to about (14%) and blowing town usually southwesterly winds, and is mostly dry and warm with average speed (5-8) held at, and quiet winds.Qassim's climate.The climate in Qassim desert climate is hot in summer rainy cold winter where temperatures range from summer between 36 to 41 degrees in winter it drops to reach 11 degrees Celsius. 100 mm average rainfall, humidity, and up to 20%. The prevailing wind in most months of the year the North and northeasterly winds. Climate of the eastern region.Eastern region's climate is hot summers mild the rest of the year, and the average annual temperature is 25 ° c, rain on the eastern region in winter and spring and is characterized by oscillation and annual averaging between 50 mm to 150 mm.Relative humidity ranging between 35% to 45% and is active in the area East and North-East winds in summer and winter.Difficult climate.Due to different geomorphological formations in Asir, observed the reflection that the climate in the region. Overall, the climate is mild in summer hot winter tough on coastal areas, and hot summer cold winter on the plateau.Either an autumnal and winter it rains in the coastal region, and moderate all year round in the mountain region, and the rate of heat throughout the year between 18 – 24 ° c, rain 200 – 500 mm/year.Tabuk climate.The climate is Tabuk average temperature mild summers, where temperatures reach 29 ° c, while in winter to 17 degrees, sometimes without zero degrees, low annual average rainfall does not exceed 50 mm. West wind, North West and South West during the seasons.Hail climate.Hail climate moderation continental climate average summer temperature to 34 ° c, while in winter the rate decreases to 10 degrees Celsius, where winter rains and a rate of 123 mm annually.The northern border region.Northern border area climate continental climate very hot summers and very cold winters where temperatures range in summer between 37 to 45 degrees Celsius, and in winter fall below zero Celsius. Annual rain rate ranges from 60 to 100 mm, low humidity and do not exceed 20%. JAZAN climate.JAZAN climate hot in summer and mild winter temperatures average 25-35 degrees year round, summer and rainfall is averaging from 45 to 100 mm per year, with seasonal northwest wind gusting may exceed, sometimes 25 km/h. Najran climate.مناخ منطقة نجران حار صيفاً، ومعتدل بارد شتاءً، ممطر على المرتفعات، ويكون معدل دراجات الحرارة في فصل الشتاء6ْ درجة مئوية أما في فصل الصيف فيصل معدل الحرارة إلى 32ْ درجة مئوية.مناخ الباحة.نظرا لاختلاف التشكيلات التضاريسية في منطقة الباحة فإن الملاحظ انعكاس ذلك على المناخ في المنطقة. وعموما يعتبر مناخ منطقة الباحة ضمن نطاق الإقليم الجاف، وهو بشكل عام معتدل الحرارة، إذ تتراوح درجة الحرارة ما بين12 إلى 23 الدرجة.أما منطقة تهامة فالأمر يختلف فيها حيث ترتفع فيها درجة الحرارة في الصيف أما الشتاء فيكون عادة دافئا ويتميز فصل الربيع فيها بالاعتدال.تتراوح نسبة الرطوبة في المنطقة بين 52% إلى 67%، ويتراوح معدل هطول الأمطار في السراة بين 229ملم إلى 581 ملم أما في منطقة تهامة فتتراوح بين 100ملم إلى 250ملم سنويا.مناخ الجوف.منطقة الجوف تجمع بصفة عامة بين المناخ الصحراوي والقاري، فهو بارد شتاء، وحار جاف صيفا، حيث تتراوح درجة الحرارة في الصيف ما بين 36 إلى 42 درجة مئوية بينما تتراوح في فصل الشتاء ما بين 2 إلى 8 درجات مئوية و
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..