العلم سلاح ذو حدين.. العلم قد يكون مفيدا وقد يكون ضارا، وقد يكون ضرره  ترجمة - العلم سلاح ذو حدين.. العلم قد يكون مفيدا وقد يكون ضارا، وقد يكون ضرره  الإنجليزية كيف أقول

العلم سلاح ذو حدين.. العلم قد يكون

العلم سلاح ذو حدين..

العلم قد يكون مفيدا وقد يكون ضارا، وقد يكون ضرره أكثر من نفعه، فماذا علي الإنسان أن يفعل وسط هذه المغريات التي تقع أمام ناظريه؟!.

إن وجد ما يسهل عليه الأمر أمام تلك المغريات ماذا عليه أن يفعل؟!.

وكيف علي المرء أن يشغل العلم في المنفعة لا في الضرر؟!.

سؤال يدور علينا كما تدور الساعة كل يوم...........

في اعتقادي أن المرء يجب أن يستغل العلم أو ما يسمي بتكنولوجيا العصر فيما ينفعه، فيجب علي المرء أن يبتعد عن الحد الأخر من العلم، يجب أن يبتعد عن العلم الضار.

مع انه علم ولكنه ضار، أي ضار في ضياع الوقت، وضار في انه يسبب غضب لله عز وجل، بارتكابه الإثم، ولكن كيف يكون العلم سلاح ذو حدين؟!. أنا اعتقد انه هو أساس التربية، أساس التنشئة، هو أساس المرء، فان كان أساسه مبني علي ثقافة أدبية، علمية، أصلية لا تزوير فيها، لا انحراف فيها، فيكون العلم مفيدا له، فأما إن لم يكن هكذا فانه سينحرف الانحراف الكلي نحو الدرك الأسفل، لان القاعدة لان الركيزة غير سليمة بالبت..........

وأحيانا نقول أن العلم نور، بالفعل هو نور ولكنه نور له ظلام، فكيف نجعله نورا لا ظلام فيه؟!.

الجواب بسيط هو أن نعمل علي تربية الأبناء تربية سليمة، صحيحة هذا فقط هو الذي يجعل العلم نور لا ظلام فيه.

إن الإنسان يولد عالما لان، له أبوين في جعبتهما العلم الكافي لتعليم أولادهم لقول الشاعر:

تعلم فليس المرء يولد عالماً.........

وليس ذو علم كمن هو جاهل...

الشطر الثاني من هذا البيت يقول أن من يملك سلاح العلم ليس كمن لا يملكه، لقد صدق الشاعر في قوله ولكنه نسي شيء وهو أن الذي يملك العلم يجب أن يتصرف به تصرف عالم لا تصرف جاهل.........

إن العلماء الذين يوصلون لنا العلم بتعليمهم لنا قد نكون نحن من تعلمنا العلم منهم سببا في إيصال الاذي لهم؛ هذا في حالة استخدام العلم بشكل أخر بالشكل الذي يحتوي علي الظلام .....لقول الشاعر:

اعلمه الرماية كل يوم ..........

فلما اشتد ساعده رماني.....

اعلمه نظم القوافي كل يوم...........

فلما نظم قافية هجاني..........

فأي ناكر للمعروف هذا؟.

يجب عليه أن يكون عبدا له لا أن يرميه بالعلم الذي علمه إياه لقوله:

من علمني حرفا صرت له عبدا...........

خلاصة الكلام:

إن الإنسان يجب أن يكون أساسه مبني علي خلق، مبني علي علم ذو نور لا ظلال فيه، هكذا تلغي عبارة ( العلم سلاح ذو حدين ).

فتصبح سلاح ذو نور، ذو هداية..................
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Science is a double-edged sword. Science may be beneficial and may be harmful, and may do more harm than good, what to do amid the temptations that lie before sees?!.If it was before those temptations what to do?!.How to operate the science in utility does not damage?!.Question spins we also spin at every day ... ... ....I believe that one should exploit the science or technology with age benefit, one must keep away from reducing other science, must move away from science.With that flag, but harmful, any harmful waste of time, and that causes the wrath of God, sin, but how science is double-edged?!. I think that is the basis of education, upbringing, basis is the Foundation of one, that was essentially based on literary culture, original scientific, no rigging, no deviation, is science useful, either that wasn't so it skewed the overall deviation towards the nadir, the base of the pillar is intact proceed ... ... ....Sometimes we say that science bloom, is light and darkness but his bloom, how to make it not when Nora darkness?!.The simple answer is to work on parenting education, valid only this that makes science bloom not darkness.That human is born knowing, his parents in their quiver science enough to teach their children of the poet: You know, not one generates a world ... ... ... Not a science like is clueless.The second part of this House that owns a weapon science is not like not, I sincerely say poet but he forgot something that who owns the flag must act by the conduct of the world acted clueless ... ... ...Scientists who deliver us science education we have we learned the science of them cause the delivery of harm; that if you use science to the form that contains the dark ... For the poet: I know shooting every day ... ... .... As understaffing forearm intensified. I know every day rhymes systems .... .... ... فلما نظم قافية هجاني..........فأي ناكر للمعروف هذا؟.يجب عليه أن يكون عبدا له لا أن يرميه بالعلم الذي علمه إياه لقوله:من علمني حرفا صرت له عبدا...........خلاصة الكلام:إن الإنسان يجب أن يكون أساسه مبني علي خلق، مبني علي علم ذو نور لا ظلال فيه، هكذا تلغي عبارة ( العلم سلاح ذو حدين ).فتصبح سلاح ذو نور، ذو هداية..................
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Science double-edged sword .. flag may be beneficial and may be harmful, and may be more harm than good, what man must do amid these temptations , which lies in front of him?!. , If any , it makes it easier for it to those temptations what to do? !. and how one has to hold the flag in the utility does not harm?!. question is going on as we spin time every day ........... I think that one should take advantage of the so - called science or technology with the times will benefit him , one should keep away from the other limit of the science, we must move away from harmful science. with that knowledge, but harmful, harmful to the loss of time, and harmful in that it causes the wrath of God Almighty, committing a sin, but how to be a flag double-edged sword ?!. I think it is the basis of education, based on upbringing, is the basis of one 's van was the basis of which is based on the literary culture, scientific, original no fraud where, no deviation where, so the science useful to him, either it was not so , he deviate total deviation towards nadir because the base because the substrate is sound decide .......... and sometimes we say that knowledge is light, already is the light, but the light of his darkness, how to make it light no darkness in it?!. The simple answer is to work on parenting education sound, valid only is this that makes science Noor is no darkness in it. the man is born a scientist , because, in his parents Djapthma sufficient knowledge to teach their children the words of the poet: learn no one is born a scientist ......... and not a science like someone who is clueless ... the second part of this house that says who owns the weapon of science is not like someone who is not owned, have ratified the poet in saying nothing but forgotten is that which has the flag must act by the disposal of the world does not act ignorant ........ . the scientists who arrive for us to teach them science us may be we have learned from the science of them cause harm , delivering them; in this case the use of science in another form that contains a dark ..... the words of the poet: Shooting told him every day .... ...... when he threw me ..... intensified helped teach him rhymes systems every day ........... when rhyme Hjana systems .......... Any denier of the unknown? . he must be a slave to him not to throw science who taught him to say: who taught me characters I became a slave to him ........... speech summary: the human must be built on the basis of creation, based on a flag Noor is no shade in it, so you cancel phrase (science-edged weapon). becomes a weapon with a light, a guide ..................

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Science is a double-edged sword.Science may be useful and may be harmful, and may do more harm than good, so what I can do those things, central located right in front of him?! .He found it easy to those things, what to do? .How can one take advantage of science is not to harm? .The question is, we have also taken place at every day... The...I believe that one must be used or what is called science and technology era with the benefit, then one has to keep away from the limit of science, other to keep away from harmful.With that knowledge, no harmful waste of time, but it is harmful, and it caused the wrath of God Almighty, has committed the sin, but how is science a double-edged sword? I think that it is the basis of education, upbringing, is one basis, based on literature and culture, based on scientific fraud, the original there, no deviation, science and useful, but if not so, since a total deviation towards the bottom, because al Qaeda because substrate improper processing.Sometimes we say that knowledge is light, is light but light is dark, how can we make it light there is no darkness in it? .The simple answer is that we are working on bringing up children a sound education. This is the only makes science light without darkness.The man was born, his parents in the world because Jbthma much knowledge to teach their children the words of the poet:You know, no one is born a world.And not like a science is ignorant.The second part of this house says that it has the force of science is not like the one who does not have, I believe in saying it, he is a poet who has science must dispose of it at the disposal of the world ignorant.The scientists who deliver us science has taught us that we learned the science of them cause the connecting them; and this is it that when knowledge is used. The form that contains the darkness... The words of the poet:Told him about the shooting. Every day.When he has helped me.I organized rhymes... Every day...When the Hjany rhyme schemes.What? Been ungrateful.It must be a slave to do science, who taught him to throw it to him saying:Who taught me the characters become a slave of...,...Abstract of speech:The man must be based on is based on creating a science, based on a light without shadows, thus eliminates the "science is a double-edged sword..So is a light gun, a guide... A... a...
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
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