صباحكم سعادة تستوطن قلوبكم فلا تفارقهاصباحكم نقـــاء بنقاء ارواحكم صباحكم امال تعانق السماء واحلام محققةصباحكم بداية ليوم طيب في رحاب الله صباح المحبة للاحبة
Good morning happiness in your hearts, do not tvarkhasbahakm the transfer of the purity of your good morning hopes and dreams of the tallest certain your morning start the day well in rehab GodMorning love for Valentines
HE morning to inhabit your hearts do not Tvargahabbagm purity of the purity of your souls morning to embrace the hopes and dreams of the sky Mhakqhbbagm the beginning of a good day in rehab God's love for Valentines morning
Morning, Mr. settle your heart do not Tfarqhasbahkm Nqa in Arwahkm morning hopes, dreams, embrace the sky Mhqqtsbahkm fi rehab Allah early on good morning love to love