سنة 1983 ميلايدية نجحت فى امتحان دبلوم المدارس الثانوية الفنية الصناعية نظام السنوات الثلاث الدور الأول سنة 2000 ميلادية وحصلت على 346.5 درجة من المجموع الكلى وقدره 560 درجة
1983 milaidih succeeded in industrial technical secondary school diploma exam system three years first round 2000 a.d. and got 346.5 degree of total capacity 560 degrees.
1983 Milajdah succeeded in technical secondary school diploma exam industrial system three years, the first round in 2000 AD and got 346.5 degrees of the total of $ 560 degree
In 1983 Mylaydyt succeeded in the exam of Diploma of technical secondary school of industrial system of the first round in 2000 AD and got the 346.5 level of 560 of the total kidney degree