صديقتي العزيزه اتمنا عدم ازعل مما اقوله هنا يوجد البعض ليختلق المشاكل وعدم التزام هنا البعض يردون اسقاطى من القيادة لانني انثى فاانا سوف اخرج من حلف اتمنا عدم الغضب مني
Dear girlfriend I hope not Wii than say here there are some for inventing problems and lack of commitment here some projective leadership reacted because I am female will leave the Alliance vaana did not anger me
My dear 3M, I hope not. Lykhtlq here. There are some problems, and here's another attribute Asqaty command because of the female will get out of Faana alliance I hope not to anger me.