اود ان اقدم لك بعض النصائح قد تفيدكلا تندم على حب عشته...حتى ولو صار ذ ترجمة - اود ان اقدم لك بعض النصائح قد تفيدكلا تندم على حب عشته...حتى ولو صار ذ الإنجليزية كيف أقول

اود ان اقدم لك بعض النصائح قد تفيدك

اود ان اقدم لك بعض النصائح قد تفيدك
لا تندم على حب عشته...حتى ولو صار ذكرى تؤلمك، فإذا كانت الزهور قد جفت وضاع عبيرها ولم يبق منها غير الأشواك فلا تنسى انها
منحتك عطراً جميلاً أسعدك

لا تكسر ابداً كل الجسور مع من تحب فربما شاءت الأقدار لكما يوماً لقاء آخر يعيد ما مضى ويصل ما انقطع... فإذا كان العمر الجميل قد رحل فمن يدري ربما انتظرك عمر أجمل.

وإذا قررت يوما أن تترك حبيباً فلا تترك له جرحاً، فمن اعطانا قلباً لا يستحق ابداً منا ان نغرس فيه سهماً او نترك له لحظه الم تشقيه. وما أجمل أن تبقى بيننا لحظات الزمن الجميل.

وإذا فرقت الايام بينكما فلا تتذكر لمن كنت تحب غير كل احساس صادق ولا تتحدث عنه إلا بكل ماهو رائع ونبيل فقد اعطاك قلباً.
.. واعطيته عمرا وليس هناك اغلى من القلب والعمر في حياة الانسان.

واذا جلست يوماً وحيداً تحاول ان تجمع حولك ظلال ايام جميلة عشتها مع من تحب، اترك بعيداً كل مشاعر الالم والوحشة
التي فرقت بينكما حاول ان تجمع في دفاتر اوراقك كل الكلمات الجميلة التي سمعتها ممن تحب، وكل الكلمات الصادقة التي قلتها لمن تحب.

واجعل في ايامك مجموعة من الصور الجميلة لهذا الانسان الذي سكن قلبك يوماً...ملامحه وبريق عينيه الحزين...
وابتسامته في لحظة صفاء ووحشته في لحظه ضيق... والامل الذي كبر بينكما يوماً وترعرع حتى وإن كان قد ذبل ومات.

إذا سألوك يوماً عن انسان احببته فلا تبح بسرٍ كان بينكما ولا تحاول ابداً تشويه الصورة الجميلة لهذا الانسان الذي احببته،
اجعل من قلبك مخبأ سرياً لكل اسراره وحكاياته فالحب اخلاق قبل ان يكون مشاعر.

وإذا شاءت الأقدار واجتمع الشمل يوماً فلا تبدأ بالعتاب والهجاء والشجن. وحاول أن تتذكر آخر لحظه حب بينكما لكي تصل الماضي بالحاضر ولا تفتش عن اشياء مضت لان الذي ضاع ... ضاع... والحاضر اهم كثيراً من الماضي، ولحظة اللقاء اجمل بكثير من ذكريات وداع موحش واذا اجتمع الشمل مرة آخرى حاول أن تتجنب اخطاء الامس التي فرقت بينكما لأن الأنسان لا بد أن يستفيد من تجاربه.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
I would like to offer you some tips may helpDon't regret CARPE said. Even if it gets tired, the anniversary if the flowers have dried up and full of variety and there are thorns, don't forget it Gave you a beautiful fragrance osaadkDo not break start all bridges with the one you love, maybe fates for days for most restores the past and what was said. If the old Nice is gone, who knows maybe waiting for you the most beautiful life.If you decide to leave the lover will not leave him wounded, it gave us a heart doesn't deserve us to cultivate it never shares or leave him la7zet chkih. And how beautiful the rest of us beautiful moments of time.And if today you are not dispersed remember for you but every sense and not talking about only everything great and noble have gave you heart... And I gave him life and there is nothing more precious than the heart and age in human life.If I sat lonely days trying to rally around you shades of beautiful days I lived with you, leave away all feelings of pain and desolationThat divided between you tried to rally in the notepads papers all beautiful words I've heard of those you love, and all the sincere words uttered to the one you love.And keep in your collection of beautiful pictures of the human heart housing days ... Its sad eyes glitter in.. And his smile in the moment they thumb their noses at the moment of clarity and lack of ... And hope that large you days and raised even although it was faded and died.If saaalook days on the man I loved it it does not examine the secret was between you and never try to tarnish the image of this man I loved it,Make your heart a secret cache of all his secrets and his love of ethics before the feelings.If the fates met reunion days they don't start with the admonition, spelling and freight. And try to remember the last moment you love to get past present and not looking things went for the lost of ... Lost in.. And the present is much more important than the past, and much nicer moment of farewell resentful memories if he met reunion again tried to avoid the mistakes of yesterday that divided between you to that man should benefit from his experiences.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
I would like to offer you some tips you may find useful
does not regret the love I experienced ... even became the memory of hurts, if the flowers have dried up and lost Obeirha was left of them is the thorns do not forget it's
given you a beautiful fragrance Osaadk never break all bridges with the one you love may fate decreed for as days another meeting restores the past and up what was lost ... If the old Gemayel was gone who knows maybe waiting for you the age of the most beautiful. And if one day I decided to leave a loved one does not leave him a wound, it gave us a heart never deserves to instil in which shares or leave him to his luck pain Chekaya. And how beautiful that remain between us moments of time beautiful. If the days the two of you broke up not remember those you love is all sense of honest and do not talk with him, but with what is wonderful and Nabil have given you a heart. .., and gave him older and there is no more expensive than the heart and old in human life. If I sat days alone trying to rally around the shadows of beautiful days I have been through with the one you love, leave away all feelings of pain and loneliness that have divided between you tried to rally in the books of your papers all the beautiful words that I have heard of those you love, and all the sincere words that I said to those you love. I will make in your days a group of beautiful pictures of this man that your heart habitation days ... features and glamor his eyes sad ... and his smile in a moment of serenity and Ouhsth at the moment of tight ... and hope that large between you days and grew even though he had wilted and died. If they ask days for a man I loved it not divulge the mystery was never between you and trying to beautiful picture of this man who loved distortion, Mark heart of a secret cache per secrets and tales Love ethics before they have feelings. And if fate decreed met reunion days do not start Balatab and spelling and disconcerting. And try to remember the last minute love between you in order to reach past with the present and not searching for things ago because that is lost ... lost ... and present the most important much of the past, and the moment of the meeting, much nicer than the memories of farewell Lonesome If reunion again met Try to avoid the mistakes of yesterday that the two of you broke up because man is bound to benefit from his experiences.

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
I would like to give you some tips have been helpful, "I do not regret the love... Even if the memory becomes hurt, if the flowers have dried up. And lost obeirha leaving non thorns, do not forget she gave you a beautiful fragrance osaadk

Don't ever break all the bridges with loved ones, will encounter another quirk of fate for you to days ago and what was lost. If the beautiful life is gone, who knows, maybe wait for you at the most beautiful age.

If the day I decided to leave a loved one, do not leave him wounded, it gave us a heart never deserve us to give it an arrow or let him wait tire his pain. What a great stay with us beautiful moments of time.

When day broke up between you don't remember who you love but all sense of sincere not only talk about whatever is great and noble he gave you a heart.
. And I gave him a, and there is more expensive than the heart and life of human.

If you ever sit alone and trying to rally around the shadow of beautiful days I lived with the one you love, leave away all feelings of pain and desolation
Books of your papers that divided between you and try to collect all the beautiful words I heard who loves, all the true words that I said those who love

and in your days are a group of beautiful pictures for this man who lived in your heart one day.On his face and his eyes sad. "His smile, at the moment of serenity in a tight Wwhshth... And the hope that grew and grew until two days but had withered and died.

If they ask you about a day do not divulge secret was between you and never try to distort the beautiful image of this man who I loved, "keep your heart from the cache. For all his secret tales, love morality before it is feelings.

If the fate of the Baltab reunion days do not start and Walshjn. He tried to remember the last moment of love between you to the past with the present and looking for things been lost because... Lost...Past and present the most frequently, and the moment of encounter is much better than memories of lonely farewell and met together again. He tried to avoid the mistakes of yesterday that divided between you, because the man would benefit from his experience. "
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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