انا مريم في الصف الثالث عمري 18 احب المدرسه واحب الرياضه احب كره السله والسباحه احب مشاهدة افلام الرعب كثيرا اخجل من محادثه الناس الغرباء ولكني منفتحه في نفس الوقت
I'm Mary in third grade I am 18 I love school and I love sports like basketball and swimming I love watching horror movies very much ashamed of talk people strangers but open at the same time
Mary, I'm in the third grade was 18 Yrs like school and I love sports like basketball, swimming, I love to watch horror movies very much ashamed of conversation strangers people but I am open-minded at the same time
I, Mary, in grade third, I am 18. I love sports, like basketball and swimming like watching horror movies very much ashamed of a people, but I open up to strangers the same time.