ماهي عشبة الاسبغول : تعتبر عشبة الاسبغول عشبة طبيعيا تماما فهي تحتوي ع ترجمة - ماهي عشبة الاسبغول : تعتبر عشبة الاسبغول عشبة طبيعيا تماما فهي تحتوي ع الإنجليزية كيف أقول

ماهي عشبة الاسبغول : تعتبر عشبة الا

ماهي عشبة الاسبغول : تعتبر عشبة الاسبغول عشبة طبيعيا تماما فهي تحتوي على نسبة مائة في المئة من الياف الطبيعية. ترجع بالفوائد جمة على مستخدم قشور الاسبغون. تقوم قشرة اسبغول بإمتصاص الماء الموجود في المعدة وكذلك تلك التي توجد في الأمعاء مع الكربوهيدرات و تعمل كمنظف لجدار المعدة والأمعاء مع محافظته على دورها في عملية هضم الطعام فوائد وأضرار الاسبغول:- 1⃣الاسبغول للتنحيف:  تعتبر قشور الاسبغول مفيدة للتخسيس في حالات السمنة المفرطة لأنها تعمل كالإسفنج بفضل قشور الاسبغول التي تساعد على التنحيف، فنجدها تقوم بإمتصاص الدهون والكولسترول الضارة، إن نبات الاسبغول يساعد بشكل مكثف على إزالة بعض المواد السامة والمعادن الثقيلة من أجل التنحيف وتخرجها مع الفضلات. وبذلك تكون قد قمت بحماية نفسك من تصلب الشرائين وأمراض الضغط  عبر الاستعانة بعشبة الإسبغول للتنحيف.

طريقة الإستخدام  :  يتم تناول العشبة قبل الأكل بربع الى نصف ساعة( معلقتين كبيرتين) ويفضل عدم الاكثار منها لأن كما لها منافع لها مضار، يتم خلطها مع كوب ماء أو مع العصير لإزالة الطعم الغير المرغوب فيه، ويحرك بسرعة  ويتم شربه مباشرة والسبب هو سوف تعرفوه أثناء خلطها بأنفسكم.

2⃣الاسبغول للقولون : يعمل الاسبغون بفضل ما يحتويه على التقليل من الأملاح الصفراء في الأمعاء، التي بدورها تقلل من فرصة حدوث سرطان القولون. تنظم حركة القولون ،وتخفف آلام القولون، وتقلصات القولون، وتنقص من الانتفاخات.

3⃣الاسبغول  للسكر:- يخفض معدل امتصاص الجلوكوز إلى الدم الذي بدوره يقي من الاصابة بالسكر بالدم.
4⃣الاسبغول  للأمعاء:-

تسهل انزلاق الفضلات من خلال الأمعاء مما يساعد على خروجها السلس من الفرج.

5⃣- أضرار ومضار الاسبغول :كما ذكرننا سالفا للأعشاب أضرار إذا إستخدمت بدون اسشارة من طرف الطبيب أو مختص في الأعشاب، وبالتالي الإكثار من عشبة الاسبغول حتى في حالة العادية قد يؤشر على الجسم ووظائفه. 

يجب على كل واحد منا أن ينتبه للأشياء التي يتناولها، لأن ما أدخلته من الفم لا يمكن إسترجاعه.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
What is the herb Alasbghol herb Alasbghol herb is Considered perfectly normal it the contains 100 Percent natural fiber. Enormous benefits due to cobalt user Alasbghon. The Asbghol crust with water absorption in the stomach color : as well color : as Those That exist in the Intestines with carbohydrates and works color : as a cleaner for the wall of the stomach and intestines while maintaining its role in the process of digesting food pros and cons alasbghol: -1 ⃣alaspegol for slimming: cobalt slimming useful alasbghol in cases of obesity because it works like a sponge, thanks to alasbghol peels That help slimming, they 're absorb fats and cholesterol, That vegetation Alasbghol Intensely helps remove the some toxic substances and heavy metals for slimming and draining it with waste. Thus, you protect yourself 's from hardened Alshraein and diseases thru the use of pressure Alasbghol herb for slimming. Method of use: the herb is addressed before eating a quarter to half an hour (outstanding large) and would prefer not to overindulge them because as it benefits her harms, mixed with a glass of water or juice to remove unwanted taste, stir quickly and be drunk Directly and the reason is you will know During mixed with yourselves. 2 ⃣alaspegol of the colon: Alasbghon thanks to its yellow salts Reduce the Intestines, Which in turn reduces the chances of colon cancer. Governing the movement of the colon, colon, Cramps pain colon, decrease of Bulges. 3 ⃣alaspegol sugar of: the call is free . -reduces of absorption of glucose into the by blood Which in turn Prevents infection by blood with sugar. 4 ⃣alaspegol Intestines of: - Facilitates waste Slipping thru the Intestines, Which helps smooth out of the vagina. 5 ⃣-damages and harms of Alasbghol: color : as Salvia Reminded us of weed damage the if of used without Assharh by vBulletin® the by doctor or specialist in herbs, Thus a lot of herb Alasbghol EVEN in the case of regular point out on the BODY and functions its. Each of us must pay attention to That stuff, Because what you entered from the mouth can not be retrieved.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
What herb Alaspegol: The herb Alaspegol completely natural herb, it the contains one 's hundred Percent of the natural fiber content. Due to the enormous benefits the user peel Alaspegon. The crust Aspegol water Absorbs in your stomach color : as well color : as Those That are On found in the Intestines with carbohydrates and works color : as a cleaner of the wall of the stomach and Intestines The while Maintaining its role in the digestion of food benefits and harms Alaspegol process: - 1⃣alaspegol Shapers: The Husks Alaspegol useful LOSS in cases of obesity, Because it works like a sponge thanks to peel Alaspegol That help slimming, we 've the find Democracy absorb fat and Harmful cholesterol, That helps a plant Alaspegol Intensely to remove The some toxic substances and heavy metals for slimming and graduating with waste. and Thus you have to protect yourself 's from hardening Acharaian DISEASE pressure thru the use of herb Alaspegol for slimming.

How to use: be eating herb before eating a quarter to half an hour (hanging Precariously large) and Prefers not to Overindulge them Because color : as it benefits its disadvantages, are On mixed with a glass of water or with the juice to remove the non - Desirable taste, and stir quickly and are On drinking it Directly, and the reason is you will know Him During the mixing yourselves.

2⃣alaspegol of the colon: works Alaspegon thanks to what it the contains to minimize the bile salts in the intestinal tract, Which in turn reduces the chance of colon cancer. Regulate bowel movement, and Reduce colon pain, Cramps and colon, and detract from the Bulges.

3⃣alaspegol sugar: - reduces the absorption of glucose into the by blood, Which in turn Prevents of infection sugar in by blood call is free . .
4⃣alaspegol of the Intestines: -

Facilitate waste sliding thru the Intestines, Which helps to smooth exit , and from the vagina.

5⃣- damage and harms Alaspegol: color : as Zkrnna Salva herbs damage the if of used without a Escarh by vBulletin® by doctor or a in herbs specialist, and Therefore a lot of herb Alaspegol EVEN in normal situation Which may be marks on the BODY and its functions. 

each one 's of us must pay attention to things covered, Because what you entered from the mouth can not return it .
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
What is the Alasbghwl herb: herb, herb Alasbghwl is entirely natural. It contains about one hundred percent of the natural fibers. Due to the enormous benefits to the user Alasbghwn peels. The shell of Asbghwl Bamtsas water in the stomach as well as those found in the intestinal tract with carbohydrates and worked as a shoe to the wall of the stomach and intestines with essential role in the process of food digestion, benefits and disadvantages of Alasbghwl: - 1 Alasbghwl slimming diet: a Alasbghwl scales useful in cases of obesity, they are spongiform thanks to Alasbghwl scales that we find democracy is conducive to weight loss, fat and cholesterol, the harmful Bamtsas Lissa Alasbghwl plant Counting heavily on removal of some toxic materials and heavy metals to the weight loss Wtkhrjha with crap. Thus you protect yourself from Alshrayyn stiffness and pressure through the use of Alasbghwl herb slimming.Method of use: the weed before eating a quarter to a half hours (two large, preferably not too much, because it has the advantages disadvantages is mixed with a water or juice to remove unwanted taste, stir quickly is to drink it straight because you will know when mixed together ..2 Alasbghwl colonoscopy: Alasbghwn works through its reduction of bile salts in the intestine, which in turn reduces the chance of cancer of the colon. Regulate the colon movement and reduce the pain and the colon, the colon, and decreased the contractions of the bulges.3 Alasbghwl): reduces the rate of absorption of glucose into the blood, which in turn prevents the infection of the blood sugar.4 Alasbghwl gut :.To facilitate the sliding of the waste through the intestines, helping to smooth out of the vagina.5 - harms and damages Alasbghwl: as Dhkrnna above a Asshart damage if used without a physician or a specialist in grasses, thus breeding plant even in case of normal Alasbghwl may signal the body functions.Every one of us has to pay attention to things that are dealt with, because what you entered the mouth can not take it back.
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