تقسم إطارات الطائرات حسب النوع والحجم وعدد الطبقات ومن حيث أنها أنبوبية(TUBE) أو غير أنبوبية (TUEBLESS)، وهناك ثلاثة أنواع من العجلات هي الأكثر شيوعا في استخدمها وهي:
Aircraft tires are divided by type, size and number of layers, it tube (TUBE) or pipe (TUEBLESS), there are three types of wheels are most commonly used are:
Aircraft tires are divided by type, size and number of layers is where they tubular (TUBE) or non-tubular (TUEBLESS), there are three types of wheels are most commonly used in which:
aircraft frames is divided according to type, size, number of layers and being TUBE pipe or tube (TUEBLESS), there are three types of the wheels are most commonly used: