هناك الكثير من الشوارع التي توجد في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والتي ت ترجمة - هناك الكثير من الشوارع التي توجد في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والتي ت الإنجليزية كيف أقول

هناك الكثير من الشوارع التي توجد في

هناك الكثير من الشوارع التي توجد في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والتي تأخذ شهرة عالمية وسط الكثير من الدول, ويأتي اليها الكثير من السياح للاستمتاع بجمالها والسياحة فيها وشراء جميع ما يلزمهم, ومن هذه الشوارع شارع وول ستريت.

يعد شارع وول ستريت من أهم الشوارع التي توجد في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وهو يأخذ شهرة كبيرة وسط باقي الدول ويأتي الكثيرين اليه من السياح للتسوق فيه فهو يحتوي على الكثير من المحلات التجارية لأشهر الماركات العالمية, لذلك فهذا الشارع يعد من أهم الشوارع وأكثرها شهرة, وهذا الشارع يمتد طوله الى حوالي 1.1 كيلومتر, وهو أحد الشوارع الهامة في نيويورك وهو يمتد طويلا الى أن يصل الى نهر الشرق في مانهاتن.

يطلق أيضا على هذا الشارع شارع البورصة والجمال والمال, لأنه من أكبر الأسواق المالية وذلك لوجود الكثير من البنوك وشركات البورصة به, ويعتبر من أهم الشوارع في مدينة نيويورك لأنه يضم أكبر شركات البورصة في العالم كله وهم كثيرين ومشهورين عالميا.

ويعتبر هذا الشارع من الشوارع التي تحدها عدة شوارع, ويوجد فيه الكثير من المباني الكبيرة جدا والضخمة جدا, وهذا الشارع هو أحد الشوارع التي توجد في مانهاتن وعند إنشاءه تسبب في حدوث الكثير من المشاكل والحوادث التي سببت في سقوط أحد المباني.

يعتبر هذا الشارع هام جدا لأنه يضم قاعة الاتحادية والمباني الضخمة المخصصة للمصرف, كما أن هذا الشارع يوجد فيه مقر الولايات المتحدة وهو أهم المقرات في الدولة.

وابضا يعتبر هذا الشارع من الشوارع الهامة الذي يأتي اليه الكثيرين لزيارته والأستمتاع بجماله وتصوير كل ركن فيه, فالسياح يهتمون به كثيرا وهم دائما ما يحملون الكاميرات معهم لتصوير كل شبر في هذا الشارع الهام.

والجدير بالذكر أن هذا الشارع من الشوارع الهامة جدا التي تضم مباني هامة جدا ومنها كنيسة الثالوث والتي يأتي اليها الكثير من المسيحيين للتعبد بداخلها وتصويرها من الداخل والخارج, كما يوجد في هذا الشارع مبنى خاص يضم الاحتياطي للمخزون العالمي للذهب وهو يبلغ حوالي 100 مليار دولار, والمعروف عن الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية أنها من أكبر الدول المتقدمة وهذا المبلغ لا يمثل شيئا بالنسبة الى باقي الأموال التي بها, وتعتبر هذه المنطقة من المناطق الهامة جدا لأنها يوجد بها متحف وول ستريت وهو يضم أكثر التحف الأثرية والتاريخية التي توجد في الدولة, ويأتي الى هذا المتحف الكثيرين كل سنة لزيارة معالم هذا الشارع الهامة.

كما أن هناك كبرى البنوك والبورصات التي يتم الاجتماع بداخلها لمناقشة الموضوعات المالية الهامة التي تخص الدولة بأكملها, كما يتم الاتفاق على سياسة التمويل الخاصة بباقي الدول ويتم الاهتمام بمستوى الاقتصاد والتعرف على الخطط المقبلة التي ترفع من مستوى الاقتصاد في البلد ليعلو شأنه أكثر فأكثر.

يعد هذا الشارع هو شارع الثروة هو شارع السوق المالي, ومعظم أموال الدولة توجد في المباني التي توجد في هذا الشارع, لذلك توضع الكثير من الرقابة والحماية على هذه المنشآت ويوجد الكثير من رجال الأمن والضباط لحماية المنطقة بأكملها من السرقة, فهذا الشارع يوجد فيه معظم مليارات الدولة بداخله, ويعتبر هذا الشارع من أنظف الشوارع التي قد تشاهدها في حياتك لأنه يتم تنظيفه باستمرار من خلال الأجهزة التي تعمل على تنظيفه.

وعلى الرغم من أهمية هذا الشارع وزيارة الكثيرين من السياح له إلا أنه يظل نظيف دائما ويأتي اليه الكثير من الشخصيات الهامة والمشاهير والسياسين الكبار في الدولة, والمخططين للدولة الرجال الدبلوماسين اقتصاديا, كما يأتي اليه الكثير من الرؤساء للاجتماع في هذه المباني لوضع الخطط المستقبلية والاتفاق على تعاون متبادل بين الدول بعضها البعض, كما يتم الاتفاق على سياسات مشتركة ومنح ومعونات تقدمها إحدى الدول للدول الأخرى, ويتم الاتفاق على كيفية النهوض بالدولة اقتصاديا وسياسيا, ويتم الأجتماع في هذه المباني لحل المشكلات التي تطرأ على الدولة عندما تحدث بها أي مشكلة في الاقتصاد أو على المستوى السياسي.

لذلك يعتبر هذا الشارع من أكبر الشوارع وأهمها عالميا ويزور هذا الشارع الكثير من الصحفيين والإعلاميين لتصوير السياسيين وعقد اللقاءات الصحفية مع أكبر السياسيين والاقتصاديين في أمريكا.

من: العربية
إلى: الإنجليزية
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
There are many streets that exist in the United States which takes fame amid a lot of States, and many tourists come to enjoy its beauty and tourism and buy all their own, and these street Street and Wall Street.Is Wall Street Street of the main streets that exist in the United States and it takes great fame amid the rest of the States and many come from tourists to shop in it contains plenty of shops for brands, so this street was one of the most important and most famous street, this street runs its length to about 1.1 km, and is one of the important streets in New York and is a long stretch to reach the East River in Manhattan. This is also known as the street stock Street and beauty and money, because it is the largest financial market for a lot of banks and companies in the stock exchange, and is one of the most important streets in New York City has the largest stock exchange in the world and they are many and universally popular. This is the street of streets that bordered on several streets, where a lot of very large and very large buildings, this street is a street in Manhattan when you create it is causing a lot of problems and accidents that caused the fall of one of the buildings.This street is very important because it includes Federal Hall and huge buildings dedicated to the Bank, as this is the street where the headquarters of the United States and is the most important determinants in the State.This street is wabda important streets which come to him many of his visit and enjoy its beauty and photograph every corner, tourists are interested him very much and they always carry cameras with them to photograph every inch of this street.It is worth mentioning that this street is very important streets which includes very important buildings including Trinity Church which come many Christians worshipping inside, photographed inside and out, as there is in this street a building special featuring World Gold stock reserve and is approximately 100 billion dollars, and the United States known as the biggest developed nations and that amount is not something for the rest of the money. , And considered this region of very important areas because they have Wall Street and Museum is featuring more archaeological and historical artifacts that exist in the State, and comes to the Museum many every year for sightseeing this street.There are also major banks and stock exchanges that are meeting inside to discuss important financial topics pertaining to the whole country, as there is no agreement on funding policy for other countries and interest level of the economy and identify future plans that raise the level of the country's economy to override him.This street is a street of wealth is the financial market Street, and most State funds are in buildings that are located on this street, so I put a lot of oversight and protection of these facilities and lots of security men and officers to protect the entire region from theft, this street where most of the billions of State in it, this is the street of the cleanest streets that you may see in your life because you are constantly cleaned through devices that work to clean it up. Despite the importance of this street and many tourists visit him but remain clean and always come to him many dignitaries and celebrities and politicians in the State, and State planners men economically, as diplomats come to him many Presidents to meet in these buildings to develop future plans and the agreement on mutual cooperation between States to each other, as there is no agreement on common policies, grants and subsidies provided by one State to other States , And there is no agreement on how to advance the State economically and politically, these buildings are meeting to resolve problems that occur on the State when a problem occurs in the economy or political level. This is the largest Street streets mainly globally and visiting this street many journalists and the media to portray politicians and press meetings with top politicians and economists in America.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
There are a lot of streets that exist in the United States and that takes a world - renowned center of a lot of countries, and come forth a lot of tourists to enjoy the beauty and tourism in and buy all they need, and these streets of Wall Street.

The Wall Street from the main streets , which are found in United States of America and it takes great fame amid the rest of the states comes many to him by tourists to shop where it contains a lot of shops world - renowned brands, so this street is one of the most important streets and the most famous, and this street length extends to about 1.1 kilometers, which is one of the streets important in New York , a long stretch until it reaches the East River in Manhattan.

also called on this street bourse Street and beauty and money, because it is the largest financial market because there are a lot of banks and brokerage firms do, and is one of the most important streets in New York city because it includes the largest companies the stock market in the whole world and they are many , and world - renowned.

this is the street of streets bounded by several streets, where there are a lot of very large and very large buildings, this street is one of the streets that exist in Manhattan and once established does cause a lot of problems and accidents that have caused the the fall of one of the buildings.

this street is very important because it includes Federal Hall allocated for the bank, large buildings, and this street where there is the headquarters of the United States which is the main headquarters in the state.

the Ada this is the street of the important streets that comes to him many people to visit and enjoy the beauty and photographing every corner in it, Tourists care about it very much and they always carry cameras with them to photograph every inch of this important street.

it is worth mentioning that this street is very important street , which includes a very important buildings, including the Church of the Trinity , and that it comes a lot of Christians for worship inside and photographed from home and abroad, also located on this street a special building that houses the reserve of global stocks of gold , which is about $ 100 billion, and is known for the United States it is one of the largest developed countries , and this amount does not represent anything for the rest of the money, and considers this region of very important areas because they no Wall street Museum , which boasts more archaeological and historical artifacts that are found in the state, come to this museum many people each year to visit the landmarks of this important street.

also, there are major banks and stock exchanges are meeting inside to discuss important financial issues that concern the entire nation, as agreed to own the rest of the countries financing policy is interest in the level of the economy and to identify future plans , which raises the level of the economy in the country rises would more and more.

this is the street is the wealth Street is the financial market Street, and most of the state funds are located in buildings that are found in this street, so a lot of control placed and protection of these facilities and there is a lot of security men and officers to protect the whole of the theft region, this is the street where most of the billions of state left inside, this is the street of the cleanest streets that you may see in your life because it is constantly being cleaned through devices that work on clean it up .

in spite of the importance of this street and visit many of the tourists him but he remains always clean and comes to him a lot of important and famous politicians and senior figures in the state, and planners of the state men economically diplomats, it also comes to him a lot of presidents to meet in these buildings for the development of future plans and agreement on mutual cooperation between some countries another, also to be agreed on common policies and the granting of the aid provided by one of the States to other countries, and agreed on how to advance the country economically and politically, and the meeting is in these buildings to solve problems that occur on the state when he spoke with any problem in the economy or on the political level.

so this is the street of the largest streets and most important globally and visit this street a lot of journalists and media to portray politicians and held interviews with the biggest politicians and economists in America.

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
There are many streets located in the United States which take fame among many states, so many tourists come to enjoy its beauty and and all their street, and wall street.Street, Wall Street is a major street located in the United States. It takes great fame among the rest of the world comes a lot of tourists shopping in it contains a lot of shops for famous international brand, so that the street is one of the most important and most famous street, and this street extends the length of about 1.1 km., which is one of the important streets in New York and that extends long enough to reach the East River in Manhattan.This street is also called Market Street, beauty, money, because it is the largest financial market because there are a lot of banks and stock market, and is one of the most important street in New York City. It encompasses the largest publicly listed companies around the world are many Wmshhwryn globally.This is the street streets bordered by several streets, there are a lot of large buildings and huge, very, very, this street is a street located in the Manhattan where created caused a lot of trouble and accident that caused the collapse of a building.This street is very important because it includes Federal Hall, large buildings and assigned to the bank, and this street is the seat of the United States and the major headquarters in the state..Wabda street is one of important streets, many people come to visit. Walastmta beauty and every corner in it, tourists are interested in it so much they always carry cameras. With them to every inch in this street.It is worth mentioning that this street of the streets is very important which includes the very important buildings, including the Church of the Trinity, which brings forth a lot of Christians to worship inside and from the inside. And abroad, there is also in this street special building houses the global stockpile of gold reserve is about 100000000000 USD, known for the United States is the largest. Developed countries, this amount represents something for the rest of the money, the The area is very important because it has the Museum of Wall Street and has more historical and archaeological artifacts found in the state, and comes to the museum many people all year to visit important landmarks of this street.There are also the major banks and stock markets are the inside and discuss important financial issues involving the whole nation, the agreement on the funding policy of other states the interest level of the economy and raise the level of the economy's future plans in the country Lylw tends more and more.This road is street the financial market, most of the funds of the state property is located in buildings on this street, so put a lot of control protection on these facilities, there are a lot of security men and officers to protect the entire region of the robbery, the billions of state street where most inside, the street the street cleaner which can see in your life because it is cleaned by continuously working devices to clean it.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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