على الرغم من كبر حجم هذه الحيتان إلا أنّها تقع فريسة لهجمات أسماك القرش والحيتان المفترسة ، كما تتعرّض للجروح والموت سنوياً نتيجة اصطدامها السفن الكبيرة .
Although the magnitude of these whales they fall prey to predatory attacks of sharks and whales, and getting cut, and die annually as a result of a collision of large ships.
Despite the large size of these whales, they fall prey to attacks by sharks and whales predators, and are exposed to injuries and death each year as a result of collisions with large ships.
Despite the large size of these whales, but they fall prey to attacks by sharks and whales, predators, and exposed to wounds and death each year due to a collision with large vessels.