النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 2:
> The Zenith was Bank (Greater London , UK) Limited
> 39 Cornhill
> London
> EC3V 3ND
> United Kingdom to
> Tel: +447,031,926,399
Attention: Hamid Ali Signature Saleh Hatim,
We 're wish to inform you That we 've have received your Application thru Claim your agent View (Barrister Mohammed hakim Ali) for the payment of SEVEN HUNDRED the aND TEN THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS (US $ 710,000.00) in your favor Which you won in the 2013 YAHOO LOTTERY PROMOTION.
Right now the board of directors and management of this bank have approved your prize payment and we 've have arranged your payment thru 3 different options, Which is the latest instruction from the Yahoo Lottery INC.
Therefore, you are On required to come down here in our HEAD office here in London, United Kingdom to for the collection of your YAHOO prize money.
Alternatively, whereby you can not be able to come down here in London, United Kingdom then we can send an ATM CARD to you in your doorstep there in your country through our accredited courier service but bear in mind that you will have to pay for the insurance fee and delivery fees.
This card center will mpeg you an ATM cARD, Which you will use to withdraw your money in any automated teller machine (ATM) in your country or in any part of the world, but the maximum is Five Thousand United States Dollars ( 5,000.00 $) per day but can be the if customers request The Increased.
The ATM CARD must be insured before we 've can send it to you to avoid interception from any authority. You have to send the sum of US $ 240.00 which is for the cost of the CARD; the delivery fee is US $ 110.00, The while the insurance fee is US $ 320.00.
If the you will be Able to come down here in our office here in London, United Kingdom to , there is no need for you to send the the aforementioned fees the only fee you have to pay - upon - your arrival to our HEAD office here in London, United Kingdom to is only US $ 240.00 Which is for the cost of the ATM CARD.
The name bellow is the name of our protocol officer Which you will use to send the US $ 670.00 thru MONEYGRAM Which is TRANSFER MONEY the total amount of the fees the above listed.
ADDRESS: 90 White-chapel High Street London, Greater London Greater London , UK.
AMOUNT TO SEND: US $ 670.00 the
Once you send the fees thru - western union money transfer make sure That you send the attached arrangements copy of - western union payment the slip to us for confirmation.
More so, we 've can transfer your prize money to you into your bank account away via Wire Transfer. for you to receive your prize money into your bank account via telegraphic transfer (TT) method then you must pay the processing fee which is US $ 435.00 and the cost of transfer (COT) fees which is US $ 250.00. The total amount it will cost you to Receive your prize money into your bank account away via Telegraphic transfer (TT) is US $ 685.00.
If the you choose to Receive your prize money into your bank account away via Telegraphic transfer (TT) method you shouldnt download and print out the attached arrangements transfer application form and fill it with all your bank information, personal phone / faxFax numbers and affix a copy of your passport photo the in the space therein and return it back to us away via email attachment.
You shouldnt Also use the name of our officer to bellow protocol send US $ 685.00 Which is the processing fee and the cost of transfer (COT) fee thru MONEYGRAM money transfer.
ADDRESS: 90 White-chapel High Street London, Greater London Greater London , UK.
AMOUNT TO SEND: US $ 685.00 the
Note: If the you will be Able to come down here in our office here in Nigeria there is no need for you to send the the above charges, what you have to do is to come down here in our HEAD office here for the collection of your prize money.
We 're are On waiting 's for your immediate response.
Yours in Service.
John Shea
John Shea
Head Finance & Operations of the
Zenith was Bank (Greater London , UK)
This communication Including any information transmitted with it is Intended only for the use of the addressees and is confidential. If you are not an intended recipient or responsible for delivering the message to an intended recipient, any review, disclosure, conversion to hard copy, dissemination, reproduction or other use of any part of this communication is strictly prohibited, as is the taking or omitting of any action in reliance upon this communication . If you receive this communication in error or without authorization please notify us immediately by return e-mail or otherwise and permanently delete the entire communication from any computer, disk drive, or other storage medium.
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