إن هذه التطورات تمثل تحديا جوهريا للمملكة في المستقبل، فكيف ستتعامل ال ترجمة - إن هذه التطورات تمثل تحديا جوهريا للمملكة في المستقبل، فكيف ستتعامل ال الإنجليزية كيف أقول

إن هذه التطورات تمثل تحديا جوهريا ل

إن هذه التطورات تمثل تحديا جوهريا للمملكة في المستقبل، فكيف ستتعامل المملكة مع عشرة ملايين سعودي من كبار السن في ذلك الوقت؟ كيف ستتمكن من استيعاب ورعاية هذه الأعداد الضخمة من السكان الذين هم في أغلب الأحوال لا يمارسون عملا وليس لهم (من الناحية الاقتصادية) قيمة مضافة في الناتج بشكل عام؟ إن هذه الاتجاهات تدق جرس الإنذار حول اتجاهات النمو المستقبلي في السكان والتي يجب أن تكون مأخوذة بعين الاعتبار لدى المخطط السعودي لمستقبل النمو في المملكة، حيث من المتوقع تزايد الضغوط على التأمين الاجتماعي بصورة كبيرة نظرا لاستمرار السكان على قيد الحياة لفترة أطول، وهو ما قد يترتب عليه حدوث عجز اكتواري ضخم في صناديق التقاعد نظرا لاستمرار المحالين إلى التقاعد في تقاضي معاشاتهم لفترات أطول. كذلك من المتوقع أن يتزايد الطلب على الخدمات الصحية المقدمة للكبار ودور العجزة وغيرها من أشكال الخدمات الموجهة أساسا نحو هذه الفئة في المجتمع، وهي تكلفة ثبت أنها مكلفة جدا في دول العالم المتقدم.

تحديات النمو السكاني في المملكة لا تقتصر فقط على ظاهرة شيخوخة السكان، وإنما تمتد وبشكل أخطر إلى تحديات البطالة التي يمكن أن تنجم عن تزايد أعداد الداخلين الجدد إلى سوق العمل سنويا،
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
These developments represent a fundamental challenge to the Kingdom in the future, how to deal with 10 million Saudi Kingdom of older at that time? How you will be able to accommodate and care for the huge numbers of people who often do not work and do not have the (economically) in the gross value added in General? These trends knock the alarm about future population growth trends which should be taken into account in the chart of the future growth in the Kingdom, where pressures on social security largely due to continuous population alive longer, which may entail an actuarial deficit in pension funds since retiring to receive pensions longer. Also is expected to increase demand for health services and nursing homes and other services directed primarily towards this category of society, which proved very expensive in the developed world.The challenges of population growth in Saudi Arabia not only the phenomenon of the ageing of the population, but are the most serious challenges of unemployment, which can result from the increasing numbers of new entrants to the labour market each year,
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
These developments represent a fundamental challenge to the kingdom in the future, how will deal with the Kingdom of Saudi ten million seniors at that time? How will be able to accommodate and care for such large numbers of people who are in most cases do not practice a job and do not have (in economic terms) in value-added output in general? These trends knock the alarm about the future growth trends in the population, which must be taken into account in the Saudi plan for future growth in the UK, where it is expected to increase pressure on social dramatically insurance because of the continuing population alive for a longer period, which may result in the huge actuarial deficit in pension funds because of the continuing occurrence of Referred to retirement pensions in charge for longer periods. Also it is expected that the demand for health services for adults, nursing homes and other services geared primarily increasingly toward this group in society, which is the cost proved to be very expensive in the developed world. Population growth challenges in the Kingdom not only the phenomenon of an aging population are limited, but stretch is the most dangerous to the challenges of unemployment, which could result from the increasing number of new entrants into the labor market annually,

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
This is a critical challenge for future developments, how will Saudi kingdom, with ten million of seniors at that time? How can accommodate and care such large numbers of people, who are often not practicedThey have (in economic terms) output value in general? The trends sounding the alarm about the trends of the future growth in population, which must be to be taken into account in Saudi capital for future growth in the Kingdom,The expected increasing pressures on the social security significantly due to the persistence of population living longer, which may entail an actuarial deficit into a huge pension funds, given the continued retired toFor longer periods of time.It is expected to increase demand for health services for adults and old people's homes and other forms of services oriented mainly towards it in society, the cost to fix it is very expensive in the developed world.

The challenges of population growth in the United Kingdom is not limited only to the phenomenon of population aging, but also and most serious challenges of unemployment, which could result from increased numbers of entrants. New to the job market every year,
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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