- الاحتفاظ بسجل لدفاتر سندات القبض المستلمة والمستخدمة لغرض السيطرة والرقابة على الدفاتر الفارغة والغير مستخدمة . ويحتوي هذا السجل على عدد وأرقام المستندات المستلمة و المستعمل منها .
-Keep a record of the books of the receivables received and used for the purpose of control and supervision over notebooks empty and unused. This record contains a number and numbers documents received and used.
- Keep a record of the books arrest received bonds and used for the purpose of control and oversight of the empty and non-used books. This record contains a number of documents received and numbers and user of them.
Keep a record of stock bonds receivable received and used for command and control of the books, empty and unused. This record contains the number of received documents and user numbers.