استخدام الحشرات في الصناعكشفت أحدث الأبحاث التى أجراها أحد أساتذة الكي ترجمة - استخدام الحشرات في الصناعكشفت أحدث الأبحاث التى أجراها أحد أساتذة الكي الإنجليزية كيف أقول

استخدام الحشرات في الصناعكشفت أحدث

استخدام الحشرات في الصناع
كشفت أحدث الأبحاث التى أجراها أحد أساتذة الكيمياء فى مدينة “بورنموث” البريطانية من خلال رسم بيانى للمركبات والمكونات التى تدخل فى تصنيع أحمر الشفاة , إحتواءه عل العديد من المركبات الكيميائية التى تؤثر وتدخل فى تحديد مدى لمعانه وبريقه .
وأوضح الكيميائى البريطانى أن بعض المصنعين قد تلجأ إلى المركبات الطبيعية لصناعة أحمر الشفاة الأحمر, إلا أن الأمر لا يخلو من إضافة سحق الحشرات ذات اللون القرمزى لمضاعفة و تعزيز اللون واللمعان.
كما يتم إستخدام صبغة “يوزين”ذات اللون الاحمر الداكن لضمان بقاء أحمرالشفاه لفترة أطول عن طريق التفاعل مع الجلد , فضلا إن إضافة الفلفل الأحمر , إلى جانب أن معظم أحمر الشفاه يدخل النفط والشمع فى تصنيعه لإعطائه خواص الانزلاق.
يأتى ذلك فى الوقت الذى شدد فيه الباحثون على أن صناعة قلم أحمر الشفاة يدخل فى تركيبته أكثر من 300 مركب كيميائى .
الطائرات المستقلة أو الدرونز Drones موضة في عصرنا الحالي، وأصبحت المواضيع المرتبطة بها متنوعة مابين عالم هواة الإلكترونيات والطيران إلى العلوم العسكرية. لكن وفي ظل التطور السريع لهذا المجال يتوقع البعض أن يكون هذا العام هو عام الدرونات الصغيرة جداً أو Microdrones. تقوم هذه الطائرات المستقلة الصغيرة بمهام أبسط لكنها أشد تعقيداً في بعض الحالات. مهام مثل التصوير الجوي والمراقبة خصوصاً في أوروبا مثلاً. في الولايات المتحدة، هناك حلم باستخدام المايكرودرونز لهذه للشحن وتسليم الطلبات، وهو ماتحقق بالفعل لموقع Amazon حيث حصل على الأذن الحكومي لبدء الاختبارات لهذه العملية.
تعتمد هذه الطائرات عموماً على مشغل موجود على الأرض. هذا شرط تقتضيه الطبيعة لكن وفي نفس الوقت يعد هذا الشرط قيداً في استخدامها كما يأمل مبتكروها. إن كان هناك عالم يحوي الكثير من الأمور الغير متوقعة على وشك الظهور، فستحتاج هذه الطائرات للاستغناء عن محطات التشغيل الأرضية وسيتوجب عليها الطيران دون رقابة. لذلك، ستحتاج هذه الطائرات إلى الكثير من الذكاء.
لا تكمن المشكلة في توجيهها أو ملاحتها. يمكن لنظام تحديد المواقع العالمي GPS وغوغل إيرث Google Earth أن يوجه هذه الطائرات وأن يخبرها بموقعها وإن كان هناك عقبات طبيعية كبيرة أمامها قد تعترضها، ويمكن برمجتها وفق مسارها المطلوب قبل أن تقلع. المشكلة هنا، هي في الغير متوقع : كطائر مثلاً أو شجرة أو هبة رياح غير متوقعة. سيكون هناك جزء من مراحل تطوير هذه الطائرات متمحوراً حول إعطائها الحواس التي تحتاجها للتعامل مع عقبات مماثلة لما ذكرناه.
طرحت إحدى الطرق للتعامل مع هذه العقبات بطرح السؤال عن كيفية قيام الطائرات الطبيعية – الحية – بالقيام بذلك. فكلمة Drone أتت بالأساس من ذكر النحل، وقلما يصطدم النحل أو حشرات طائرة أخرى بالأجسام أثناء تحليقها. وبذلك فإن محاكاة الحيل التي تستخدمها هذه الحشرات سيكون فكرة جيدة. وتحاول المختبرات حول العالم حالياً وعن طريق دراسة الحشرات القيام بذلك.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Use in industryRevealed the latest research conducted by one of the professors of chemistry in Bournemouth "British through graphics for vehicles and components that go into manufacturing the lipstick, fit to many chemical compounds that influence and interference in determining the extent of its gloss and sheen.British chemist explained that some manufacturers have resorted to natural compounds for the manufacture of red lipstick, but not without adding crush bugs with Carmine to double and enhance color and luster.Dye is also used "yuxin" with dark red color to ensure a longer flush the lips through interaction with skin, as well as to add red pepper, along with most of the oil and wax enters lipstick in manufactured to give him sliding properties.This comes at a time when researchers stressed that lipstick pen industry enters into its more than 300 chemical compound.Independent aircraft or Drones guest on fashion today, and associated topics became variety between the world of amateur electronics and aviation to military science. But under the rapid development of this area, some predict that this year is very small or aldronat Microdrones. This small independent aircraft simpler tasks but more complex in some cases. Tasks such as aerial photography and observation, especially in Europe, for example. In the United States, there is the dream of using this almaikrodronz for shipping and delivery requests, McCormick already Amazon site where he obtained government permission to start tests for this process.These aircraft generally depends on the operator exists on Earth. This requirement of nature but at the same time this condition could also hopes to use constraint. If there's a world contains so many unexpected things about to appear, you need to dispense with workstations and she'll have to fly without supervision. Therefore, these aircraft will need a lot of intelligence.The problem lies not in the direction or navigation. Global positioning system GPS and Google Earth Google Earth to draw these aircraft and to tell her the location and that there was a large natural obstacles in front of it they may encounter, and can be programmed according to the desired track before taking off. The problem here is in the unexpected: as a bird or a tree or a gift of unexpected winds. There will be a part of the development of these aircraft centered give it senses you need to deal with obstacles similar to what we have.Put one way to deal with these obstacles by asking a question about how the natural planes – live – to do so. The word Drone came mainly from male bees, or bees rarely encounter insects other antibodies aircraft during flight. Thus, the Simulator tricks used by these bugs would be a good idea. And trying to labs around the world currently and through studying the insects do it.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
The use of insects in the manufacturers
revealed the latest research conducted by a professor of chemistry at the City "Bournemouth" British graphically for vehicles and components that intervene in Lipstick manufacturing, contain Al many chemical compounds that affect and interfere in determining the extent of brilliance and luster. The
British said the chemical that some manufacturers may resort to natural compounds for the manufacture of lipstick red, but it is not without adding crushed insects with scarlet to maximize and enhance the color and luster.
is used as "Yuxin" dye dark - red color to ensure the survival of Lipsticks and lip glosses for a longer period through interaction with the skin, as well as the addition of red pepper, along with most of the lipstick enters the oil and wax in manufacturing to give it the properties of slipping. this
comes at a time when the researchers stressed that the pen industry Lipstick enters in the composition of more than 300 chemical compound.
independent planes or Aldrunz Drones Fashion in the present era, and became the threads associated variety between the world of electronics and aviation enthusiasts to military science. But in light of the rapid development of this area some predict that this year is to be a year of very small Aldronat or Microdrones. These small independent aircraft tasks simpler but more complex in some cases. Tasks such as aerial photography, surveillance , especially in Europe , for example. In the United States, there is the dream of using Almaekerodrunz of this freight and delivery orders, which already scored , the Amazon site where he obtained the ear of government to initiate testing of this process.
Rely on these aircraft are generally located on the ground operator. This condition required by nature but at the same time , this requirement is a restriction in its use as hopes arbitrage. If there was a world contains a lot of things unexpected is about to emerge, you need these aircraft to dispense ground operating stations and would have to fly without supervision. Therefore, these aircraft will need a lot of intelligence. The
problem does not lie in the forward or Mlaanha. Can Global Positioning System GPS and Google Earth Google Earth to draw these aircraft and tells her location , although there was a large natural obstacles may be encountered before, and can be programmed according to the desired track before taking off. The problem here is the unexpected: for example , or a tree or a gift of unexpected winds like a bird. There will be a part of the stages of development of this aircraft centered around giving it senses that you need to deal with obstacles similar to what we have said.
Raised one of the ways to deal with these obstacles by asking the question of how the natural - live aircraft - to do so. The word Drone came primarily from a male bees, and rarely collide bees or other insects plane while flying objects. Thus, the simulation of the tricks used by these insects would be a good idea. And trying to laboratories around the world right now and through the study of insects to do so.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
The use of insects in manufacturersThe most recent research conducted by one of the professors of chemistry at Bournemouth ", said by a graph of vehicles and components used in the manufacture of lipstick, contain. For many chemical compounds that affect and determine the Wbryqh subsidized.British chemist noted that some manufacturers have resorted to the natural vehicle for red lipstick, but it is not free from adding crushed insects with the color Alqrmzy to maximize and enhance the color and gloss.It is the use of a "Yuxin" dark red color to ensure that the Ahmralshfah longer through interaction with the skin, add red pepper, as well as the besides, most lipstick, enters the oil and wax in manufacturing to give him the slip characteristics.This comes at a time in which the researchers emphasized that lipstick pen industry enters in the composition of more than 300 chemical compound.Autonomous aircraft or Aldrwnz Drones fashion in the present age, and the associated subjects varied between the world of electronics and aviation enthusiasts to military science. But in the rapid development of this area is expected by some to be the year is very small Aldrwnat or Microdrones. These aircraft are small independent functions of simpler but more complicated in some cases. Tasks such as aerial photography and especially in Europe, for example. In the United States, there is a dream Almaykrwdrwnz using for the shipping and delivery applications, Mathqq already obtained permission to Amazon where government to begin tests of this process.These aircraft generally rely on operator exists on the ground. This condition required by nature but at the same time, this condition is a restriction in Mbtkrwha used as hoped. If a has many unexpected things are on. These aircraft, it would take away from a ground operating stations going to fly without control. Therefore, the aircraft would need to be a lot of intelligence.The problem lies in their direction and of navigation. Global positioning system can GPS and Google Earth Google Earth and tells her to bring the aircraft location if there is a large natural obstacles before it may be, may be programmed according to its required before taking off. The problem here is the unexpected, for example, as a tree or an unexpected gust winds. There will be a part of the stages in the development of the aircraft Mtmhwraan about giving it senses you need to deal with the obstacles similar to those we have described.Put forward one of the ways to deal with the obstacles to raise the question of how the aircraft, lively, natural to do so. The word Drone came mainly from male bees, and rarely by bees and other flying insects in flight objects. The simulation of tricks used by these insects would be a good idea. And laboratories around the world now and through the study of insects.
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