قصة حقيقيه تهز الأبدان وترجف منها القلوب فأين موضعنا من هذه القصه: يقو ترجمة - قصة حقيقيه تهز الأبدان وترجف منها القلوب فأين موضعنا من هذه القصه: يقو الإنجليزية كيف أقول

قصة حقيقيه تهز الأبدان وترجف منها ا

قصة حقيقيه تهز الأبدان وترجف منها القلوب فأين موضعنا من هذه القصه:
يقول مالك ابن دينار

بدأت حياتي ضائعا سكيراً عاصيا ..

أظلم الناس وآكل الحقوق .. آكل الربا .. أضر الناس .... افعل المظالم ..

لا توجد معصية إلا وارتكبتها .. شديد الفجور . يتحاشاني الناس من معصيتي

في يوم من الأيام .. اشتقت أن أتزوج ويكون عندي طفله ..

فتزوجت وأنجبت طفله سميتها فاطمة .. أحببتها حباً شديدا ..

وكلما كبرت فاطمة زاد الإيمان في قلبي وقلت المعصية في قلبي .

. ولربما رأتني فاطمة أمسك كأسا من الخمر ...

فاقتربت مني فأزاحته وهي لم تكمل السنتين ..

وكأن الله يجعلهاتفعل ذلك ...

وكلما كبرت فاطمة كلما زاد الإيمان في قلبي ..

وكلما اقتربت من الله خطوه ....

وكلما ابتعدت شيئا فشيئاً عن المعاصي..حتى اكتمل سن فاطمة 3 سنوات فلما أكملت .... الــ 3 سنوات ماتت فاطمة

فانقلبت أسوأ مما كنت .. ولم يكن عندي الصبر الذي عند المؤمنين ما يقويني على

فعدت أسوا مما كنت .. وتلاعب بي الشيطان ..

حتى جاء يوما
فقال لي شيطاني:
لتسكرن اليوم سكرة ما سكرت مثلها من قبل!!

فعزمت أن أسكر وعزمت أن أشرب الخمر وظللت طوال الليل أشرب وأشرب وأشرب
فرأيتني تتقاذفني الأحلام ..

حتى رأيت تلك الرؤيا

رأيتني يوم القيامة وقد أظلمت الشمس ..

وتحولت البحار إلى نار.. وزلزلت الأرض ...

واجتمع الناس إلى يوم القيامه .. والناس أفواج .. وأفواج ..

وأنا بين الناس وأسمع المنادي ينادي فلان ابن فلان .. هلم للعرض على الجبار

يقول:فأرى فلان هذا وقد تحول وجهه إلى سواد شديد من شده الخوف حتى سمعت المنادي ينادي باسمي ..
هلم للعرض على الجبار

فاختفى البشر من حولي (هذا في الرؤية)

وكأن لا أحد في أرض المحشر ..

ثم رأيت ثعبانا عظيماً شديداً قويا يجري نحوي فاتحا فمه.

فجريت أنا من شده الخوف فوجدت رجلاً عجوزاً ضعيفاًً ...

.فقلت:آه: أنقذني من هذا الثعبان

فقال لي .. يابني أنا ضعيف لا أستطيع ولكن إجر في هذه الناحية لعلك تنجو ...

فجريت حيث أشار لي والثعبان خلفي ووجدت النار تلقاء وجهي ..

فقلت: أأهرب من الثعبان لأسقط في النار

فعدت مسرعا أجري والثعبان يقترب فعدت للرجل الضعيف

وقلت له: بالله عليك أنجدني أنقذني ..

فبكى رأفة بحالي ..

وقال: أنا ضعيف كما ترى لا أستطيع فعل شيء ولكن إجر تجاه ذلك الجبل لعلك تنجو

فجريت للجبل والثعبان سيخطفني فرأيت على الجبل أطفالا صغاراً فسمعت الأطفال
كلهم يصرخون: يا فاطمه أدركي أباك أدركي أباك

فعلمت أنها ابنتي .. ويقول ففرحت أن لي ابنة ماتت وعمرها 3 سنوات تنجدني من ذلك الموقع

فأخذتني بيدها اليمنى .....

ودفعت الثعبان بيدها اليسرى وأنا كالميت من شده الخوف

ثم جلست في حجري كما كانت تجلس في الدنيا

وقالت لي يا أبي
ألم يأن للذين آمنوا أن تخشع قلوبهم لذكر الله

يا بنيتي .... أخبريني عن هذا الثعبان!!

قالت هذا عملك السيئ أنت كبرته ونميته حتى كاد أن يأكلك ..

أما عرفت يا أبي أن الأعمال في الدنيا تعود مجسمة يوم القيامه..؟

يقول:وذلك الرجل الضعيف: قالت ذلك العمل الصالح ..

أنت أضعفته وأوهنته حتى بكى
لحالك لا يستطيع أن يفعل لحالك شيئا

ولولا انك أنجبتني ولولا أني مت صغيره ما كان هناك شئ ينفعك

فاستيقظت من نومي وأنا

أصرخ: قد آن يارب.. قد آن يارب, نعم
ألم يان للذين آمنوا أن تخشع قلوبهم لذكر الله

واغتسلت وخرجت لصلاه الفجر أريد التو به والعودة إلى الله

دخلت المسجد فإذا بالإمام يقرأ نفس الآية
ألم يأن للذين آمنوا أن تخشع قلوبهم لذكر الله

ذلك هو مالك بن دينار من أئمة التابعين
هو الذي اشتهر عنه أنه كان يبكي طول الليل ........ ويقول
إلهي أنت وحدك الذي يعلم ساكن الجنة من ساكن النار، فأي الرجلين أنا

اللهم اجعلني من سكان الجنة ولا تجعلني من سكان النار

وتاب مالك بن دينار واشتهر عنه أنه كان يقف كل يوم عند باب المسجد ينادي

أيها العبد العاصي عد إلى مولاك ..

أيها العبد الغافل عد إلى مولاك ..

أيها العبد الهارب عد إلى مولاك ..

مولاك يناديك بالليل والنهار يقول لك
من تقرب مني شبراً تقربت إليه ذراعاً، ومن تقرب إلي ذراعا تقربت إليه باعا

ومن أتاني يمشي أتيته هرولة
أسألك تباركت وتعاليت أن

ترزقنا التوبه

لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك .. إني كنت من الظالمين

أرسلها إلى كل من تعرف ... فربما تكون سبب في هداية وتوبة غيرك..

وتخيل عظم الأجر الذي ستحصل عليه

لأن يهدي الله بك رجلا واحداً خير لك من حمر النعم


اللهّم اجعل تذكيري هذا صدقةََ جَارِيةْ لي ولوالدي ولذريتي ولجميع المؤمنين والمؤمنات الأحياء منهم والأموات ولمن أرسلها لي ولمن قرأها ولكل من ساهم في نشرها.

اللهم آمين يارب العالمين

من: العربية
إلى: الإنجليزية
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
A true story to shake and tremble chilling them hearts, in our place of this story: Malik ibn dinar saysI started my life lost drunkard sinner. Darker people eat rights. RIBA. Damaged people ... I do. .. There is a sin not committed. Severe fornication. People avoid me from sinsSays:In one day. I miss to get married and have my baby. They got married and gave birth to a baby girl called Fatma. I loved deeply. And the larger the Fatima increased faith in my heart and I told sin in my heart.. Perhaps she sees me Fatima grabbed a glass of wine. They approached me, offset, and is not completed biennium. And God ygalhatval.And the larger the Fatima more faith in my heart. Closer to God. ... And farther little by little about sin. Up to 3 years of age completed Fatima when completed. ... 3 years died FatimaSays:It flipped worse than I.. And I don't have the patience that when believers what gives me strength toScourge. It came back worse than you. And my rig devil. Until the day cameDemonic told me:For today they intoxicate Biskra what secret just like before!!It was determined that intoxicates and determined to drink and I kept all night drink and drink and drinkYou see me throw me dreams. Until I saw that visionSee me on the day of resurrection the Sun was darkened. And turned to fire. And just shook the Earth.People met on the day of resurrection. People regiments. And regiments. I am among the people and hear the muezzin calls out so the son Ubaid. So for JabbarSays: I think because this diverts to darkening very severe fear until I heard the muezzin calls out my name. So for Jabbar Says:The disappeared people around me (the vision) No one was in the land of the insectary. Then I saw a great Solid Snake severely being grammar, opening his mouth. Then I ran the intensity of fear and found an old man is weak.. I said: Ah: saved me from this snake He said to me. My son, I can't but weak in this area might survive.Then I ran with me and the serpent tail and found fire switches sides. I said: aaherb of the serpent to plop into the fire So I went back quickly and held a snake is coming so I went back to the weak man I told him: you angdni me. It cried mercy..He said: I'm weak you see I can't do anything but pay towards this mountain you might surviveThen I ran to the mountain and snake will snatch me I saw on the mountain with young children, heard childrenThey all shout: Hey Fatima adrki APAC adrki APACSays:It is learned that she is my daughter. He says, I looked to my daughter died aged 3 years to my rescue from that site It took me with her right hand. And pushed the snake with her left and I am as dead from fearThen she sat on my lap as she sat in the lowerShe told me dadJan pain for those who believe that their hearts soften them to GodSays:Oh my .... Tell me about this snake!!She said that your bad you like his land, I developed him until almost eat you. Either you know dad acts in return polyphonic doomsday?Says: so man weak said that good work. You are weakened and aohnth even criedTo are you can do by yourself somethingWithout you she had me and Lola I met small there was nothing will benefit youSays:Then I woke up from my sleep and I Scream: the Lord. May the Lord, YesJan pain for those who believe that their hearts soften them to GodSays:And washed and came up for Fajr prayer I just done and return to GodSays:I entered the mosque if the Imam reads the same verseJan pain for those who believe that their hearts soften them to GodIt is the owner of Ben Dinard imams affiliatedHe is renowned for his he was crying all night ... .... SaysMy God you who teaches native paradise inhabitants, any men IO Lord make me of the inhabitants of paradise, don't make me residents of fireAnd Malik ibn dinar and it was every day when the door of the mosque calls Says:Dear ASI slave back to me inwardly. Dear slave dopey to me inwardly.Dear runaway slave back to me inwardly. Call me inwardly, night and day tells youOf the brings me Shoubra recognition mechanism arm, bring the recognition mechanism of arm historyAnd from my side walk trotAsking you blessed and that you rose Provide with the means of subsistence us repentanceThere is no God but you subhaanaka. I of the oppressorsSend it to everyone you know ... Perhaps due to the guidance and the repentance of someone else.Imagine you get remuneration boneTo guide your man one better for you than traditional blessings.... Oh God, make this ongoing charity reminder to me and my parents and atomic bomb explosions and all the believers believing and living and dead and sent me to read for everyone.O Lord Amen>M
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Shake the chilling true story and shake them where Modana hearts of this story:
says Malik Ibn Dinar my life began drunkard lost sinner .. darker people and eat Rights .. .. riba hurt people .... I do grievances .. There is no sin committed only. . severe debauchery. Athachani people of my sins says: one day .. I miss to get married and have my child .. remarried and had a baby girl toxicity Fatima .. I loved her deeply love .. and the larger Fatima increased faith in my heart and I sin in my heart.. Perhaps she saw me Fatima grabbed a glass of wine ... I came near me Vozaanh They did not complete two years .. and if God Ajolhatfl it ... and the bigger Fatima whenever increased faith in my heart .. The closer step of God .... The more slowly moved away from the Almasi..any completed Fatima age 3 years and when completed .... 3 years died Fatima says: swerved .. worse than I did not have patience when believers who strengthens me what the scourge .. so I went back worse than you .. and my rig Satan .. even came days He said to me demonic: to Tskrn today Sakra what Intoxicated like it before !! Vazmt that intoxicates and I decided to drink wine, and I kept all-night drink and drink and drink Fraitni Taatqazffine dreams .. until I saw that vision saw me the day of judgment has darkened the sun .. and turned the sea to fire .. and shook the earth ... people met the Day of Resurrection .. and people regiments .. and regiments .. I am among the people and I hear the muezzin calling for so and so son of so and so .. so for viewing on-Jabbar says: I see so and so this has turned his face to the very dark with fear until I heard Bellman calling my name .. so for viewing on-Jabbar says disappeared human beings around me (this vision) as if no one in the land of the resurrection .. then I saw a great snake severe being a strong opening his mouth at me. I Fjrat by severe fear and found a weak old man .. . .vqlt: ah: saved me from this snake said to me .. My son, I am weak I can not but pay in this respect, you might survive ... Fjrat where he pointed to me and the snake back and found the fire clears my face .. I said: Ooherb of the serpent to fall into the fire so I went back quickly carried out and the snake is approaching so I went back to the man weak and I said to him: God you Onagdna saved me .. wept mercy Bhali .. He said: I am weak as you can see I can not do everything, but Eger toward that mountain you might survive Fjrat of the mountain and the serpent Sakhtefna I saw on the mountain young children and I heard children all screaming: Oh Fatima Odricki father Odricki father says :: I discovered my daughter .. she says rejoiced that my daughter died at the age of 3 years Tnagdna from that location Vokhztna ..... her right hand and pushed the snake with her ​​left hand and I Calmette by severe fear and then I sat in stony As she sat in this world and she told me, Dad Jan pain for those who believe that their hearts are subject to mention God says: My daughter .... Tell me about this snake !! said this your business bad you Kbernh Numeith and even came close to eat you .. But I knew that Dad Business in the lower back stereoscopic Day of Resurrection ..? says, and that the weak man: so said the good work .. you weakened and Oohunth even cried for are you can not do nothing for you doing it not for you Onjptna it not because I was small there was something will benefit you say: Fastiqzt of my sleep and I was screaming: You may Ann Lord .. has come, Lord, yes Jan pain for those who believe that their hearts are subject to mention God says, and washed, and came out for the dawn prayer I want Alto him and return to God says: I entered the mosque. If the imam read the same verse Jan pain for those who believe that the subject their hearts to the remembrance of Allah is Malik bin Dinar followers of the imams is best known him, he was crying all night ........ and say my God you alone who knows the residents of Paradise residents fire, what the two men I O God, make me a resident of Paradise does not make me residents of fire and repented Malik bin Dinar is best known him, he was standing all day at the door of the mosque calls and says: O slave Orontes back to Mulak .. servant dopey back to Mulak .. servant fugitive back to Mulak .. Mulak is calling night and day tells you of Shubra approached me closer to him an arm, and closer to an arm approached him sold and came to me and I approached him walking trot ask you a blessed and Taalit that Trozkna repentance is no God but You Glory .. I oppressors send it to everyone you know ... it may be the cause of the guidance and repentance others .. and imagine the magnitude of the wage you'll get because God guide you one man is better for you than red camels .... Oh God, make reminding me of this ongoing charity me, my parents and my offspring and all the believing men and women living and dead and to those who sent me and to those who read it and everyone who contributed to published . Amen Lord of the Worlds> M

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
A true story, hearts, where can shake the body Wtrjf Mwdna from this story, "says Malik Ibn Dinar

I began my lost drank Asya.

darker people and eat right. Eat usury. Damaged people. Do do.

no sin committed.Very immoral acts. Ythashany Msyty People

says: one day. I longed to get married and have a child.

Ftzwjt gave birth to a girl called Fatima. Love you for loving deeply..

the greater the Fatima has faith in my heart and I sin in my heart.

.And Fatima, she grabbed a glass of wine...

me up and did not complete the two Fazahth..

as if God Yjlhatfl...

the greater the Fatima more faith in my heart..

the closer to God... Step...

The gradually moved away from sin. Until the age of Fatima completed 3 years and when completed. The past 3 years. Fatima said:

Fanqlbt worse than you. I have no patience for believers, which strengthens me to
the scourge.

I came back worse than you.A me the devil.

until one day he said to me, demonic:
to tskrn today Sakra what intoxicated like before! To get drunk!

Fzmt intended to drink all night, I kept drinking and drink and drink
Fraytny Ttqadhfny dream.

so I saw that vision!You see me on the day of resurrection has darkened the sun.

and turned the sea into the fire. Wzlzlt earth...

he met people on the day of resurrection. And the waves. Batches.

I am among people and hear the caller calling so and the son of so and so. Come on for Jabbar

says:I believe so and this has turned his face to the very dark with fear to hear the caller calling my name. Supply to Jabbar
Fakhtfy people around me (vision)

as if no one in the land of gathering.

Then I saw a great deep and powerful being me, opening his mouth.

I Fjryt with fear and found an old man poor...

. I said: ah, save me from this snake

he said me.. My son, I am weak, but I can not pay in this sense you might survive...

Fjryt referred me back and the serpent was found to fire on his own face.

and I said: Aahrb serpent fire Lasqt

I ran quickly ran, and snake approaching men weak

I came back and I said to him, come on... Help me..

cried mercy alone..

"See, I am weak, I can't do anything but run towards the mountain, you might survive

Fjryt for mountain and snake Sykhtfny I saw on the mountain, young children, and I heard a child "they all scream: Ya Fatima Adrky your father your father Adrky

says:" my daughter. I discovered it.Glad and say that my son died at the age of 3 years Tnjdny website

she took me to her right leg.

and the left hand and Calmet with fear

and then sat down on my lap. As she sits in the world

she said to me, Dad!
Jan pain for those who believe that their hearts are subject to God! He says: "my girl... Tell me about this snake! !

she said that your job. You're Kbrth Wnmyth until almost eat..

the knew, dad to work in this world belongs to the stereoscopic on the day of resurrection?

says:This weak man said that good work.

you are weakened by the Wawhnth even cried
you you can't do anything

if you Anjbtny if I die... There was nothing. Benefit you says: Fastyqzt


I: is God. Is Lord,Yes
Jan pain for those who believe that their hearts are subject to God: Waghtslt

and I just made it for the fajr, return to God! He says: "if the entered the mosque Imam recites the same verse
Jan pain for those who believe that their hearts are subject to God!This is Malik Ibn Dinar from the imams of
is infamous for him, he was crying all night. He says, "God, you alone who knows the inhabitants of heaven: the fire, which of the two men I

Oh God make the inhabitants of heaven does not make me a resident of fire

And Malik Ibn Dinar known him he was standing at the door every day calling for the mosque

, slave of the sinner back to your Lord.

you a scatter brain back to your Lord..

, slave run back to your Lord..

your Lord, call you night and day you say
From the arm before any space, it bring me closer to an arm before it sold the

and I approached him he came walking jogging ask you bless you Wtalyt to

Trzqna repentance! There is no God but you.. I was indeed wrong! Send this to everyone you know...It may be the reason for the conversion and repentance you..

and the bone you will still pay

because God guide your man is better than one. Red blessings


Allham keep reminding me that Sdqtaa Jaareyt me and Wldhryty them and all the men and women of faith the living and the dead and sent it to me and read by all those who contributed to the published.

Ameen Ya Rab al

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
دعم الترجمة أداة: الآيسلندية, الأذرية, الأردية, الأفريقانية, الألبانية, الألمانية, الأمهرية, الأوديا (الأوريا), الأوزبكية, الأوكرانية, الأويغورية, الأيرلندية, الإسبانية, الإستونية, الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, الإيطالية, الإيغبو, الارمنية, الاسبرانتو, الاسكتلندية الغالية, الباسكية, الباشتوية, البرتغالية, البلغارية, البنجابية, البنغالية, البورمية, البوسنية, البولندية, البيلاروسية, التاميلية, التايلاندية, التتارية, التركمانية, التركية, التشيكية, التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة, التيلوجو, الجاليكية, الجاوية, الجورجية, الخؤوصا, الخميرية, الدانماركية, الروسية, الرومانية, الزولوية, الساموانية, الساندينيزية, السلوفاكية, السلوفينية, السندية, السنهالية, السواحيلية, السويدية, السيبيوانية, السيسوتو, الشونا, الصربية, الصومالية, الصينية, الطاجيكي, العبرية, العربية, الغوجراتية, الفارسية, الفرنسية, الفريزية, الفلبينية, الفنلندية, الفيتنامية, القطلونية, القيرغيزية, الكازاكي, الكانادا, الكردية, الكرواتية, الكشف التلقائي, الكورسيكي, الكورية, الكينيارواندية, اللاتفية, اللاتينية, اللاوو, اللغة الكريولية الهايتية, اللوكسمبورغية, الليتوانية, المالايالامية, المالطيّة, الماورية, المدغشقرية, المقدونية, الملايو, المنغولية, المهراتية, النرويجية, النيبالية, الهمونجية, الهندية, الهنغارية, الهوسا, الهولندية, الويلزية, اليورباية, اليونانية, الييدية, تشيتشوا, كلينجون, لغة هاواي, ياباني, لغة الترجمة.

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