من هي المستحاثة لوسي ودور اثيوبيا في اكتشافهامن هي المستحاثة لوسي؟ تعت ترجمة - من هي المستحاثة لوسي ودور اثيوبيا في اكتشافهامن هي المستحاثة لوسي؟ تعت الإنجليزية كيف أقول

من هي المستحاثة لوسي ودور اثيوبيا ف

من هي المستحاثة لوسي ودور اثيوبيا في اكتشافها
من هي المستحاثة لوسي؟ تعتبر أثيوبيا موطناً لعدد من أقدم الهياكل العظمية البشرية التي عثر عليها العلماء إلى الآن، منها هيكل "من هي المستحاثة لوسي؟" الذي يعود لامرأة عاشت قبل 3.2 مليون عام.
أجل إنها أقدم طفلة في الوجود، إذ عثر العالم الأثيوبي، زرأى الم سقد على جمجمتها وأسماها "سلام"، واكتشف لاحقاً بأنها جمجمة لطفلة بعمر ثلاثة أعوام، عاشت قبل 4.4 مليون عام في صحارى إفريقيا.
ويعد هذا الاكتشاف الأول من نوعه، بتعرف العالم على طبيعة الوجود الإنساني وتكون عظام الأطفال قبل ملايين الأعوام.
وقد أعلن العالم عن اكتشافه لـ "سلام" عام 2006، ليصبح من أعظم الإكتشافات العلمية وهو يعمل الآن رئيساً لقسم الآثار في أكاديمية ولاية كاليفورنيا للعلوم.
يعرض المتحف الوطني الأثيوبي مستحاثة "أحفورة"، اعتبرها العلماء شبيه الإنسان، وتحمل اسم "لوسي" ويناهز عمرها 3.2 مليون عام، وتعد من أهم كشوف أجناس البشر الذي عاشوا قبل ملايين السنين.

تم العثور على بقايا متحجرة (من هي المستحاثة لوسي؟) لطفل شبيه بالبشر عمره 3.3 مليون سنة وذلك في منطقة دكيكة الإثيوبية.

وقد تبين أن عظام الأنثى التي عرفت باسم "أوسترالوبيثيكيوس أفارينسيس" هي من نفس نوع الهيكل العظمي لإنسان بالغ تم العثور عليه عام 1974 وأطلق عليه اسم "لوسي".

هذا وقد ذهل العلماء بالاكتشاف الجديد الذي نشرت تفاصيله في مجلة الطبيعة.
فرصة سانحة

فقد اعتقدوا بأن البقايا شبه المكتملة تشكل فرصة سانحة لدراسة النمو والتطور لدى جد بشري هام منقرض. وبقايا الطفل "أوسترالوبيثيكيوس أفارينسيس" هي نادرة إلى حد كبير.

لقد تم التعرف على الهيكل العظمي للمستحاثة لأول مرة عام 2000 وقد أغلق عليه داخل جرف من الرمال الصخرية، وقد استغرق عمل تحرير العظام خمس سنوات من العمل المضني الشاق.

يقول رئيس فريق الحفريات زيريزيني أليمسيجيد من معهد ماكس بلانك لعلم نشوء الإنسان في جامعة ليبزيك في ألمانيا:

"مستحاثة دكيكة تميط اللثام الآن عن عدة أسرار متعلقة بأوسترالوبيثيكيوس أفارينسيس والكائنات الأولى الأخرى الشبيهة بالإنسان، لأن الأدلة المتعلقة بالمستحاثات لم تكن قد وجدت بعد".

جمجمة وجذع كاملان

وتتكون البقايا المكتشفة من جمجمة وجذع كاملين، بالإضافة إلى أجزاء هامة من الأطراف العليا والسفلى.

ويظهر تصوير المستحاثة أن أسنان لم تكن قد ظهرت بعد مازالت موجودة في الفك، وهذا التفصيل هو الذي جعل العلماء يعتقدون بأن عمر الكائن وقت موته كان حوالي ثلاث سنوات.

ومن الملاحظ أيضا وجود بعض العظام الصغيرة التي لا يتم الحفاظ عليها عادة أثناء عملية تكون المستحاثة، ومنها العظم اللامي أو عظم قاعدة اللسان.

ويظهر العظم اللامي كيفية بناء حجرة الصوت وربما نوعية الأصوات التي يمكن للأنواع أن تصدرها.
دفنت على عجل

وقد قال الباحثون إنه بالحكم على الطريقة الجيدة التي حفظت بها المستحاثة، يمكن الاستنتاج أن الهيكل العظمي ربما يكون لجثة تم دفنها على عجل في منطقة ترسب ناتجة عن حدوث فيضان.

يقول الدكتور أليمسيجيد لـبي بي سي: "إن مستحاثة "أوسترالوبيثيكيوس أفارينسيس" هي في نظري نوع انتقالي جيد جدا لما كان سائدا قبل أربعة ملايين عام خلت ولما جاء بعدها بثلاث ملايين عام".

يتابع الباحث قائلا: "للمستحاثة مزيج من معالم القرد ومعالم الإنسان. هذا يضع مستحاثة "أوسترالوبيثيكيوس أفارينسيس" في مكانة خاصة ليمكنها من لعب دور محوري في قضية ما نكون ومن أين أتينا".

دماغ صغير

ولجدنا القديم هذا أسنان بدائية ودماغ صغير، إلا أنه كان يقف منتصبا ويمشي على قدمين.
وهناك جدل لا بأس به حول فيما إذا كانت فتاة دكيكة تستطيع تسلق الأشجار كالقرد.

فالقدرة على التسلق تتطلب معدات تشريحية كالأذرع الطويلة، و"طفل لوسي" له ذراعان طويلتان تتدليان حتى فوق ركبتيه بقليل.

وله أيضا عضلات كتف شبيهة بعضلات كتفي الغوريللا أو القرد الإفريقي، وهذا يوحي بأنه قد يكون ماهرا بالتأرجح والقفز وسط الأشجار.

إلا أن القضية هي فيما إذا كانت تلك الميزات تشير إلى مقدرة على التسلق أم هي مجرد "نظريات نشوئية".
فهم مفصل

ولفتاة دكيكة دماغ يقدر حجمه بـ330 سنتمتر مكعب عند وفاتها، وهذا لا يختلف كثيرا عن نظيره في حيوان الشمبانزي من نفس العمر.

على أية حال، عندما تتم مقارنته بدماغ تعتبر أثيوبيا موطناً لعدد من أقدم الهياكل العظمية البشرية التي عثر عليها العلماء إلى الآن، منها هيكل "لوسي" الذي يعود لامرأة عاشت قبل 3.2 مليون عام.
أجل إنها أقدم طفلة في الوجود، إذ عثر العالم الأثيوبي، زرأى الم سقد على جمجمتها وأسماها "سلام"، واكتشف لاحقاً بأنها جمجمة لطفلة بعمر ثلاثة أعوام، عاشت قبل 4.4 مليون عام في صحارى إفريقيا.
ويعد هذا الاكتشاف الأول من نوعه، بتعرف العالم على طبيعة الوجود الإنساني وتكون عظام الأطفال قبل ملايين الأعوام.
وقد أعلن العالم عن اكتشافه لـ "سلام" عام 2006، ليصبح من أعظم الإكتشافات العلمية وهو يعمل الآن رئيساً لقسم الآثار في أكاديمية ولاية كاليفورنيا للعلوم.
يعرض المتحف الوطني الأثيوبي مستحاثة "أحفورة"، اعتبرها العلماء شبيه الإنسان، وتحمل اسم "لوسي" ويناهز عمرها 3.2 مليون عام، وتعد من أهم كشوف أجناس البشر الذي عاشوا قبل ملايين السنين.تاة "أوسترالوبيثيكيوس أفارينسيس" فهو يشكل فقط من 63 إلى 88 بالمائة من حجم الدماغ البالغ لديها.

يقول البروفيسور فريد سبور من كلية جامعة لندن إن الاكتشاف الجديد سيعطي العلماء "فهما مفصلا عن كيفية نمو وسلوك أقربائنا القدامى... في زمن النشوء الإنساني الذي بدوا فيه أقرب إلى حيوانات الشمبانزي مما هي شبيهة بنا نحن".

لوسي التي يحتفل جوجل بذكراها كل عام في الثالث والعشرين من شهر نوفمبر منذ 41 عام هو اسم مستحاثة هيكل عظمي من صنف أوسترالوبيثيكوس أفارينيسيس ، والتي عاشت وماتت منذ 3.2 مليون سنة ، عثر على المتسحاثة لوسي عام 1974 في متاهة الأودية الضيقة في منطقة عفر بأثيوبيا على يد العلماء دونالد جونسون ، موريس تاييب ، وتوم جاري .
من هي المستحاثة لوسي؟ تاريخ اكتشاف لوسي :
تم اكتشاف 40% من الهيكل العظمي للمستحاثة لوسي وعندها قرر العلماء تصنيفها بشبيه الإنسان الذي يعرف بنوع أوسترالوبيثيكوس أفارينيسيس نسبة لمنطقة عفر الأثيوبية ، يبلغ طول لوسي 1.1 متر ، ووزنها 29 كيلوجرام ، وقد استنتج العلماء أن لوسي هيكل يعود لأنثى وقد اطلقوا عليها هذا الإسم نسبة لأغنية فريق البيتلز البريطاني الذي كانت اغنيته الشهيرة لوسي في السماء مع الماسات في معسكر التنقيب .

يشبه التركيب التشريحي للمستحاثة لوسي الشمبانزي بدرجة كبيرة ، أما عظام الحوض والأطراف السفلية فهي تتشابه في وظيفتها مع عظام الإنسان بالرغم من صغر حجمها ، ويوضح هذا التشر
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Who is almsthathh Lucy role in discoveryWho is almsthathh Lucy? Ethiopia is considered home to several of the oldest human skeletons found by scientists to date, including the structure "is almsthathh Lucy?" the woman who lived 3.2 million years ago.For it's the oldest child in existence, with Ethiopian world found zerai skod pain on her skull and naming Salaam, and later discovered that it was the skull of a child by the age of three years, lived 4.4 million years ago in the deserts of Africa.This is the first discovery of its kind, to know the world of the nature of human existence and be the bones of children by millions of years.The world had announced his discovery of "peace" in 2006, becoming one of the greatest scientific discoveries and is now Chairman of the Department of Archaeology at California Academy of Sciences.The Ethiopian national museum displays "fossil fossils, scientists considered hominids, dubbed" Lucy "and about 3.2 million years old, is one of the most important races of human beings who lived slips by millions of years. Fossils have been found (is almsthathh Lucy?) for children like humans age 3.3 million years ago in the region of dkikh.It was found that the bones of a female known as "australobithikios avarinsis" is the same type of skeleton of an adult was found in 1974 and dubbed "Lucy".This has stunned scientists with new discovery that UNR in nature magazine.OpportunityIt was thought that the residues completed peninsula constitute an opportunity to study the growth and development in very mortal important extinct. And the remains of a child "australobithikios avarinsis" is rare.I've identified skeletal llmsthathh premiered in 2000 and was closed within the cliff of sand rock, took the action edit bones five years of painstaking work.Says team leader zerisini alimsigid fossils from the Max Planck Institute for the science of human arose at the University of libezik in Germany:"Fossil dkikh the light now several mysteries related baustralobithikios avarinsis objects and other human-like first, because the evidence for balmsthathat you haven't found yet." Skull full trunkDetected residues consist of a skull and torso, as well as to important parts of the upper and lower extremities. Almsthathh photography shows the teeth haven't appeared yet still present in the jaw, and this detail is what make scholars believe that object lifetime time his death was about three years.Also there are some small bones that usually are not preserved during the process are almsthathh, including Lamy or bone bone base of tongue.Shows bone Lami how to build a sound booth and possibly the quality of sounds which types can be exported.Hastily buriedThe researchers said that, judging by the way that you save by almsthathh, it can be concluded that the skeleton's body might have been buried in the area of deposition resulting from flooding.Dr. alimsigid BBC: "fossil" australobithikios avarinsis "is in my view a very good transition type to what existed before 4 million years ago and since then came in three million years.Follow Finder: "llmsthathh a combination of APE and human parameters. This puts the fish "australobithikios avarinsis" in a special position to enable it to play a pivotal role in the case and where we came from. " A small brainAnd we found this old primitive teeth and a small brain, but he was standing erect and walking on two legs. There is quite a controversy about whether dkikh girl can climb trees like a monkey.The ability to climb require anatomical equipment as long arms, and "Baby Lucy" has a long torso so they hang above his knees.He also has a shoulder muscles shoulder muscles like gorilla or African monkey, this suggests it might be a skillful swing jump amid the trees.However, the issue is whether such features indicate climbing ability or are merely "evolutionist theories".A detailed understandingAnd his youth dkikh brain size is estimated at 330 CC when she died, this is not much different from his counterpart in the animal chimpanzee of the same age.Anyway, when compared to the brain are Ethiopia, home to several of the oldest human skeletons found by scientists to date, including "Lucy" the woman who lived 3.2 million years ago.For it's the oldest child in existence, with Ethiopian world found zerai skod pain on her skull and naming Salaam, and later discovered that it was the skull of a child by the age of three years, lived 4.4 million years ago in the deserts of Africa.This is the first discovery of its kind, to know the world of the nature of human existence and be the bones of children by millions of years.The world had announced his discovery of "peace" in 2006, becoming one of the greatest scientific discoveries and is now Chairman of the Department of Archaeology at California Academy of Sciences.The Ethiopian national museum displays "fossil fossils, scientists considered hominids, dubbed" Lucy "and about 3.2 million years old, is one of the most important races of human beings who lived slips by millions of years." avarinsis "australobithikios lost is only from 63 to 88 percent of the size of the adult brain.Professor Fred spur of University College London said the new discovery will give scientists a "detailed understanding of how growth and behaviour of our veterans ... In a time where human evolution seemed closer to animals than are chimpanzees like us. " Lucy that Google is celebrating the anniversary every year on the 23rd of November since 41 year is the name of a fossil skeleton of the class australobithikos avarinices, who lived and died since the 3.2 million years old, Lucy almtshathh was found in 1974 in a maze of narrow valleys in the Afar region of Ethiopia by scientists Donald Johnson, Maurice taieb, Tom.Who is almsthathh Lucy? Discovery of Lucy:Detected 40% of skeletal llmsthathh Lucie and then the scientists decided that classified hominids known as type australobithikos avarinices ratio of the Afar region of Ethiopia, Lucy 1.1 meters, and weighing 29 kg, scientists concluded that Lucy structure back to female has called this name for the song the Beatles famous song which was the Lucy in the sky with diamonds prospecting camp.Resembles anatomical llmsthathh Lucy chimpanzee, either pelvic bones and limbs are similar in function, with human bones, despite its small size, this illustrates how
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Who is Almsthath Lucy and the role of Ethiopia in the discovery
of Almsthath is Lucy? Ethiopia is home to a number of the oldest human skeletons found to scientists now, of which the structure "of the Almsthath Lucy?" Which dates back to the woman lived before 3.2 million a year.
For it is the oldest child in existence, as the world's Ethiopian found, Zroy pain Sagd on her skull, and he called the "peace", and later discovered as the skull of a child aged three years, she lived before 4.4 million a year in the deserts of Africa.
The This is the first discovery of its kind, Ptaraf the world on the nature of human existence and be the bones of children by millions of years.
The world has announced the discovery for "peace" in 2006, becoming one of the greatest scientific discoveries and is working now head of the Department of Archaeology of the Academy of California of Sciences.
museum displays National Ethiopian fossil "fossil", he considered similar to human scientists, and bears the name "Lucy" and about her 3.2 million a year, and is one of the most important statements of the mortal races that lived millions of years ago. it was found fossilized remnants (of the Almsthath Lucy?) for a child-like human beings old 3.3 million a year and that in Dkikh Ethiopian region. It was found that the female bones known as "Oustralopiteks Ovarensis" are of the same type skeletal adult man was found in 1974 and dubbed "Lucy". This has scientists stunned the new discovery which was published detailed in the journal Nature. opportunity was believed that the remains semi-completed constitute an opportunity to study the growth and development at a very important human extinct. And the remains of the child "Oustralopiteks Ovarensis" is a rare to a large extent. I've been to identify the skeleton of the fossil for the first time in 2000, was closed by the inside cliff of rocky sand, and edit the bones of five years of hard work hard work took. Says the head of the excavation team Zerezina Ollemsegid of the Max Planck Institute for Anthropology emergence in Abzyk University in Germany: "fossil Dkikh reveal now for several secrets related Boustralopiteks Ovarensis other first objects like human beings, because the evidence relating to Palmsthathat were not been found yet." skull and trunk full-size and made ​​up the remains unearthed from skull The trunk full, in addition to the important parts of the upper limbs and lower. shows portray Almsthath that teeth were not appeared yet still exist in the jaw, and this detail is what made ​​scientists believe that the age of the time of his death, the object was about three years. It is also noticeable the presence of some bones Small that are not preserved usually during the process be Almsthath, including the hyoid bone or bone base of the tongue. shows the hyoid bone how to build a sound room and perhaps the quality of sounds that can species be issued. buried hastily researchers have said that judging by the good way that preserved by Almsthath, it can be concluded that the skeleton may have bodies had been buried in haste in the deposition area due to flooding. says Dr. Ollemsegid told the BBC: "The fossil" Oustralopiteks Ovarensis "is in my view a transitional type very well what had prevailed four million a year ago ago and what came after three million years. " he continues the researcher, saying: "The combination of fossil ape and human features landmarks. This puts the fossil "Oustralopiteks Ovarensis" in a special place to enable it to play a pivotal role in the issue of what we are and where we came from. "Small brain old and found the teeth of primitive and a small brain, but he was standing upright and walking on two legs. There is controversy quite a bit about the connection If Dkikh girl can climb trees monkey. The ability to climb require anatomical equipment Kalodhira long, and "baby Lucy" has two arms Taiwiltan dangling until just above his knees. He also has the muscles of the shoulder similar to muscular shoulders gorilla or ape of Africa, and this suggests that it may be skillful swinging and jumping amid the trees. However, the issue is whether those features refers to the ability to climb or is it just "evolutionary land theories." detailed understanding and girl Dkikh brain estimated size B330 cc at her death, and this is not much different from that of chimpanzees from the same age. In any case, when it is compared to the brain Ethiopia is home to a number of the oldest human skeletons found scientists to now, including "Lucy" structure, which dates back to the woman lived before 3.2 million a year. For it is the oldest child in existence, he was found World Ethiopian, Zroy pain Sagd on her skull, and he called the "peace", and later discovered as the skull of a child aged three years, she lived before 4.4 million a year in the deserts of Africa. This is the first discovery of its kind, Ptaraf the world on the nature of human existence and be the bones of children by millions of years . The world has announced the discovery for "peace" in 2006, becoming one of the greatest scientific discoveries and is working now head of the Department of Archaeology of the Academy of California of Sciences. National Museum of Ethiopia displays fossil "fossil", similar to the human scientists considered it, and bears the name "Lucy" and about 3.2 old million a year, and it is one of the most important statements of human races who lived by millions of Senyn.tah "Oustralopiteks Ovarensis" It constitutes only 63 to 88 percent of the adult brain has the size. says Professor Fred Spor of University College London said the new discovery will give scientists " They detailed how the growth and behavior of old our relatives ... in human evolution, which seemed the closer to chimpanzees than they are similar to us we time. "Lucy celebrated Google anniversary every year in the twenty-third of the month of November since 41 years is a fossil skeleton name Class of Oustralopetheikos Ofarineces, which lived and died since 3.2 million years old, found Almtzhath Lucy in 1974 in a maze of narrow valleys in the Afar region of Ethiopia by scientists Donald Johnson, Maurice Tayib, Tom and Gary. Who is Almsthath Lucy? The date of the discovery of Lucy: was discovered 40% of the skeleton of the fossil Lucy, and then the scientists decided to classify human probably more who knows the type of Oustralopetheikos Ofarineces ratio for the Afar Ethiopia, a Lucy length of 1.1 meters, and weighs 29 kg, has scientists concluded that Lucy structure dates back to the female has called it this name in relation to the song the British Beatles, who were his famous song Lucy in the sky with diamonds in the exploration camp. resembles the anatomical structure of the fossil Lucy chimpanzees significantly, and the bones of the pelvis and lower limbs are similar in function with human bones in spite of its small size, explains that homelessness

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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
It is Almsthatht Lucy and Ethiopia to detect
It is Almsthatht Lucy? Ethiopia is home to a number of senior human skeletons found by scholars until now, the structure is Almsthatht Lucy.? "which belonged to a woman who lived 3200000 years ago."Yeah it's presence, they found the world's oldest child of Ethiopian, Zray pain on her skull. Sqd purest "slam", and later as the skull of a child's age. Three years ago, there lived 4400000 years ago in the deserts of Africa. "This is the first of its kind, the nature of human existence and the bones of children know the world millions of years ago. "He discovered the world's "peace." on 2006, to become one of the greatest scientific discoveries and he now serves as chairman of the Department of Archaeology at the California Academy of Sciences.
The museum displays the Ethiopian national fossil "exists", scholars have considered similar to humans, and bore the name of "Lucy". It is about 3200000 years old, is one of the most important statements human races that lived millions of years ago.

Fossilized remains have been found (it is Almsthatht Lucy?) for a similar to human beings 3300000 years old in the Ethiopian Dkykt.

It was found that the bones of the female, known as the "Awstralwbythykyws Afarynsys" are of the same type of adult human skeleton was found on 1974 and named "Lucy".

This has shocked scientists, details of new discovery, published in the journal Nature. Chance

they thought that remains virtually completed, presented an opportunity to study the growth and development of very important human extinction.And the child "Awstralwbythykyws Afarynsys" is largely anecdotal.

I Llmsthatht skeleton was identified for the first time in 2000 was closed within the dredging of sand and rock, bone editing took five years of work. Hard work hard.

The chairman of the Zyryzyny excavations Alymsyjyd from Max Planck Institute for human evolution at the University of Lybzyk in Germany:

"Loose Dkykt now reveal the many secrets on Bawstralwbythykyws Afarynsys and other first species similar to humans, because the evidence for Balmsthathat had not been found yet.. Skull full Wjdh

The remains discovered in Wjdh skull later, in addition to the important parts of the upper and lower sides.

Almsthatht imaging shows that the teeth have not yet emerged was still present in the jaw, this is the detail that make scientists think that age the time of his death. About three years ago.

It is also noted that some of the small bones that are not usually maintained during the process of Almsthatht, including the hyoid bone or bones of the base of the tongue.

The hyoid bone is how to build a sound quality of sounds may which species can give. Hastily buried

The researchers said that judging by how good Almsthatht is preserved, it can be concluded that the skeleton may be a body was hastily buried in the sediment. Due to flooding.

, says Dr. Alymsyjyd Lby PC:"The fossil" Awstralwbythykyws Afarynsys my kind "is a very good what existed before four million years ago and after three million years.

follows the Llmsthatht researcher said:" the combination of features, monkey, and human.This puts the fossil "Awstralwbythykyws Afarynsys' is in a special position in order to play a central role in the case we are and where we came from." Small brain Wljdna

the old this rudimentary teeth and a small brain, but it was standing upright and walk on two legs.
There is considerable debate about whether Dkykt girl can't climb trees like a monkey.

long, and the ability to climb Kaladhr anatomical equipment required "Lucy" to have a child two lengthy Ttdlyan up above his knees.

It also has a similar to the muscles of the shoulder muscles of shoulder or African ape gorilla, this suggests that it may be skillful to rocking! Jump in the trees.

but case whether these features indicate the ability to climb or whether they are merely "theory of evolutionism".
A detailed understanding of Wlftat

Dkykt brain has an estimated volume of 330 cubic centimeters at the time of her death, which is not significantly different from that of zoo chimpanzees of the same age..

However, when compared with a brain. Ethiopia is home to a number of senior human skeletons found by scholars to date, including the Lucy. "Who belonged to a woman who lived 3200000 years ago."Yeah it's presence, they found the world's oldest child of Ethiopian, Zray pain on her skull. Sqd purest "slam", and later as the skull of a child's age. Three years ago, there lived 4400000 years ago in the deserts of Africa. "This is the first of its kind, the nature of human existence and the bones of children know the world millions of years ago. "He discovered the world's "peace." on 2006, to become one of the greatest scientific discoveries and he now serves as chairman of the Department of Archaeology at the California Academy of Sciences.
The museum displays the Ethiopian national fossil "exists", scholars have considered similar to humans, and bore the name of "Lucy". It is about 3200000 years old, is one of the most important statements human races that lived millions of years ago.Girl "Awstralwbythykyws Afarynsys" it is only 63 to 88 per cent of their brain volume.

, says Professor Fred spoor of the University College London, the new discovery will give scientists a detailed "how to grow old. Some ways the behaviour of our cousins.. At the time of human evolution, which appeared closer to the animal chimpanzees which are similar to us. "

Lucy made Google celebrates the anniversary every year on twenty-third of November, 41 years ago is the name of a fossil skeleton of the species Australopithecus afarensis, who had lived and died. Since 3.2000000 years old, Lucy Almtshatht was found 1974 in a labyrinth of narrow valleys in the Afar region of Ethiopia by the scientist Donald Johnson, Morris, and Tom Tayyb Gary. Almsthatht is

the discovery history of Lucy, Lucy?The 40% was discovered the skeleton of Llmsthatht Lucy and the scientists Bshbyh classified the human who knows the type of the Ethiopian afar, Australopithecus afarensis, Lucy 1 length.1 m, weight 29 kg, the scientists concluded that Lucy back structure is a female name proportion was fired by the British for the Beatles song, song the famous Lucy in the sky with diamonds in the mining camp.

Like the anatomical structure Llmsthatht Lucy chimps, the bones of the pelvis and lower limbs are similar in function with human bones, despite its small size, illustrates this. Encryption
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