النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 3:
The relationship of democracy is a dialectical relationship, close, it can not talk about education in the absence of private and public freedoms and lack of true democracy based on equity and equality of opportunity based on justiceAnd the faith of difference and diversity.
And you don't talk about democracy in the absence of real education and build quality and creativity, innovation and productive efficiencies, and admire the talent of the players, educators and the educated and dedicated to the research and explorationThe scientific knowledge.
and, therefore, the education democracy went hand in hand as a cash not penny. Breeding without democracy, no democracy, no education. "The Ahwjna today to the democratic education. In our country, there is no real citizenship and human rights and justice up to almost zero. "Our younger generation's rehabilitation morally qualified democratically and to guide the country's leadershipIn the light of the creative vision of democracy on the basis of the responsibility and discipline of true citizenship, the desire for freedom and change and state building and nation for access by the standards of creativity and innovation to the level of developed countries.A prosperous, culturally, scientifically and technologically.
So, what is education? And the concept of democracy? And what is the relationship between education and democracy? And what are the mechanisms of functioning of democracy in our educational system? And what are the difficulties encountered in the implementation of democracy activated in the educational situation and what are the solutions?To install democracy education? These are the questions which we will try to answer in this study is.1. The concept of Altrbyt:
do Wthdhyby educational, moral education aims at raising the learner sound and healthy social development.Education also contributes to the maintenance of community values and the customs, traditions, and tries hard to build good citizens, and further aims to change society and push it towards the road peace and prosperity through the realization of democracy and social justiceOptimal.
z a community structure of pedagogy is a morality, and raise the profile of its ranks of the developed countries and prosperous.
and education seriously incorporation of the individual in society Wtaqlma adaptation Wtsalha and change. It seeks to:"The full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of human rights and fundamental freedoms.The mean composition of personnel able to intellectual and moral independence of this independence, respect for others, according to deal equally why this independence projects for them. "
Generally speaking, education is the way to creativity, innovation and exploration, interpretation method research and democratize society based on freedom, individual initiative and the rule of meaningful debate and constructive criticism. And in order to build a soundIna participates in modernity and globalization, its productive capacity Wmktshfat inventions and developments of theory, technology and informatics.
, says Dr. Mohamed Labib Alnjyhy "as the goal of education is the fundamental development of thinking and intelligence, in the sense that this education work for freedom humanity.The emphasis on child development is the emphasis on the editing of the mental faculties of restrictions, and allow them to go up can be used effectively to potential living environment in.The free society is a society whose members are also involved in its development, guide social change incident.
where it enjoyed by members of the free education has contributed to the creation of an open society.Our open society a society that seeks to design, for its development, not only to maintain the status quo. The society is a society structured systems to take into account the reality of change in human affairs.A society that accepts the change as a way to eliminate corruption and decay, and human intelligence, cooperative effort of all members of society, all lead to the growth and progress of the humanity. "
Moreover, the breeding range of the core functions such as education and education, and enlightenment, emancipation of thought of myth and superstition and witchcraft, and limitations of humans towards the positive outlook and perfect.
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