عــــقــد عمل باللغتين العربيه و الهنديةتم في هذا اليوم من شهر ،عام 20 ترجمة - عــــقــد عمل باللغتين العربيه و الهنديةتم في هذا اليوم من شهر ،عام 20 الإنجليزية كيف أقول

عــــقــد عمل باللغتين العربيه و ال

عــــقــد عمل باللغتين العربيه و الهندية

تم في هذا اليوم من شهر ،عام 2013 في مدينة سيهات في القطيف، المملكة العربية السعودية ، التعاقد بين كل من:
صاحب العمل : علي بن مدن آل محسن ، سعودي يقيم في مدينة سيهات ، أصالة عن نفسه و يشار اليه في هذا العقد بـ : الطرف الاول.

الموظف/العامل: ...................................، الجنسية : هندي ، جواز رقم: ..... ..... ....... ...... تاريخ ...... ...... ...... مصدره: ...... ...... ......
العنوان: ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ....
ويشار له بـ: الطرف الثاني

اتفقا وهما بكامل الاهلية واتم الاوصاف القانونية اللازمة على الالتزام بهذا العقد راضين مختارين له، وتنفيذ بنوده وشروطه التالية:

1- طـبيـعــة الـعـــمــل:
يوظف الطرف الاول الطرف الثاني على وظيفة : سائق منزل خاص ليعمل لديه في المملكة العربية السعودية، ويخضع الطرف الثاني في عمله لأنظمة الوظيفة المتعارف عليها (سائق منزل خاص) وما يضيف اليها الطرف الاول، وتشمل: قيادة سيارات الطرف الأول لتوصيله أو عائلته ومن يأذن لهم كضيوفه الى الاماكن التي يحددها له. وتقع على الطرف الثاني مسؤولية العناية بالسيارات ونظافتها وسلامتها من التلفيات والأعطال المتعمدة، كما تشمل واجباته الرعاية الدورية لنظافة المنزل والنباتات، والمحافظة على أمن وسلامة المنزل وأصوله ومفاتيحه وجميع العهد المؤتمن عليها فيه. ويتعهد بالمحافظة على تنفيذ كل ما ذكر بأمانة وعناية مخلصة دون مخالفة لأنظمة المملكة وخاصة قوانين المرور، ويتحمل مسؤولية أيّة تلفيات أو خسائر وأضرار تحدث لممتلكات الطرف الأول نتيجة أي تقصير أو إهمال.
كما يقوم الطرف الثاني بشراء حاجيات الأسرة من أطعمة وأشياء أخرى وما شاكل ذلك من السوق في المنطقة. ويقوم بخدمة الضيوف وتقديم الطعام لهم في حال تواجدهم.

2- مــدة الـعـــقـــد:
أ‌- يسري هذا العقد لمدة سنتين ميلاديتين تبدأ من وصول الطرف الثاني إلى المملكة في وتنتهي في ...... ....... .........
وهو نافذ منذ تاريخ مباشرة الطرف الثاني لمسؤوليات عمله المبلغة له بهذا العقد وما يضيفه له الطرف الأول.
ب‌- يعتبر هذا العقد هو المرجع الوحيد للعلاقة بين طرفيه الموقعين، واتفق الطرفان وتراضيا على الالتزام بمقتضياته، وأن المتمم لما أغفله هذا العقد هو نظام العمل والعمال السعودي. وأن مرجعية التحكيم الشرعي (لما لم يرد في بنوده بوضوح) ينظر لدى الشرع الحنيف بالمملكة فقط.

3- الراتب الشهري الأساسي والفوائد:
يلتزم الطرف الأول للطرف الثاني نظير قيامه بشكل ممتاز بكافة الأعمال المنوطة به حسب الاتفاق بـــ :
أ‌- دفع راتب اساسي بنهاية كل شهر ميلادي قدره ( 1700 ) ريال سعودي.
ب‌- دفع بدل أكل شهريا (ما دام في الخدمة) قدره ( 300 ) ريال سعودي.
ت‌- منحه إجازة مدة شهرين بعد إكماله 24 شهرا في الخدمة، مع دفع راتب شهر واحد إضافي (دون بدل الاكل) في حال تنازل الطرف الثاني عن الإجازة - ما لم يتم يتفق الطرفان على تأجيل الإجازة الى فترة لاحقة.
ث‌- توفير سكن مريح مكيف ومؤثث، مزود بدورة مياه بسخان، ومكان للطهي.
ج‌- توفير الرعاية الطبية الأولية.
ح‌- تذكرة ذهاب وإياب لمدينة الاستقدام في البلد التي وفد منها الطرف الثاني، شريطة إتمامه كامل مدة العقد (24 شهرا ميلاديا).
خ- يقوم الطرف الأول بزيادة راتب الطرف الثاني كل سنة بمبلغ 100 ريال في حال قام الطرف بواجباته كاملة واتصف بالأمانة المطلوبة في هذا العمل، وإلا فإن الزيادة غير لازمة.

4- فترة الفحص والتجربة:
يخضع الطرف الأول الطرف الثاني لفترة تجريبية مدتها ثلاثة أشهر. وللطرف الأول الحق في إنهاء خدمات الطرف الثاني خلال تلك الفترة باعتباره مخلا بالعقد، ويطبق عليه البند (5) فقره (أولا)، كما تسري الشروط في المدة ما بعد الثلاثة شهور الباقية الى نهاية العقد في حالات:
أ‌- عدم إلمام الطرف الثاني بتنفيذ العمل والسياقة بشكل آمن وصحيح.
ب‌- تعمد إتلاف السيارة والتسبب في الاضرار بممتلكات الطرف الثاني، والتي تم تبليغه بطرق المحافظة عليها.
ت‌- الهروب من مكان العمل ومخالفة أنظمة العمل السعودية، بالعمل لدى الغير، أو القيام بأعمال اضافية للغير دون علم الطرف الأول لغرض تحقيق أجر إضافي.
ث‌- سوء السلوك والاخلاق والادب، وعدم احترام اصول واداب التعامل بحسب الدين والتقاليد المرعية في البلد.
ج‌- حصوله على رخصة قيادة غير صحيحة وغير صالحة، وارتكابه مخالفات السلامة المروية.
ح‌- وجود مرض عضال أو معدي أو معيق له عن أداء عمله.
خ‌- عصيان ورفض أو تعمد الإهمال والتقاعس في أداء مهام وطبيعة عمله (بند 1) المستقدم لأجلها والموقع عليها في هذا العقد أو مخالفته لأي من بنود هذا العقد.

5- إنهاء عقد العمل والشروط الجزائية:
لدفع ادّعاء الغرر والشك والجهالة من قبل الطرف الثاني، ولضمان جدّية الالتزام بمضمون العقد ومحتوياته والقيام بها خير قيام، فقد أطلع الطرف الأول الطرف الثاني على التكاليف المتكبدة نظير استقدامه الى المملكة للعمل لصالح الطرف الثاني منذ أول يوم تم اللقاء به ومقابلته للوظيفة، وقد عرف تفاصيل تلك المبالغ ومجملها، وأقر بعلمه بها وموافقته عليها، حتى يكون على معرفة بعواقب الشروط الجزائية التي سيتحملها في حالة إخلاله بالعقد، كما سترد في الفقرة (ثانيا) من هذا البند (5)، ومجملها مبلغ ( 11000) ريــال سعودي، تفصيلها حسب لحالتين التاليتين:

- الحالة الأولى: إذا كان ترحيله قبل مضي ثلاثة أشهر على قدومه، واستخراج وثائق الإقامة والعمل له، وتدريبه، فيتحمل الطرف الثاني إجمالي ما تكبده الطرف الأول (إن كان قد دفعها لمكتب الاستقدام في بلد الطرف الثاني)، ويشمل ما يلي:
• رسوم مكتب الاستقدام في بلد قدوم الطرف الثاني 5000 ريال
• رسوم دولة الاستقدام (مكتب العمل) 2000 ريال
• الفحص الطبي في بلده 300 ريال
• رسوم وضرائب أخرى محصلة في بلده 2000 ريال
• تذكره إعادته من المملكة الى بلده 1700 ريال
الاجمالي 11000 ريال

من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Contract work in Arabic and Hindi.In this day of month, 2013 at the city center in Qatif, Saudi Arabia, contract between: Employer: Ali bin Saudi cities plus, staying in the city center, about himself, and is referred to in this contract: first party. Employee/worker:................................... , Nationality: Indian, a passport number:....................... تاريخ ...... ...... ...... مصدره: ...... ...... ......العنوان: ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... And referred to: the second party The two agreed to full capacity and completed the necessary legal descriptions to abide by this contract is unhappy with his chosen, and execute the following terms and conditions:1. I p p e l p m to:Hires first party second party on the job: private house works driver in Saudi Arabia, and the second party at his customary job systems (private home driver) and adds to her first party, include: driving the first party to ride or his family and authorized as his guests to the places specified by him. Located on the other side the responsibility of care and cleanliness and safety of damages and intentional disruptions, and periodic care duties for a cleaner house plants, and maintain the security and integrity of the House and his origins and his keys and all the Covenant trustee therein. And undertakes to maintain the implementation of all male honestly and sincerely care without violating the regulations of the Kingdom and especially traffic laws, and bears the responsibility for any damage or loss and damage occur to the first party property due to any fault or negligence.As the second party purchases family of foods and other things etc from the market in the region. And the guest service and catering to them in case they are. 2. the duration of the contract: A valid contract for two years after Christ starting from the second party access to a Kingdom and ending in...................... It is effective from the date of the second party of its responsibilities directly communicated to him by this contract and to add his first party.B-this decade is the only reference to the relationship between Terminal locations, acquiesced and agreed to abide by its requirements, completing what had been overlooked in this contract is the system of work and workers. And legitimate arbitration reference (unless its clearly) I have seen true Sharia in Saudi Arabia only.3. the basic monthly salary and benefits:The first party is committed to the second party for doing excellently in all its actions as agreed:A basic salary paid by the end of each calendar month (1700) SR.B-eat monthly allowance (as long as) (300) SR.T-leave months after completed 24 months of service, with an additional payment of one month's salary (without eating allowance) if the latter concession of leave unless the parties agree to defer to a later period. W-ergonomic housing air conditioning and furnished, equipped with a bathroom heater, and cooking.C-primary medical care. H-return ticket for city recruitment in the country in which the second party ones, provided delegation completed the entire duration of the contract (24 months Gregorian).FS-first party second party's salary increase each year in the amount of 100 riyals if the party full duties and characterized by honesty required in this work, otherwise the increase unnecessary.4. the examination period and experience: First party second party is subject to a trial period of three months. The first party the right to terminate the services of the second party during that period as a breach of contract, applies to item (5) paragraph (I), as well as the conditions in the remaining three months after the end of the contract in cases of:A lack of knowledge of the other party to carry out the work and driving safely and properly.B-destroying the car and causing damage to the property of the other party, which has been communicated in ways that maintain them.-Escape from the workplace and violations of regulations work, employment, or do extra work to others without the knowledge of the first party for the purpose of overtime.W-misconduct and ethics literature, and disrespect by etiquette and origins of religion and traditions observed in the country.C obtaining a driver's license is incorrect and invalid, and committing irregularities irrigated safety.H-having an incurable disease or contagious or constrained him from doing his job.FS-mutiny and refuse or wilfully neglect and failure to perform tasks and nature of work (item 1) for which the applicant and signed in this contract or the breach of any of the terms of this contract.5. the termination of the employment contract and clauses:To pay the claim of ambiguity and doubt and due diligence by the second party, and to ensure serious commitment to the substance and content of the contract and do them well, first party has informed the party of the second part of the costs incurred for consulting to the Kingdom to work for second party since day one has been to meet him and see him for the job, and he knew the details of those amounts and its entirety, acknowledging his knowledge and approval, so be aware of the consequences of that would be charged if penalty clauses in breach of contract, as reflected in paragraph (ii) of this item (5), and the whole amount ( SR 11000), broken down by the following cases:- الحالة الأولى: إذا كان ترحيله قبل مضي ثلاثة أشهر على قدومه، واستخراج وثائق الإقامة والعمل له، وتدريبه، فيتحمل الطرف الثاني إجمالي ما تكبده الطرف الأول (إن كان قد دفعها لمكتب الاستقدام في بلد الطرف الثاني)، ويشمل ما يلي:• رسوم مكتب الاستقدام في بلد قدوم الطرف الثاني 5000 ريال• رسوم دولة الاستقدام (مكتب العمل) 2000 ريال• الفحص الطبي في بلده 300 ريال• رسوم وضرائب أخرى محصلة في بلده 2000 ريال• تذكره إعادته من المملكة الى بلده 1700 ريال الاجمالي 11000 ريال
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
A labor contract in both Arabic and Indian

was on this day of the month, in 2013 in the city of Seihat in Qatif, Saudi Arabia, the contract between:
Employer: Ali bin cities Al Mohsen, a Saudi resident in the city of Seihat, originality for himself and referred to in this contract , b: the first party.

Employee / worker: ..................................., Nationality: Indian, passport number: ... .. ..... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... date of origin: ...... ... ... ......
address: .... ....... ....... ....... .... .... ...... . .... ....... ....... .... ....
and it referred to him as second party

agreed two full civil and completed the necessary legal descriptions on the commitment to this unhappy selected his contract and implementation conditions of the following conditions:

1. the nature of the work:
hiring the first party the second party to function: the driver of a private home to works for him in Saudi Arabia, and is subject to the second party in the work of systems accepted Position (driver of a private home) and adds to it the first party, include: leadership cars first party to connect or his family and authorize them to Kdioufh places determined by him. It is the second party liability car care and cleanliness and safety of deliberate damage and malfunctions, as his duties include periodic care to clean the house and plants, and to maintain the security and integrity of the house and his assets and his keys and all trustee Covenant forth herein. And undertake to keep the implementation of all of the honesty and sincere care without violating the laws of the Kingdom, especially traffic laws, and take responsibility for any damage or loss and damage occurring to the first party property as a result of any default or negligence.
As the second party to buy the family 's needs of food and other things and other such market in the region. The guest service and catering to them if they are .

2. The duration of the contract: (
a) This contract is valid for two years Maladetyn starting from the arrival of the second party to the kingdom in and ends in ...... ....... .........
which is in force since the date of commencement the second party of the responsibilities of the amount of his work in this decade and adds it to him the first party.
( B ) This contract is the only reference to the relationship between the ends of the signatories, and the parties agreed to be bound and Trazia Bmqtadhaath, and complementary to overlooked this contract is a Saudi Arabian Labor system. And that forensic arbitration reference (not what is contained in clauses clearly) looks at religion Shara Kingdom only.

3. The basic monthly salary and benefits: the
first party to the second party is committed to a peer doing excellently in all business entrusted to him according to the agreement by: (
a) payment of basic salary at the end of each calendar month of 1700 SR.
( B ) pay instead of eating a month (as long as the service) of (300) SR.
C granted leave for two months after completing 24 months in service, with the payment of one month 's salary an additional (without eating instead) in the event of a waiver second party for the leave - unless the parties agree to postpone the leave to a later period.
D provide comfortable accommodation conditioner and furnished, SQL cycle water heater, and a place to cook.
( C ) the provision of primary medical care.
H ticket round trip to the city of recruiters in the country by a delegation including the second party, subject to completion of the entire contract period (24 months AD).
G. The first party the second party salary increase each year , amounting to SR 100 in the event of the full party duties and characterized required the Secretariat in this work, but the increase is needed.

4. Inspection and test period: the
first party the second party is subject to a trial period of three months. For the first party the right to terminate the second party services during that period as a breach of contract, and applied to him the item (5) items (i), as conditions in the period beyond three months remaining valid until the end of the contract in cases of : (
a) lack of familiarity with the second party implementation of the action and driving safely and properly.
B. Intentionally damaging the car and causing damage to the property of the second party, which has been communicated in ways that maintain them.
C escape from the place of employment and breach of the Saudi labor regulations, working with third parties, or to do extra work to others without the knowledge of the first party for the purpose of achieving an extra fee.
W misconduct, ethics, literature, and the lack of respect the origins and etiquette , according to religion and tradition observed in the country.
( C ) obtaining a driver 's incorrect and invalid license, committing infractions of safety irrigated.
( H ) the existence of an incurable disease or contagious or counterproductive him to perform his work.
G. disobedience and refusal or deliberate neglect and failure to perform the functions and nature of his work (item 1) Almstkdm for her and signed in this contract or breach any of the terms of this contract.

5. termination of employment and conditions of penal held:
to pay a claim of prejudice, suspicion and ignorance by the second party, and to ensure serious commitment to the content of the contract and its contents and do the best way possible, the first party the second party to the costs incurred were briefed peer brought in to the UK to work in favor of the second party since the first day was to meet him and see him for the job, he has been known the details of these amounts and their entirety, and passed his knowledge with and approval by, even have to know the consequences of penalty clauses to be borne in the event of breach of contract, and will be contained in paragraph (ii) of this item (5), and the whole amount (11 000 SR), broken down by the following two cases:

- the first case: If deported before the lapse of three months for coming, and extract and residency documents and work for him, and his training, he bears the second party Total incurred by the first party (if he had paid to the Office of recruitment in the country of the second party ), and includes the following:
• recruitment office in the country of arrival of the second party 5000 Real fees
• State of recruitment fees (ILO) in 2000 riyals
• medical examination in his SR 300
• other fees and taxes , the result in his 2000 Real
• remembered return of the kingdom to his SR 1700
total of 11,000 riyals

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Qd bilingual in Arabic and HindiOn this day, 2013, in the city of saihat, Qatif, Saudi Arabia, the contract between the both.Employer: Ali Ibn al Mohsen, Saudi cities lived in saihat City, on behalf of himself, and is referred to in this contract, the first party.The employee / worker,...,...,...,... Um..., nationality: Indian passport No.:. ... ... The... The history of... The... The... From... To... The... The...Address:... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...Commonly referred to as the second party.Have two full civil and legal descriptions were required to abide by the contract, content management, and implementation of its terms and conditions.1. The Tbyt Alml:Employing the first party and second party functionality: a driver to work in Saudi Arabia, the second party in his customary systems function) a driver) and add it to the first party, include: motor drive, first party or his family is authorized to connect it Kdywfh settings specified by him. Is the responsibility of the second party damage car care and cleanliness and safety of conscious disturbance, and the periodic duty of care to clean the house and plants, maintaining security and safety in the home. And its Wmfatyhh all entrusted to it. The implementation of conservation it all, honestly and sincerely no violation of regulations of the kingdom in particular traffic laws, shall be liable for any damages or losses and damage occurred to the property of the party first due to any fault or negligence.The second party family grocery shopping, foods and other objects and the like of the market in the region. The guest service, catering to them in their presence.2. The term of office Alqd:A contract is valid for two years Myladytyn, beginning from the second party access to the kingdom in the... ... The... The...It is second party since the date of the direct responsibilities of the work reported has a contract and, adding to the first party.B - this is the only reference to the relationship between contract parties signed, the two sides agreed Wtradya to Bmqtdyath and cDNA for overlooked the system Saudi labor law. The checklist of legal arbitration (for the items clearly) look to the Islamic Sharia in the kingdom.3. The basic monthly salary and benefits.The first party, the second party peer of doing well in all of his work as agreed.A. the basic salary paid at the end of each calendar month of Sr (1700).B - eat monthly allowance (while in the service of Sr (300).C - to grant leave for two months after completing 24 months of service, with an additional payment of one month's salary (without instead of eating) in the case of waiver of Party second on leave, unless the parties agree to defer the leave to a later period.D - to provide housing and comfortable, equipped with air conditioning Wmthth Bskhan water, and cooking utensils.E. provision of primary medical care.H - return ticket to recruitment in the country would be second party, provided that completed the entire 24 months contract period (AD).X first increase of salary. The party second party every year at SR 100 in the case that the party was his full Balama
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
دعم الترجمة أداة: الآيسلندية, الأذرية, الأردية, الأفريقانية, الألبانية, الألمانية, الأمهرية, الأوديا (الأوريا), الأوزبكية, الأوكرانية, الأويغورية, الأيرلندية, الإسبانية, الإستونية, الإنجليزية, الإندونيسية, الإيطالية, الإيغبو, الارمنية, الاسبرانتو, الاسكتلندية الغالية, الباسكية, الباشتوية, البرتغالية, البلغارية, البنجابية, البنغالية, البورمية, البوسنية, البولندية, البيلاروسية, التاميلية, التايلاندية, التتارية, التركمانية, التركية, التشيكية, التعرّف التلقائي على اللغة, التيلوجو, الجاليكية, الجاوية, الجورجية, الخؤوصا, الخميرية, الدانماركية, الروسية, الرومانية, الزولوية, الساموانية, الساندينيزية, السلوفاكية, السلوفينية, السندية, السنهالية, السواحيلية, السويدية, السيبيوانية, السيسوتو, الشونا, الصربية, الصومالية, الصينية, الطاجيكي, العبرية, العربية, الغوجراتية, الفارسية, الفرنسية, الفريزية, الفلبينية, الفنلندية, الفيتنامية, القطلونية, القيرغيزية, الكازاكي, الكانادا, الكردية, الكرواتية, الكشف التلقائي, الكورسيكي, الكورية, الكينيارواندية, اللاتفية, اللاتينية, اللاوو, اللغة الكريولية الهايتية, اللوكسمبورغية, الليتوانية, المالايالامية, المالطيّة, الماورية, المدغشقرية, المقدونية, الملايو, المنغولية, المهراتية, النرويجية, النيبالية, الهمونجية, الهندية, الهنغارية, الهوسا, الهولندية, الويلزية, اليورباية, اليونانية, الييدية, تشيتشوا, كلينجون, لغة هاواي, ياباني, لغة الترجمة.

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